
0.9.2 • Public • Published


Node module that will log a JSON object to stderr if the process is crashing with a fatal error.

Prebuilt binaries are hosted in the Github release to simplify use. An alpine compatible version is included.

The package is setup with node-pre-gyp so if the needed binary exists in the Github releases, it will downloaded. But if does not exist, it will be compiled locally.


The default behavior for Node.js when encountering a fatal error is to print useful info to standard error and crash. But this data is unstructured, so if you are using a log monitoring service that expects JSON objects, it is not very helpful. This corrects that to get the basic data into JSON form so that it can be processed by log monitoring services.


npm install node_log_json_on_fatal

The module exports one function with the signature:

function setup(template, msgPath='message', locPath='location')

It can be used like:

const fatal = require('node_log_json_on_fatal');

const template = {
    whatever: 'fields that need to be logged',
    canBe: {
        nested: true,
        lists: [true, true],
    details: {},

fatal.setup(template, 'details.message', 'details.location');

If the process crashes with a Node.js fatal error, the V8 supplied message and location with be added to the template object at the specified paths and the object will be logged as JSON.

NOTE: The module deep clones the template, meaning later changes to it will not be reflected in the output.



This uses node-gyp for building, so you'll need the normal C++ build tools like make and a compiler.

A basic build and test cycle can use invoked with:

npm run test


In this repo, Github actions are setup to build the binaries for the common operating systems when a Github release is created. So, the process for releasing a version is:

  1. git fetch
  2. git status
  3. vi
  4. git add
  5. npm version -f -m "Release new version" <new-version>
  6. git push && git push --tags
  7. Create a release on github to build binaries
  8. npm publish

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npm i node_log_json_on_fatal

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  • jimgroks