- cli-tool
- generate some one-line function FOR ascii extn-chars (128 - 255)
- used for TEST nvlang DSL building tools
- normally USESLESS
- npm install nv-cli-ascii-extn-char -g
Usage: nv_cli_ascii_ctrl_char [options]
-o, --or or
-b, --between between from to
-f, --is_func_name is_func_name FOR or, DFLT is is_func
-s, --slcted slcted
-c, --const OUTPUT const ... = ...; FORMAT
-?, --is_allike ª À Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ à á â ã ä å æ
-e, --is_elike "È" "É" "Ê" "Ë" "è" "é" "ê" "ë"
-O, --is_olike "ö","õ","ô","ó","ò","Ö","Õ","Ô","Ó","Ò","ø","Ø","º","¤"
-I, --is_ilike "Ì","Í","Î","Ï","ì","í","î","ï"
-u, --is_ulike "ü","û","ú","ù","Ü","Û","Ú","Ù"
-y, --is_ylike "ÿ" ,"ý","Ý","¥"
-B, --is_blk « »
-S, --is_sp 160(nbsp) AND 173(shy)
-x, --is_slash_x need to be stringify as \x??
-n, --names char names
-M, --map MAPS
-i, --is_api_names is_api_names
-h, --help usage
nv-cli-ascii-extn-char# nv_cli_ascii_extn_char -a -c
// 'ª' 'À' 'Á' 'Â' 'Ã' 'Ä' 'Å' 'Æ' 'à' 'á' 'â' 'ã' 'ä' 'å' 'æ'
const is_alike = (c)=> (c===170) || (c>=192 && c<=198) || (c>=224 && c<=229) || (c===230);
nv-cli-ascii-extn-char# nv_cli_ascii_extn_char -e
// "È" "É" "Ê" "Ë" "è" "é" "ê" "ë"
module.exports = {
is_elike:(c)=>(c>=200 && c<=203) || (c>=232 && c<=235),
// "Ì","Í","Î","Ï","ì","í","î","ï"
module.exports = {
is_ilike:(c)=>(c>=204 && c<=207) || (c>=236 && c<=239),
// "ö","õ","ô","ó","ò","Ö","Õ","Ô","Ó","Ò","ø","Ø","º","¤"
module.exports = {
is_olike:(c)=>(c===164 || c===186 || c===216 || c===248) || (c>=210 && c<=214) || (c>=242 && c<=246),
// "ü","û","ú","ù","Ü","Û","Ú","Ù"
module.exports = {
is_ulike:(c)=>(c>=217 && c<=220) || (c>=249 && c<=252),
// "ÿ" ,"ý","Ý","¥"
module.exports = {
is_ylike:(c)=>c===165 || c===221 || c===253 || c===255,
nv-cli-ascii-extn-char# nv_cli_ascii_extn_char -S
module.exports = {
is_nbsp : (c) => (c===160),
is_shy : (c) => (c===173),
is_sp : (c) => (c===160) || (c===173),
nv-cli-ascii-extn-char# nv_cli_ascii_extn_char -B
module.exports = {
is_laquo : (c) => (c===171),
is_raquo : (c) => (c===187),
is_quo : (c) => is_laquo(c) || is_raquo(c),
get_quo_rb : (c) => is_laquo(c)?187:-1,
get_quo_lb : (c) => is_rqquo(c)?171:-1,
nv-cli-ascii-extn-char# nv_cli_ascii_extn_char -b -s 160 170 180 190 -c
const is_$nbsp_ordf$rtq_frac34 = (c) => (c>=160 && c<=170) || (c>=180 && c<=190);
nv-cli-ascii-extn-char----# nv_cli_ascii_extn_char -x -c
//alias: is_$x80_x9f :
const codify_to_slashx = (c) => '\\x' + c.toString(16);
const is_slash_x = (c) => (c>=128 && c<=159);
nv-cli-ascii-extn-char----# nv_cli_ascii_extn_char -x
//alias: is_$x80_x9f :
codify_to_slashx : (c) => '\\x' + c.toString(16),
is_slash_x : (c) => (c>=128 && c<=159),
nv-cli-ascii-extn-char#nv_cli_ascii_extn_char -o -s grave circ -c -f is_grave_or_circ
const is_grave_or_circ = (c === 192) || (c === 200) || (c === 204) || (c === 210) || (c === 217) || (c === 224) || (c === 232) || (c === 236) || (c === 242) || (c === 249) || (c === 194) || (c === 202) || (c === 206) || (c === 212) || (c === 219) || (c === 226) || (c === 234) || (c === 238) || (c === 244) || (c === 251);
nv-cli-ascii-extn-char# nv_cli_ascii_extn_char -s lower
module.exports = {
is_lower_agrave : (c) => c===224 ,
is_lower_aacute : (c) => c===225 ,
is_lower_acirc : (c) => c===226 ,
is_lower_atilde : (c) => c===227 ,
is_lower_auml : (c) => c===228 ,
is_lower_aring : (c) => c===229 ,
is_lower_aelig : (c) => c===230 ,
is_lower_ccedil : (c) => c===231 ,
is_lower_egrave : (c) => c===232 ,
is_lower_eacute : (c) => c===233 ,
is_lower_ecirc : (c) => c===234 ,
is_lower_euml : (c) => c===235 ,
is_lower_igrave : (c) => c===236 ,
is_lower_iacute : (c) => c===237 ,
is_lower_icirc : (c) => c===238 ,
is_lower_iuml : (c) => c===239 ,
is_lower_eth : (c) => c===240 ,
is_lower_ntilde : (c) => c===241 ,
is_lower_ograve : (c) => c===242 ,
is_lower_oacute : (c) => c===243 ,
is_lower_ocirc : (c) => c===244 ,
is_lower_otilde : (c) => c===245 ,
is_lower_ouml : (c) => c===246 ,
is_lower_oslash : (c) => c===248 ,
is_lower_ugrave : (c) => c===249 ,
is_lower_uacute : (c) => c===250 ,
is_lower_ucirc : (c) => c===251 ,
is_lower_uuml : (c) => c===252 ,
is_lower_yacute : (c) => c===253 ,
is_lower_thorn : (c) => c===254 ,
is_lower_yuml : (c) => c===255 ,
nv-cli-ascii-extn-char# nv_cli_ascii_extn_char -c -s lower
const is_lower_agrave = (c) => c===224 ;
const is_lower_aacute = (c) => c===225 ;
const is_lower_acirc = (c) => c===226 ;
const is_lower_atilde = (c) => c===227 ;
const is_lower_auml = (c) => c===228 ;
const is_lower_aring = (c) => c===229 ;
const is_lower_aelig = (c) => c===230 ;
const is_lower_ccedil = (c) => c===231 ;
const is_lower_egrave = (c) => c===232 ;
const is_lower_eacute = (c) => c===233 ;
const is_lower_ecirc = (c) => c===234 ;
const is_lower_euml = (c) => c===235 ;
const is_lower_igrave = (c) => c===236 ;
const is_lower_iacute = (c) => c===237 ;
const is_lower_icirc = (c) => c===238 ;
const is_lower_iuml = (c) => c===239 ;
const is_lower_eth = (c) => c===240 ;
const is_lower_ntilde = (c) => c===241 ;
const is_lower_ograve = (c) => c===242 ;
const is_lower_oacute = (c) => c===243 ;
const is_lower_ocirc = (c) => c===244 ;
const is_lower_otilde = (c) => c===245 ;
const is_lower_ouml = (c) => c===246 ;
const is_lower_oslash = (c) => c===248 ;
const is_lower_ugrave = (c) => c===249 ;
const is_lower_uacute = (c) => c===250 ;
const is_lower_ucirc = (c) => c===251 ;
const is_lower_uuml = (c) => c===252 ;
const is_lower_yacute = (c) => c===253 ;
const is_lower_thorn = (c) => c===254 ;
const is_lower_yuml = (c) => c===255 ;
nv-cli-ascii-extn-char# nv_cli_ascii_extn_char -c
const is_x80 = (c) => c===128 ;
const is_x81 = (c) => c===129 ;
const is_x82 = (c) => c===130 ;
const is_x83 = (c) => c===131 ;
const is_x84 = (c) => c===132 ;
const is_x85 = (c) => c===133 ;
const is_x86 = (c) => c===134 ;
const is_x87 = (c) => c===135 ;
const is_x88 = (c) => c===136 ;
const is_x89 = (c) => c===137 ;
const is_x8a = (c) => c===138 ;
const is_x8b = (c) => c===139 ;
const is_x8c = (c) => c===140 ;
const is_x8d = (c) => c===141 ;
const is_x8e = (c) => c===142 ;
const is_x8f = (c) => c===143 ;
const is_x90 = (c) => c===144 ;
const is_x91 = (c) => c===145 ;
const is_x92 = (c) => c===146 ;
const is_x93 = (c) => c===147 ;
const is_x94 = (c) => c===148 ;
const is_x95 = (c) => c===149 ;
const is_x96 = (c) => c===150 ;
const is_x97 = (c) => c===151 ;
const is_x98 = (c) => c===152 ;
const is_x99 = (c) => c===153 ;
const is_x9a = (c) => c===154 ;
const is_x9b = (c) => c===155 ;
const is_x9c = (c) => c===156 ;
const is_x9d = (c) => c===157 ;
const is_x9e = (c) => c===158 ;
const is_x9f = (c) => c===159 ;
const is_nbsp = (c) => c===160 ;
const is_iexcl = (c) => c===161 ;
const is_cent = (c) => c===162 ;
const is_pound = (c) => c===163 ;
const is_ufo = (c) => c===164 ;
const is_yuan = (c) => c===165 ;
const is_brvbar = (c) => c===166 ;
const is_sect = (c) => c===167 ;
const is_uml = (c) => c===168 ;
const is_upper_auml = (c) => c===196 ;
const is_upper_euml = (c) => c===203 ;
const is_upper_iuml = (c) => c===207 ;
const is_upper_ouml = (c) => c===214 ;
const is_upper_uuml = (c) => c===220 ;
const is_lower_auml = (c) => c===228 ;
const is_lower_euml = (c) => c===235 ;
const is_lower_iuml = (c) => c===239 ;
const is_lower_ouml = (c) => c===246 ;
const is_lower_uuml = (c) => c===252 ;
const is_lower_yuml = (c) => c===255 ;
const is_copy = (c) => c===169 ;
const is_ordf = (c) => c===170 ;
const is_laquo = (c) => c===171 ;
const is_not = (c) => c===172 ;
const is_shy = (c) => c===173 ;
const is_reg = (c) => c===174 ;
const is_macr = (c) => c===175 ;
const is_deg = (c) => c===176 ;
const is_plusmn = (c) => c===177 ;
const is_sup2 = (c) => c===178 ;
const is_sup3 = (c) => c===179 ;
const is_rtq = (c) => c===180 ;
const is_miu = (c) => c===181 ;
const is_para = (c) => c===182 ;
const is_dot = (c) => c===183 ;
const is_cedil = (c) => c===184 ;
const is_upper_ccedil = (c) => c===199 ;
const is_lower_ccedil = (c) => c===231 ;
const is_sup1 = (c) => c===185 ;
const is_ordm = (c) => c===186 ;
const is_raquo = (c) => c===187 ;
const is_frac14 = (c) => c===188 ;
const is_frac12 = (c) => c===189 ;
const is_frac34 = (c) => c===190 ;
const is_iquest = (c) => c===191 ;
const is_upper_agrave = (c) => c===192 ;
const is_upper_aacute = (c) => c===193 ;
const is_upper_acirc = (c) => c===194 ;
const is_upper_atilde = (c) => c===195 ;
const is_upper_aring = (c) => c===197 ;
const is_upper_aelig = (c) => c===198 ;
const is_upper_egrave = (c) => c===200 ;
const is_upper_eacute = (c) => c===201 ;
const is_upper_ecirc = (c) => c===202 ;
const is_upper_igrave = (c) => c===204 ;
const is_upper_acute = (c) => c===205 ;
const is_upper_icirc = (c) => c===206 ;
const is_upper_eth = (c) => c===208 ;
const is_upper_ntilde = (c) => c===209 ;
const is_upper_ograve = (c) => c===210 ;
const is_upper_oacute = (c) => c===211 ;
const is_upper_ocirc = (c) => c===212 ;
const is_upper_otilde = (c) => c===213 ;
const is_mul = (c) => c===215 ;
const is_upper_oslash = (c) => c===216 ;
const is_upper_ugrave = (c) => c===217 ;
const is_upper_uacute = (c) => c===218 ;
const is_upper_ucirc = (c) => c===219 ;
const is_upper_yacute = (c) => c===221 ;
const is_upper_thorn = (c) => c===222 ;
const is_szlig = (c) => c===223 ;
const is_lower_agrave = (c) => c===224 ;
const is_lower_aacute = (c) => c===225 ;
const is_lower_acirc = (c) => c===226 ;
const is_lower_atilde = (c) => c===227 ;
const is_lower_aring = (c) => c===229 ;
const is_lower_aelig = (c) => c===230 ;
const is_lower_egrave = (c) => c===232 ;
const is_lower_eacute = (c) => c===233 ;
const is_lower_ecirc = (c) => c===234 ;
const is_lower_igrave = (c) => c===236 ;
const is_lower_iacute = (c) => c===237 ;
const is_lower_icirc = (c) => c===238 ;
const is_lower_eth = (c) => c===240 ;
const is_lower_ntilde = (c) => c===241 ;
const is_lower_ograve = (c) => c===242 ;
const is_lower_oacute = (c) => c===243 ;
const is_lower_ocirc = (c) => c===244 ;
const is_lower_otilde = (c) => c===245 ;
const is_div = (c) => c===247 ;
const is_lower_oslash = (c) => c===248 ;
const is_lower_ugrave = (c) => c===249 ;
const is_lower_uacute = (c) => c===250 ;
const is_lower_ucirc = (c) => c===251 ;
const is_lower_yacute = (c) => c===253 ;
const is_lower_thorn = (c) => c===254 ;