
1.0.14 • Public • Published


The place where your API implementations go. Currently only VibeApi is available but will likely include service provider classes for additional vendors in the future (ie: content, localization, etc.)

Typically used for accessing external resources from within your getStore function -- onyx-app's <StoreWrapper /> provides a vibeApi instance to it's getStore call.

Conventions for Services

  • Always return a Promise from your service calls.
    • This allows for chaining the success / failure result from the calling locationthe calling location
  • Avoid async / await in favor of Promise
  • Camelize returned data structure.
    • Use onyx-common/camelize, just pass the obj in it takes care of the rest:
import camelize from 'onyx-common/camelize'

const obj = {
  first_name: 'Bob',
  last_name: 'Johnson'

const camelizedObj = camelize(obj)

camelizedObj  = {
    firstName: 'Bob',
    lastName: 'Johnson'
  • Always use traditional function () syntax for class methods
    • If arrow methods () => {} are used, the this context is lost from the compiled class.

fetchWrap helper

fetchWrap wraps the default fetch function to make it a bit more friendly to use. It accepts the following options:

  • url: The URL to use for this request
  • method: POST, DELETE or GET. GET is default
  • data: an array of data to send with request
  • urlMerge: if you provide placeholders in the url in the form of http://google.com/{foo}/{bar} send in an array with { 'foo': '1', 'bar': '2' } and it becomes http://google.com/1/2
  • requestType: json or form to change request headers. Has no impact on GET requests
  • fetchOptions: direct fetch api options to pass through and override any convenience additions

It also wraps the return to make it easier to work with and ensure a promise is always returned.

Learn more

Structure of a Service Class

To make services more manageable, they should be broken out into sub files for each area of responsibility (roughly mapped often to onyx-scenes-* packages, but not neccessarily). responsibilities and then rolled up into a single namespace.

Here's an example of how the VibeApi class is composed:

Base object with constructor and other shared functionality


const VibeApiBase = function () {}

VibeApiBase.prototype.constructor = function ({ baseUrl }) {
  this.baseUrl = baseUrl

VibeApiBase.prototype.getUrl = function (path) {
  return this.baseUrl + path

export default VibeApiBase

Add one or more prototype decorators


import formurlencoded from 'onyx-common/form-urlencoded'
import urlencode from 'onyx-common/urlencode'
import fetchWrap from 'onyx-common/fetchWrap'
import camelize from 'onyx-common/camelize'

const VibeApiAuth = ({ prototype }) => {
  prototype.login = function ({ username, password }) {
    // ...rest of function

    // example of how to use fetchWrap helper
    return fetchWrap(payload)
      .then(res => Promise.resolve(normalize(res)))
      .catch(error => Promise.reject(Error('loginError', error)))

  prototype.logout = function ({ authenticationToken }) {
    // ...rest of function

    // example of how to use fetchWrap helper
    return fetchWrap(payload)
      .then(() => Promise.resolve())
      .catch(() => Promise.reject(Error('logoutError')))

export default VibeApiAuth

Combine Base & decorator(s)


import VibeApi from './VibeApiBase'
import VibeApiAuth from './VibeApiAuth'
// add more decorators in the future
// import VibeApiResourceLibrary from './VibeApiResourceLibrary'

// decorate the prototype

// add more decorators in the future
// VibeApiResourceLibrary(VibeApi)

export default VibeApi

The final class is now usable like so:

import VibeApiFactory from 'onyx-services/VibeApi'

const VibeApi = new VibeApiFactory({
  baseUrl: '/your/base/url'

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  • icentris