(greatest) Open Api Test library of all times!
The oat
package makes it very easy to test your API with an OpenAPI specification. It:
- 🤝 validates request and response parameter
- 🧬 generates multiple tests based on different security or parameter combinations
- 🧩 is compatible to all JavaScript testrunner
- 🚀 integration to Faker.js for easy payload generation
- ⚡ supports referencing response values from other API tests
The following example shows a simple API test using Vitest:
import { describe, it } from 'vitest'
import { Testplan, URLParam, APIKeyAuth, QueryParam } from 'oat'
import type { OpenAPIV3 } from 'openapi-types'
import { specification } from './openapi-specification.json' assert { type: 'json' }
const urlParam = new URLParam({ id: '39f07889-1072-48df-8ca6-9d6726b5e525' })
const apiToken = new APIKeyAuth('Authorization', 'codeless-qa-b82b312d-4d44-40a3-bb5a-02529417e2d7', 'header')
const userQuery = new QueryParam({
* resolves to the body value with the JSON path "specification.owner" of the first 200 response of
* request with the `operationId` "getUsers", e.g. in this example the owner of the specification
name: '#/getSpecification/200/body/specification.owner'
const plan = new Testplan(specification as OpenAPIV3.Document)
describe('/api/specifications/{id}', () => {
plan.runTest('delete', '/api/specifications/{id}')
.expect(401) // fails due to missing auth
plan.runTest('get', '/api/specifications/{id}')
describe('/api/users/{id}', () => {
plan.runTest('get', '/api/users')
The Oat library is can be used with any TDD test framework, e.g. Mocha, Jasmine, Jest, Node Tap or the built-in Node.js testrunner.
Install the package via:
npm i oat
For more details on how to use Oat, check out our documentation.
Apache 2 License © 2024-PRESENT CodelessQA