
0.1.3 • Public • Published

atlassian / osb-node


A node library to implement an OSB broker which can register multiple OSB services

OSB Classes

  • api/OSB.js: broker class which allow clients to register OSB services.
    • app - REQUIRED: express app
    • osbPath - REQUIRED: base path for OSB endpoints
    • contextBuilder - OPTIONAL: function to build context for each requests
  • api/OSBService: represent an OSB service which handle OSB requests. Each OSBService needs to implement below functions to handle OSB requests for the service.
    • getServiceInfo: return service info
    • provisionServiceInstance: async function to provision service instance
    • updateServiceInstance: async function to update service instance
    • deprovisionServiceInstance: async function to deprovision service instance
    • bindService: async function to bind service
    • unbindService: async function to unbind service
    • pollLastOperation: async function to get last operation status
    • Each function must return in format:
  statusCode: 'the-http-status-code',
  data: 'the response'
  • api/model/*: model classes represent OSB responses
  • api/model/request/*: model classes represent OSB request params

Example usages

Create a broker and register a service

const express = require('express');
const osbNode = require('osb-node');
const OSB = osbNode.OSB;
const OSBService = osbNode.OSBService;

const app = express();
const broker = new OSB(app, {osbPath: osbPath, contextBuilder: function(httpRequest){
	return {key: 'value};
broker.registerService(new OSBService({

Handle OSB requests of a service

Get servie info

const Plan = osbOnode.modelPlan;
const Schemas = osbOnode.modelSchemas;
const ServiceBindingSchema = osbOnode.modelServiceBindingSchema;
const Service = osbOnode.modelService;
const ServiceInstanceSchema = osbOnode.modelServiceInstanceSchema;

function getServiceInfo(request, context) {
  return new Service({
    name: 'service-a',
    id: 'service-id',
    description: 'service A',
    tags: ['tag', 'osb'],
    requires: ['route_forwarding'],
    bindable: true,
    metadata: {
      displayName: 'Service 1',
      provider: {
        name: 'provider name'
    dashboard_client: new DashboardClient({
      id: '7545b455-9cdb-41d2-abf3-3a4bae383a43',
      secret: '277cabb0-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-7822c0a90e5d',
      redirect_uri: 'http://localhost:1234'
    plan_updateable: true,
    plans: [new Plan({
      id: 'ab3eb1db-26d7-429a-850a-daeb667e0530',
      name: 'plan-1',
      description: 'description',
      metadata: {
        max_storage_tb: 5,
        costs: [{
          amount: {
            usd: 99.0
          unit: 'MONTHLY'
        }, {
          amount: {
            usd: 0.99
          unit: '1GB of messages over 20GB'
        bullets: [
          'Shared fake server',
          '5 TB storage',
          '40 concurrent connections'
      schemas: new Schemas({
        service_instance: new ServiceInstanceSchema({
          create: new InputParameters({
            parameters: {
              '$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#',
              'type': 'object',
              'billing-account': {
                description: 'Billing account number used to charge use of shared fake server.',
                type: 'string'
          update: new InputParameters({
            parameters: {
              '$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#',
              'type': 'object',
              'billing-account': {
                description: 'Billing account number used to charge use of shared fake server.',
                type: 'string'
        service_binding: new ServiceBindingSchema({
          create: new InputParameters({
            parameters: {
              '$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#',
              'type': 'object',
              'billing-account': {
                description: 'Billing account number used to charge use of shared fake server.',
                type: 'string'
    }, new Plan({
      id: '11f48b05-e3f3-4265-bdf7-6a0c58dbc9bf',
      name: 'plan-2',
      description: 'Shared fake Server, 5tb persistent disk, 40 max concurrent connections. 100 async',
      free: false,
      metadata: {
        max_storage_tb: 5,
        costs: [{
          amount: {
            usd: 199.0
          unit: 'MONTHLY'
        }, {
          amount: {
            usd: 0.99
          unit: '1GB of messages over 20GB'
        bullets: [
          '40 concurrent connections'

Handle provision request

const ProvisionResponse = osbNode.model.ProvisionResponse;
function provisionServiceInstance(request, context) {
  return {
    statusCode: '200',
    data: new ProvisionResponse({dashboard_url: 'https://service-dashboard', operation: 'provision'});

Last operation

const LastOperation = osbNode.model.LastOperation;
new LastOperation({state: 'in progress', description: 'provisioning instance'});

Broker error

const BrokerError = osbNode.model.BrokerError;
new BrokerError({error: 'invalid request', description: 'service id is required'});

More details are in test-app.js

Code of Conduct

Please see CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md


Please see CONTRIBUTING.md


We license this project under the Apache License 2.0, as per our LICENSE.txt


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