Node-RED node for todomvc-api
A simple TodoMVC API
To install the stable version use the Menu - Manage palette - Install
option and search for node-red-contrib-todomvc-api, or run the following
command in your Node-RED user directory, typically ~/.node-red
npm install node-red-contrib-todomvc-api
List all tasks
X-Fields : string
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'
Create a new task
payload :
X-Fields : string
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'
Update a task given its identifier
payload :
X-Fields : string
id : integer
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'
Fetch a given resource
X-Fields : string
id : integer
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'
Delete a task given its identifier
id : integer
Accept : 'application/json'
Content-Type : 'application/json'