TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.0.0 • Public • Published


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About :

node-vimeo is an Un-Official Nodejs-Vimeo Wrapper for Parsing/Scrapping HTML Page of Vimeo Videos/Channels/Groups and many more related to Vimeo , The Wrapper helps for making a smooth API Call endpoints too for fetching Data from Official Vimeo API using client ID and client Secret


Install node-vimeo

$ npm install --save node-vimeo


  • Soft and Hard fetch methods Integrated with vimeoTracks Class
  • Package can be used with Commonjs or ES6 Type of Javascript and typings included
  • HTML Scrapper/Parser and even Support fetching of Stream Readable for HTML 5 Players/Piping
  • Custom Vimeo Wrapper and have many functions to fetch data
  • Better Error Handlers and Request Handlers
  • Api EndPoints Support (soon)
  • User/Group Fetch Data Support (soon)


Schemes :

Parsed Vimeo Track:

vimeoTrack {
  title: 'Inledning - grupputbildning',
  url: '',
  description: 'Inledning. Visas i gruputbildning i Möts & Lär. Grupputbildning_Inledning_1920x1080_200414_1',
  duration: { ms: 143000, readable: '2m 23s' },
  thumbnails: {
    '640': '',
    '960': '',
    '1280': '',
    base: ''
  author: {
    type: 'live_premium',
    name: 'STR',
    url: '',
    images: {
      normal: '',
      normal2X: ''
    authorId: 32313364
  trackId: 407943692,
  privacy: 'anybody',
  language: undefined,
  shareURL: '',
  isLive: false,
  streamMetadata: {
    type: 'video/mp4',
    width: 1280,
    height: 720,
    fps: 25,
    quality: '720p',
    streamUrl: '',
    buffer: StreamReadable
  htmlPlayer: {
    url: '',
    width: '1280',
    height: '720'

Raw Vimeo Track Scheme :

vimeoTrack {
  fb_app_id: '19884028963',
  viewport: 'width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=5.0,user-scalable=yes',
  site_name: 'Vimeo',
  url: '',
  type: 'video.other',
  title: 'Fly - imai ft. 79, Kaho Nakamura',
  description: 'Stop-motioned various kinds of mochi at my grandparents' place.  Direction/animation: Baku Hashimoto Logo design: 79  Track by imai (group_inou) featuring…',
  updated_time: '2022-03-19T13:55:55-04:00',
  image: '',
  image_secure_url: '',
  image_type: 'image/jpg',
  image_width: '1280',
  image_height: '720',
  video_url: '',
  video_secure_url: '',
  video_type: 'text/html',
  video_width: '1280',
  video_height: '720',
  ios_app_name: 'Vimeo',
  ios_app_store_id: '425194759',
  ios_url: 'vimeo://',
  android_app_name: 'Vimeo',
  android_package: '',
  android_url: 'vimeo://',
  web_should_fallback: 'true',
  video_director: '',
  video_other_tag: 'motion graphics',
  card: 'player',
  site: '@vimeo',
  player: '',
  player_width: '1280',
  player_height: '720',
  app_name_iphone: 'Vimeo',
  app_id_iphone: '425194759',
  app_url_iphone: 'vimeo://',
  app_name_ipad: 'Vimeo',
  app_id_ipad: '425194759',
  app_url_ipad: 'vimeo://',
  app_name_googleplay: 'Vimeo',
  app_id_googleplay: '',
  app_url_googleplay: 'vimeo://',
  creator: '_baku89',
  creator_id: '339501114',
  msapplication_TileImage: '',
  msapplication_TileColor: '#00adef',
  rating: { id: 6 },
  version: { current: null, available: null },
  height: 1080,
  duration: 194,
  thumbs: {
    '640': '',
    '960': '',
    '1280': '',
    base: ''
  owner: {
    account_type: 'plus',
    name: 'Baku 麦',
    img: '',
    url: '',
    img_2x: '',
    id: 4818669
  id: 246660563,
  embed_code: '<iframe title="vimeo-player" src="" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>',
  share_url: '',
  width: 1920,
  embed_permission: 'public',
  fps: 15,
  spatial: 0,
  live_event: null,
  allow_hd: 1,
  hd: 1,
  lang: 'en',
  default_to_hd: 1,
  privacy: 'anybody',
  bypass_token: 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJjbGlwX2lkIjoyNDY2NjA1NjMsImV4cCI6MTY0NzcxNjQ2MH0.gBg4bSdNe-DuA_jGxaNGbOiPu0XNv81oOUFyOiUDuzM',
  unlisted_hash: null,
  streamMetadata: {
    profile: '175',
    width: 1920,
    mime: 'video/mp4',
    fps: 15,
    url: '',
    cdn: 'akamai_interconnect',
    quality: '1080p',
    id: '0173d7d2-ea4e-4c9c-8c73-3b0ddfe1112f',
    origin: 'gcs',
    height: 1080,
    buffer: StreamReadable

Example :

const { vimeo } = require("node-vimeo");

new Promise(async () => {
  let rawVimeoTrack = await vimeo.html("", {
    fetchOptions: { fetchStreamReadable: true },

Credits :

  • We are thanking @vimeo for Providing a great Platform for Songs Creators and Song Lovers
  • We are not Working Under or Collaborating with Official Vimeo for the node-vimeo Wrapper


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  • sidislive