With NSS-Ellipsis you can add ellipsis to multiline text
Codepen DEMO
NSS-Ellipsis can be installed with npm or simply using a content delivery network (CDN) URL to embed NSS-Ellipsis directly on your HTML page.
NPM Install
npm install nss-ellipsis
The correct way to import NSS-Ellipsis is:
import NSSEllipsis from 'nss-ellipsis'
NSSEllipsis.update(element, 3)
// to set precision to letter
NSSEllipsis.update(element, 3, NSSEllipsis.LETTER_PRECISION)
Using common file:
<script async src="../dist/nss-ellipsis.common.js"></script>
Latest Release can be downloaded here
Current features
- ellipsis a dom element (yeah)
- lineMax
- precision to word or letter
Basic Usage Example
const element = document.getElementById(id)
const lineMax = 3
NSSEllipsis.update(element, lineMax)
// it's Responsive Baby!!!
const lineMax = 2;
const onResize = function() {
[...document.querySelectorAll(".to-ellipsis")].map(element => {
NSSEllipsis.update(element, 3)
window.addEventListener('resize', onResize)
npm install
npm run build
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