
1.0.3 • Public • Published


The Sterling On Demand API allows you to integrate background checks into your platform and manage the process from end-to-end. This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: 2018-05-08T16:44:26.238-07:00
  • Package version: 1.0.3
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.JavascriptClientCodegen


For Node.js


Install it via:

npm install on-demand-client --save

Setting credentials

The example script as well as the Integration tests, require valid credentials. For these scripts, the 'CREDENTIALS' environmental variable needs to be set to your API credentials. These credentials are a base64 hash of "[apiusername]:[password]".

For example, the base64 hash of "username@yourcompany.com:somepassword" is "dXNlcm5hbWVAeW91cmNvbXBhbnkuY29tOnNvbWVwYXNzd29yZA=="

Getting Started

Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:

var OnDemandClient = require('on-demand-client');

// default basePath is set to the testing env https://api-int.kennect.com
// for pointing to production set basePath as shown below
//OnDemandClient.ApiClient.instance.basePath = "https://api.kennect.com/v1";
//OnDemandClient.Auth.ApiClient.instance.basePath = "https://api.kennect.com/oauth";

var api = new OnDemandClient.DefaultApi();
var authApi = new OnDemandClient.Auth.DefaultApi();

var credentials = process.env.CREDENTIALS;

authApi.tokenPost('Basic ' + credentials, function(error, fetched, response) {
    if (error) throw error;
    var defaultClient = OnDemandClient.ApiClient.instance;
    defaultClient.defaultHeaders['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + fetched.access_token;

    api.packagesGet(null, function(error, fetched, response) {
        if (error) throw error;

More Examples

For more examples of API invocations see on-demand-client/test/integration/DefaultApi.int.spec.js. Some integration tests may require specific account configurations in order to pass.

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://api-int.kennect.com/v1

Class Method HTTP request Description
OnDemandClient.DefaultApi billingCodesGet GET /billing-codes Get a list of valid billing codes
OnDemandClient.DefaultApi candidatesGet GET /candidates Get a list of Candidates
OnDemandClient.DefaultApi candidatesIdDocumentsGet GET /candidates/{id}/documents List documents attached to a candidate
OnDemandClient.DefaultApi candidatesIdDocumentsPost POST /candidates/{id}/documents Attach a document to a candidate
OnDemandClient.DefaultApi candidatesIdGet GET /candidates/{id} Get a specific Candidate
OnDemandClient.DefaultApi candidatesIdLinksPost POST /candidates/{id}/links Get links to the Candidate portal for use by the Candidate
OnDemandClient.DefaultApi candidatesIdPut PUT /candidates/{id} Update a candidate
OnDemandClient.DefaultApi candidatesIdTrustPost POST /candidates/{id}/trust Trust a candidate
OnDemandClient.DefaultApi candidatesPost POST /candidates Create a candidate
OnDemandClient.DefaultApi chargesPost POST /charges Create a capture
OnDemandClient.DefaultApi healthGet GET /health Check the health of the API
OnDemandClient.DefaultApi identitiesIdGet GET /identities/{id} Get a verified identity
OnDemandClient.DefaultApi identitiesIdRetryPost POST /identities/{id}/retry Retry creating an identity and get a new set of questions
OnDemandClient.DefaultApi identitiesIdVerificationPut PUT /identities/{id}/verification Verify an identity by providing correct answers
OnDemandClient.DefaultApi identitiesPost POST /identities Get a list of questions needing to be answered before an identity can be created
OnDemandClient.DefaultApi packagesGet GET /packages Get a list of Packages
OnDemandClient.DefaultApi packagesIdPriceGet GET /packages/{id}/price Get the estimated price of a Package
OnDemandClient.DefaultApi referenceCodesGet GET /reference-codes Return a list of valid Reference Codes
OnDemandClient.DefaultApi screeningsIdAdverseActionsPost POST /screenings/{id}/adverse-actions Create an adverse action on a Screening
OnDemandClient.DefaultApi screeningsIdDetailsGet GET /screenings/{id}/details Get a specific screening
OnDemandClient.DefaultApi screeningsIdDocumentsAttachmentIdGet GET /screenings/{id}/documents/{attachmentId} Get a Screening attachment in PDF form
OnDemandClient.DefaultApi screeningsIdDocumentsGet GET /screenings/{id}/documents
OnDemandClient.DefaultApi screeningsIdDocumentsPost POST /screenings/{id}/documents Attach a document to a Screening
OnDemandClient.DefaultApi screeningsIdGet GET /screenings/{id} Get a specific screening
OnDemandClient.DefaultApi screeningsIdInvitePost POST /screenings/{id}/invite Create an invite
OnDemandClient.DefaultApi screeningsIdReportGet GET /screenings/{id}/report Get a Screening report in PDF form
OnDemandClient.DefaultApi screeningsIdReportLinksPost POST /screenings/{id}/report-links Create a one-time use report link
OnDemandClient.DefaultApi screeningsIdReportPdfGet GET /screenings/{id}/report.pdf Get a Screening report in PDF form
OnDemandClient.DefaultApi screeningsPost POST /screenings Create a Screening
OnDemandClient.DefaultApi subscriptionsIdDelete DELETE /subscriptions/{id} Delete a subscription
OnDemandClient.DefaultApi subscriptionsIdEventsGet GET /subscriptions/{id}/events Get a list of events related to a given subscription
OnDemandClient.DefaultApi subscriptionsIdGet GET /subscriptions/{id} Get a subscription
OnDemandClient.DefaultApi subscriptionsPost POST /subscriptions Create a subscription
OnDemandClient.DefaultApi tokensPost POST /tokens Creates a temporary access token
OnDemandClient.DefaultApi trustedUsersIdGet GET /trusted-users/{id} Get trust information about a verified user
OnDemandClient.DefaultApi trustedUsersPost POST /trusted-users Trust a verified user
OnDemandClient.DefaultApi trustsIdDelete DELETE /trusts/{id} Untrust a Trusted User

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization


  • Type: OAuth
  • Flow: password
  • Authorization URL:
  • Scopes:
    • user: User Scope




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