
1.1.7 • Public • Published

parcelLab API

This is a simple wrapper to interface the parcelLab API from Node.js.


To use the API, you have to have a set of valid credentials (user and token) from parcelLab.

Any issues can be submitted in the Git repository's issue tracker.


Preferred way of installation is through npm.

npm install parcellab-api --save

Alternatively, you can clone the Git repository on Bitbucket.

git clone


You can find an example for using the module in the ./try.js:

var ParcelLabAPI = require('parcellab-api');
var parcelLabAPI = new ParcelLabAPI(1, 'parcelLabAPItoken-30characters');

var payload = {
  courier: 'dhl-germany',
  tracking_number: '1234567890'

parcelLabAPI.createTracking(payload, function (err, res) {
    error: err,
    result: res

These keys are required when creating a tracking:

courier: String, // short code of the courier
tracking_number: String // tracking number of the delivery
zip_code: String, // postal code for delivery address
destination_country_iso3: String // ISO3 code of country for delivery address

Then there are other optional keys:

deliveryNo: String,
customerNo: String,
orderNo: String,
recipient: String,
recipient_notification: String,
street: String,
city: String,
email: String,
weight: String,
market: String,
order_date: String,
phone: String,
articleNo: String,
articleName: String,
origin_country_iso3: String,
language_iso3: String,
firstOrder: Boolean,
complete: Boolean,
upgrade: Boolean,
cashOnDelivery: Number,
statuslink: String

Dealing with multiple tracking numbers

The module features dealing with multiple tracking numbers embedded in the payload. This allows to use one single call of createTracking(payload, callback) for creating multiple trackings for a single order, e.g. when an order from a customer is shipped in several deliveries.

1.) Multiple deliveries with same courier

If all shipments are done with a single courier, multiple tracking numbers can simply listed with either the delimiter , or | within the attribute tracking_number like so:

var payload = {
  courier: 'dhl-germany',
  tracking_number: '1234567890,1234567891,1234567892'

2.) Multiple deliveries with multiple couriers

In the more complex case where the deliveries are not performed by the same courier, the tracking numbers can be embedded via JSON by using the name of the courier as the key and the associated tracking numbers in an array. Example:

var payload = {
  courier: 'XXX', // will be ignored
  tracking_number: {
    'dhl-germany': ['1234567890', '1234567891'],
    'ups': ['1Z1234567']

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