
0.17.2 • Public • Published

Nodeclipse CLI & Installer

NPM version

Node.js Development with Eclipse or Enide Studio

Install with npm install -g nodeclipse

Usage: just run nodeclipse -p to add needed .project file to current directory

In Eclipse File -> Import -> General / Existing Projects into Workspace

Check on how to get Nodeclipse or Enide Studio

Nodeclipse CLI Commands

nodeclipse -h

Usage: nodeclipse [arguments]

  -c, --create <name>      create project folder <name> [using template] and prepare it
  -u, --use <template>     use/copy specified template when creating project
  -p, --prepare            prepare Nodeclipse [Node.js] project for import, i.e. add needed `.project`
  							and other `.*` files ('.gitignore', '.jshintrc', '.settings/') if there is no `.project` yet
  -g, --eclipse_project_general   prepare General Eclipse project for import, i.e. add only needed `.project` file
  -n, --name [<name>]      project name (default is folder name)
  -h, --help               Check README
  -v, --version            print nodeclipse CLI's version
  -V, --verbose            be verbose

Templates are just folders in this project sources:
  hello-world              	The famous hello world HTTP server in 6 lines
  hello-coffee	           	The same server written in CoffeeScript
  hello-typescript         	The same server written in TypeScript
  hello-html		       	Template with HTML file
  template-gradle-java     	Gradle Java project
  template-maven-java      	Maven Java project


nodeclipse -p

nodeclipse --prepare project1

nodeclipse --create project2

nodeclipse --create project3 --use hello-coffee

nodeclipse -c project4 -u hello-coffee

Nodeclipse CLI installer

Nodeclipse CLI installer is for installing/updating plugins into Eclipse/Enide Studio. It is much quicker way when you need to automate and know exactly what you need. Limitation:

  • no dependencies resolution.
  • only for eclipse in current folder

nodeclipse -h install

    Nodeclipse CLI Installer
        nodeclipse help
        nodeclipse help aliases
      Usage (from folder with eclipse):
        nodeclipse list [<repository>]
          repository may be name (nodeclipse, kepler, luna) or URL (http of file)
            Repositories names(12): dev nodeclipse-updates enide-repository indigo juno 4.3 kepler 4.4 luna 4.5 mars current
          default repositoryURL is
          <repository> may be file e.g. jar:file:/D:/path/to/!/
        nodeclipse install <alias|> [...]
        nodeclipse install from <repository> <alias|> [...]
        nodeclipse uninstall <alias|> [...]
        nodeclipse update [from <repository>] <alias|> [...]
        nodeclipse install all from <repository> // BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU ASK FOR
        nodeclipse materialize [from <repository>] to <folder>
        nodeclipse materialize from <repository> [for <environemt>] to <folder>
            Environment names(5): linux32 linux64 win32 win64 macosx
            Plugin aliases(25): egit git gfm gradle hudson icons jjs jshint jsdt less markdown maven mongodb moonrise nodejs pde-tools phantomjs pluginslist restclient shelled startexpl
    orer themes wikitext yaml
        nodeclipse install nodejs from nodeclipse,kepler
        nodeclipse install egit
        nodeclipse install markdown wikitext yaml
        nodeclipse install from enide less
        nodeclipse update jshint
        nodeclipse materialize from luna to D:/Progs/EclipseLuna1/
cd path/to/eclipse
nodeclipse install markdown

or if you are in a hurry

cd path/to/eclipse && nodeclipse i gfm markdown startexplorer

If while installing you get errors, that you don't know how to solve, use Eclipse GUI or raise an issue.

Usage: nodeclipse install [aliases] Mapped aliases: egit git gfm gradle icons jjs markdown mongodb moonrise nodejs phantomjs pluginslist restclient shelled startexplorer


  • When updating, I noticed that Eclipse once reported conflict when installing 'nodejs', but was OK for second try.
  • Cannot resolute to install required JSDT for Nodeclipse nodejs. Install JSDT version specific for your Eclipse version using Eclipse GUI.

Eclipse Workspace and Project

Eclipse Workspace is just folder that contains Eclipse Projects. Eclipse Projects is just folder with .project file.

Developing Nodeclipse CLI


Project sources are at under

Hint before publishing

  • try with npm install . -g
  • check that nodeclipse.js (inside bin folder) line ending is UNIX style (#101)

#4341 common-templates/.gitignore becomes common-templates/.npmignore


The only feature that differentiates a command-line program from a library is the bin field in the package.json file.


  • 0.8.2 fix #101 (bug on MacOS); -g option
  • 0.8.3 fix general project template
  • 0.10.0 add 2 java templates
  • 0.10.5 add Nodeclipse CLI Installer (example nodeclipse install markdown)
  • 0.10.6 fix #101 again; total aliases=20
  • 0.10.8 add maven, gradle features; install from .zip; install all
  • 0.10.9 comma-sep-list of repositories; lookup for repositories.
    Examples: nci install from kepler jsdt
  • 0.10.10 uninstall, materialize Examples: nci uninstall , nci new from luna to d:/progs/eclipse-diy-luna/
  • 0.11.0 update command as p2-director needs uninstall then install (example nodeclipse update markdown)
  • 0.17
    • add mars and 4.5 repositories
    • add explicitly jshint alias to do nodeclipse update jshint (it is also part of nodejs alias)
  • 0.17.1 Android templates are not ready
  • 0.17.2 add AngularJS, Color IDE Pack, Nodeclipse EditBox, Emmet, JDT Spelling, JSHint, TCF-Termnals, Zip Editor



Ideas and TODOs

  android-application		Eclipse files for Android App (that can be create with  
  		`android create project -p AppPAKTGV -a MainAcivity -k com.example.apppaktgv -t android-19 -g -v 0.12.+`)	
  android-library			Eclipse files for Android Library

$ nodeclipse -h
Usage: nodeclipse [directory] [arguments]

  -f, --force              force on non-empty directory (by default existing files are not updated)
  -pg					as general project
  -pn	 				as Nodeclipse Node.js project (default)
  -t, --template <template>     use/copy specified template when creating project (see also `git init`)
  --gitclone <repository>			call git clone [directory]
  --js2njs (renamejs)

TODO Examples:

git clone repository directory
nodeclipse directory -pg	

nodeclipse directory -pg --gitclone repository 
nodeclipse --gitclone repository directory -pg (bad?)

Dream - I wish I could get current project in GitHub as project in Eclipse with 1 click. options are:

  • eclipse wizards accessible with icon, where I only need to git repository URL
  • add link on Wizard Page
  • options to refine .jshintrc

Build Eclipse Java Project from Command Line

List of workspace projects <workspace>\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.resources\.projects\

Package Sidebar


npm i nodeclipse

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Last publish


  • paul.verest