This package is a part of services for letter sorting machine. Ocrservice is the ocr part, you can install it as systemd service. It will watch a directory for new images files. It scanns all that images an sends the results to the master service via websocket.
npm install forever -g
npm install ocrservice -g
Installing a systemd service.
ocrservice install myservicename /my/image/path/
or as init.d script
ocrservice install --type init myservicename /my/image/path/
You can install/run more than one service. So it is possible to try a second run with different parameters. To see all parameters run.
ocrservice variables
The systemd service reads that variables from /etc/sysconfig/myservicename. The init.d script keeps that variables inside.
debian notes
See [https://thomashunter.name/blog/running-a-node-js-process-on-debian-as-an-init-d-service/]