Simple encapsulation uses Puppeteer to convert HTML to files.
Added headless browser cache and page cache.
Use simple task queues to improve the conversion request performance and the ability to merge
npm install node-html-file --save
yarn add node-html-file --save
The initial creation instance ensures that the browser and page are not completely cached
const TransformToTile = require("node-html-file");
// create transform instance and pass the number of pages parameters,4 by default;
// 创建转换实例,并且传递需要缓存的页面数量,根据实际并发情况缓存,不考虑并发缓存一个页面即可;默认情况下会缓存四个页面
const transform = new TransformToTile(4)
start to transform:
const html = "<div>this is test html content<div>"
// will add to tasks queue,and will consumer queue until no task added
// path是转存服务器本地的路径;
type: "jpeg", // png/pdf
path: "./transform.jpeg",
isBuffer: true,
callback: (buffer) => {
console.log("transform file finished")