
1.3.1 • Public • Published


Build Status contributions welcome parcel plugin

Parcel plugin exposing symfony's translations and routing to elm.

Table of content

Quick Start

Translations are exposed using the Trans.<domain> module like following:

import Trans.Messages as Messages
import Trans.Security as Security

displayStuff : Html msg
displayStuff =
    div [] [ text Messages.alert_awesome_plugin ]
    div [] [ text Security.global_must_have ]

The routing is exposed using the Routing module like following:

import Http
import Routing

makeHttpCall : Cmd msg
makeHttpCall =
        { url = Routing.app_get_this_plugin
        , expect = Http.expectString MsgGetThisPlugin


You can install the parcel plugin with npm:

npm install parcel-plugin-elm-symfony-bridge --save-dev

or with yarn:

yarn add parcel-plugin-elm-symfony-bridge --dev

And you're all done!


This plugin follows parcel's zero-config philosophy and will automatically configure itself. You should be able to mostly ignore this section but if you really need to tweak something, here is the config along with the rules used to infer each value:

  • watch: Do we watch for changes to regenerate elm code? (defaults to parcel's own watch value)
  • watchFolders: Which folders to watch (defaults to src, app, config, translations)
  • watchExtensions: Which file extensions to watch (defaults to php, yaml, yml, xml)
  • watchConfig: Which files to watch for configuration changes (defaults to elm.json, elm-package.json, package.json, composer.json)
  • dev: Use symfony's env=dev or env=prod (defaults to parcel's own dev value)
  • projectRoot: Path to the root of your symfony project (defaults to ./)
  • elmRoot: Where to put generated code. Automatically added to your elm's source-directories config (defaults to elm-stuff/generated-code/elm-symfony-bridge)
  • outputFolder: Where to put intermediate build artifacts (defaults to ./elm-stuff/generated-code/elm-symfony-bridge)
  • elmVersion: Elm version the generated code should be compatible with (defaults to 0.19 if a elm.json file is present, 0.18 if a elm-package.json file is present)
  • enableRouting: Enable generating routes (defaults to true)
  • urlPrefix: When dev is true, which prefix to use when generating urls (defaults to /index.php or /app_dev.php depending on which is found)
  • enableTranslations: Enable generating translations (defaults to true if the willdurand/js-translation-bundle package is installed)
  • lang: Lang to use when exporting translations (defaults to the default lang configured in symfony)
  • envVariables: Variables to replace during compile time, will also read env vars

If these rules don't work for you, you can override any of these parameters in your package.json under the elm-symfony-bridge key like so:

  "elm-symfony-bridge": {
    "enableRouting": false,
    "lang": "fr"


See Usage.


elm-symfony-bridge follows semantic versioning. In short the scheme is MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH where

  1. MAJOR is bumped when there is a breaking change,
  2. MINOR is bumped when a new feature is added in a backward-compatible way,
  3. PATCH is bumped when a bug is fixed in a backward-compatible way.

Versions bellow 1.0.0 are considered experimental and breaking changes may occur at any time.


Contributions are welcomed! There are many ways to contribute, and we appreciate all of them. Here are some of the major ones:

  • Bug Reports: While we strive for quality software, bugs can happen and we can't fix issues we're not aware of. So please report even if you're not sure about it or just want to ask a question. If anything the issue might indicate that the documentation can still be improved!
  • Feature Request: You have a use case not covered by the current api? Want to suggest a change or add something? We'd be glad to read about it and start a discussion to try to find the best possible solution.
  • Pull Request: Want to contribute code or documentation? We'd love that! If you need help to get started, GitHub as documentation on pull requests. We use the "fork and pull model" were contributors push changes to their personnal fork and then create pull requests to the main repository. Please make your pull requests against the master branch.

As a reminder, all contributors are expected to follow our Code of Conduct.


The sources are organized in 4 main folders:

  • / the root contains the elm code: src for the sources and tests for the elm tests.
  • /webpack contains all the specifics for the webpack plugin.
  • /parcel contains all the specifics for the parcel plugin (you are here).
  • /vite contains all the specifics for the vite plugin.

This project uses the following tools for development:

You'll find the following commands useful when hacking on this project:

# build the package
yarn run build

# run the tests and doc tests
yarn run test

# Using a local build in a project using parcel
yarn install && yarn run build && yarn pack # build a package.tgz
cd path/to/project/using/parcel             # go in the root directory of your project
yarn install path/to/package.tgz            # install the locally built package


elm-symfony-bridge is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.

See LICENSE for details.

Package Sidebar


npm i parcel-plugin-elm-symfony-bridge

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  • mdevlamynck