is a modern (Firebird 3+ client, Node.js 18+, TypeScript) native client for Firebird based in the
yarn add node-firebird-driver-native
import { createNativeClient, getDefaultLibraryFilename } from 'node-firebird-driver-native';
async function test() {
const client = createNativeClient(getDefaultLibraryFilename());
const attachment = await client.createDatabase('/tmp/new-db.fdb');
const transaction = await attachment.startTransaction();
await attachment.execute(transaction, 'create table t1 (n integer, d date)');
await transaction.commitRetaining();
const statement1 = await attachment.prepare(transaction, 'insert into t1 values (?, ?)');
await statement1.execute(transaction, [1, new Date()]);
await statement1.execute(transaction, [2, new Date()]);
await statement1.execute(transaction, [3, new Date()]);
await statement1.dispose();
const resultSet = await attachment.executeQuery(transaction, 'select n, d from t1 where n <= ?', [2]);
const rows = await resultSet.fetch();
for (const columns of rows)
console.log(`n: ${columns[0]}, d: ${columns[1]}`);
await resultSet.close();
await transaction.commit();
await attachment.dropDatabase();
await client.dispose();
test().then(() => console.log('Finish...'));
See more examples in packages/node-firebird-driver/src/test directory.
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- GitHub Sponsor:
- Pix (Brazil): 278dd4e5-8226-494d-93a9-f3fb8a027a99
- BTC: 1Q1W3tLD1xbk81kTeFqobiyrEXcKN1GfHG