A server-side compatible tool for syncing translations.
npm install opentranslate-sync
Create a .env
file in your project root with the following content:
const TranslationSync = require('@opentranslate.dev/sync');
const sync = new TranslationSync();
// Sync all locales in the directory
await sync.sync('./locales');
// Sync specific locales
await sync.sync('./locales', ['en-us', 'fr-fr', 'ml-in']);
// Sync a single locale
await sync.syncLocale('en-us', './locales');
Sync all locales in the directory:
npx opentranslate-sync -d ./locales
Sync specific locales:
npx opentranslate-sync -d ./locales -l en-us,fr-fr,ml-in
For more information, run:
npx opentranslate-sync --help
For each locale, the sync process:
- Uploads the current translation file to the server (if it exists)
- Downloads the latest translation from the server
- Saves the downloaded translation to the local file
This ensures that the server has the latest local changes before providing the most up-to-date translation.