
2.0.8 • Public • Published


(greatest) Open Api Test library of all times!

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The oat package makes it very easy to test your API via an OpenAPI specification. It:

  • 🤝 validates request and response parameter
  • 🧬 generates multiple tests based on different security or parameter combinations
  • 🧩 is compatible to all JavaScript testrunner
  • 🚀 integration to Faker.js for easy payload generation


The following example shows a simple API test using Vitest:

import { describe, it } from 'vitest'
import { Testplan, URLParam, APIKeyAuth } from 'oat'
import type { OpenAPIV3 } from 'openapi-types'

import { specification } from './openapi-specification.json' assert { type: 'json' }

const urlParam = new URLParam({ id: '39f07889-1072-48df-8ca6-9d6726b5e525' })
const apiToken = new APIKeyAuth('Authorization', 'codeless-qa-b82b312d-4d44-40a3-bb5a-02529417e2d7', 'header')

describe('/api/specifications/{id}', () => {
  const plan = new Testplan(specification as OpenAPIV3.Document)
  plan.runTest('delete', '/api/specifications/{id}')
    .expect(401) // fails due to missing auth
  plan.runTest('get', '/api/specifications/{id}')


Install the package via:

npm i oat


The following primitives are available for composing your API tests.


A test plan composes one or multiple API tests based on provided security schemas and payload. To create an instance pass in an OpenAPI v3 specification as payload.

const plan = new Testplan(specification)



Creates a test penetrating a specific endpoint that can be contain different security schemas or payloads. The method returns an instance of a Test.

plan.runTest('get', '/api/specifications/{id}')

Select a server from the specification to run the test agains, e.g. given the following server defintion:

  "servers": [
      "url": "https://staging.gigantic-server.com/v1",
      "description": "Staging server"
      "url": "https://{username}.gigantic-server.com:{port}/{basePath}",
      "description": "The production API server",
      "variables": {
        "username": {
          "default": "demo",
          "description": "this value is assigned by the service provider, in this example `gigantic-server.com`"
        "port": {
          "enum": [
          "default": "8443"
        "basePath": {
          "default": "v2"

You can select a server either via the index or the URL, e.g.:

plan.usingServer(0) // selects Staging server
plan.usingServer('https://staging.gigantic-server.com/v1')  // selects custom server
plan.usingServer(1, { username: 'demo', port: '8443', basePath: 'v2' }) // selects server with parameter

Test function of the test framework of your choice, e.g. Vitest, Mocha etc. The provided test function should match the following interface:

type FrameworkFn = ((title: string, fn: (() => void)) => unknown)
type FrameworkAPI = FrameworkFn & {
  only?: FrameworkFn
  skip?: FrameworkFn

For above mentioned frameworks, it would be simply:

import { describe, it } from 'vitest'



Every test plan allows to register hooks to execute synchronous or asynchronous code at different lifecycle moments of a test.


The beforeRequest hook will be executed before a test, there therefore a request is being made. It allows to modify the request url and payload.

Type: (options: { url: string, requestInit: RequestInit }) => void | Promise<void>


const plan = new Testplan(specification, {
   * set custom test header
  beforeRequest: async ({ url, options }) => {
    (options.headers as Record<string, string>)['x-test-api'] = '1'

The afterResponse hook allows you to modify the response before it is processed and validated, e.g. to log the response.

Type: (options: { url: string, requestInit: RequestInit }) => void | Promise<void>


const plan = new Testplan(specification, {
   * set custom test header
  afterResponse: async (response, { url, options }) => {
    console.log(`Received response from ${url} with status ${response.status}`)


A test represents one or multiple API request to a certain endpoint.



Allows to attach one or multiple security schemas to the test plan.

import { Testplan, APIKeyAuth } from 'oat'

const apiToken = new APIKeyAuth('Authorization', 'codeless-qa-b82b312d-4d44-40a3-bb5a-02529417e2d7', 'header')

const plan = new Testplan(specification)
plan.runTest('delete', '/api/specifications/{id}')

Allows to attach one or multiple payload schemas to the test plan.

import { Testplan, URLParam, BodyPayload } from 'oat'

const urlParam = new URLParam({ id: '39f07889-1072-48df-8ca6-9d6726b5e525' })
const tokenPayload = new BodyPayload({ name: 'foobar', expires: null })

const plan = new Testplan(specification as OpenAPIV3.Document)
plan.runTest('delete', '/api/specifications/{id}')
  .withPayloads([urlParam, tokenPayload])

Defines the expected status code and therefor response format.

import { Testplan } from 'oat'

const plan = new Testplan(specification)
plan.runTest('delete', '/api/specifications/{id}').expect(401)


A security object to be passed into a withSecuritySchemes function. Oat will create individual test for every security object passed into withSecuritySchemes.

Oat supports the following auth mechanism:

  • Basic auth via BasicAuth class
  • Bearer tokens via BearerAuth class
  • Custom Headers via APIKeyAuth class



If called on the object, all test containing this security object will be skipped.

import { Testplan, APIKeyAuth } from 'oat'

const apiToken = new APIKeyAuth('Authorization', 'codeless-qa-b82b312d-4d44-40a3-bb5a-02529417e2d7', 'header')

const plan = new Testplan(specification)
plan.runTest('delete', '/api/specifications/{id}')
  .withSecuritySchemes([apiToken]) // test will be skipped


Extends from SecuritySchemeObject.

A security object that represents a Basic Authentification header key.

import { BasicAuth } from 'oat'
const basicAuth = new BasicAuth('admin', 'password')


Extends from SecuritySchemeObject.

A security object that represents a bearer token key.

import { BearerAuth } from 'oat'
const basicAuth = new BearerAuth('codeless-qa-b82b312d-4d44-40a3-bb5a-02529417e2d7')

You can extract a value from a request defined in the same specification using its operationId as a value for the token, e.g.:

import { BearerAuth } from 'oat'

 * Given you have an operation defined as following:
 * ```ts
 * {
 *   "operationId": "createUser",
 *   "response": {
 *     "201": {
 *       "content": {
 *         "application/json": {
 *           "schema": {
 *             "type": "object",
 *             "properties": {
 *               "data": {
 *                 "type": "object",
 *                 "properties": {
 *                   "user": { ... }
 *                   "token": { "type": "string" }
 *                 }
 *               }
 *             }
 *           }
 *         }
 *       }
 *     }
 *   }
 * }
 * ```
 * You can reference the value of the response of that request via `#/<operationId>/<statusCode>/<scope>/<path to property>`.
new BearerAuth('#/createUser/201/body/data.token') // get token from body payload of `createUser` response
new BearerAuth('#/createUser/201/header/authorization') // get token from "Authorization" header of `createUser` response
new BearerAuth('#/createUser/201/cookie/sessionId') // get token from "sessionId" cookie of `createUser` response

Supported scopes are body, header and cookie.

Note: you must have a test that delivers that response defined and run first, otherwise Oat won't be able to resolve the value and will throw an error.


Extends from SecuritySchemeObject.

A security object that represents a key/value header pair.

import { APIKeyAuth } from 'oat'
const apiToken = new APIKeyAuth('Authorization', 'codeless-qa-b82b312d-4d44-40a3-bb5a-02529417e2d7')


Extends from SecuritySchemeObject.

Allows to combine multiple security schemas for a single test, e.g. when an endpoint requires multiple auth mechanism at once.

import { CombinedSecuritySchemes, APIKeyAuth, BasicAuth } from 'oat'
const authMethodHeader = new APIKeyAuth('x-auth-method', 'basic-auth')
const basicAuth = new BasicAuth('admin', 'password')
const combinedSecScheme = new CombinedSecuritySchemes([ authMethodHeader, basicAuth ])


A payload object to be passed into a withPayloads function. Oat will create individual test for every payload object passed into withPayloads.

Oat supports the following payloads:

  • URL query parameter via QueryParam class
  • URL path parameter via URLParam class
  • Body payload via BodyPayload class



If called on the object, all test containing this security object will be skipped.

import { Testplan, APIKeyAuth } from 'oat'

const urlParam = new URLParam({ id: '39f07889-1072-48df-8ca6-9d6726b5e525' })

const plan = new Testplan(specification)
plan.runTest('delete', '/api/specifications/{id}')
  .withPayloads([urlParam]) // test will be skipped


Extends from PayloadObject.

A payload object to define query parameters.

import { Testplan, QueryParam } from 'oat'

const queryParam = new QueryParam({
  name: 'foobar',
  type: 'token'

const plan = new Testplan(specification)
plan.runTest('delete', '/api/specifications/{id}')
  .withPayloads([queryParam]) // creates a request to "/api/specifications/{id}?name=foobar&type=token"


Extends from PayloadObject.

A payload object to define parameters within the url.

import { Testplan, URLParam } from 'oat'

const urlParam = new URLParam({ id: '39f07889' })

const plan = new Testplan(specification)
plan.runTest('delete', '/api/specifications/{id}')
  .withPayloads([urlParam]) // creates a request to "/api/specifications/39f07889"


Extends from PayloadObject.

Sets a request body payload. If your request payload is a JSON you can define object properties through the Faker.js API via #/faker/<module>/<type>, e.g. a field with #/faker/internet/email will be replaced with a random email.

import { Testplan, BodyPayload } from 'oat'

const jsonBody = new BodyPayload({
  type: 'user',
   * will be replaced with the value returned by `faker.internet.username()`, e.g. "Nettie_Zboncak40"
  name: '#/faker/internet/username',
   * will be replaced with the value returned by `faker.date.birthdate()`, e.g. "1977-07-10T01:37:30.719Z"
  birthday: '#/faker/date/birthdate'
const streamBody = new BodyPayload(Buffer.from('...'))

const plan = new Testplan(specification)
plan.runTest('delete', '/api/specifications/{id}')
  .withPayloads([jsonBody, streamBody])


Extends from PayloadObject.

Allows to combine multiple payload objects for a single test, e.g. when an endpoint contains an url parameter and body payload.

import { CombinedPayload, URLParam, BodyPayload } from 'oat'

const jsonBody = new BodyPayload({ some: 'payload' })
const urlParam = new URLParam({ id: '39f07889' })
const combinedPayload = new CombinedPayload([ jsonBody, jsonBody ])


Apache 2 License © 2024-PRESENT CodelessQA




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  • christian-bromann