
1.2.51 • Public • Published

PharmOS App Service


Documentation site can be found here PharmOS App Documentation

Table of Contents


This service is primarily written in Node using the Express framework and is a serverless application that is similar to the Scheduling Service.


  • Docker >= 19.03.8
  • Docker Compose >= 1.25.4

Docker Desktop for Mac or Docker Desktop for Windows will install both of these for you. DO NOT try to install using brew install docker docker-compose - you will run into problems.


  1. Ensure docker and docker-compose are running and meet the version requirements above

    $ docker -v
    Docker version 19.03.8, build afacb8b
    $ docker-compose -v
    docker-compose version 1.25.4, build 8d51620a
    C:\>docker -v && docker-compose -v
    Docker version 19.03.8, build afacb8b
    docker-compose version 1.25.4, build 8d51620a
  2. Install AWS CLI

  3. Install AWS SAM

  4. Configure AWS - Manually or via SSO (instructions below))

  5. Run yarn install (see below to ensure that your NPM_TOKEN is set)

Manually configuring AWS credentials

  1. Run aws configure and input the following information when prompted. You can configure multiple accounts by setting the --profile flag (example: aws configure --profile uat). More info here

    region = us-east-1
    output = json
  2. You can follow the AWS Access and manually set the AWS credentials in ~/.aws/credentials. Run vi ~/.aws/credentials

    aws_access_key_id = KEY_GOES_HERE
    aws_secret_access_key = KEY_GOES_HERE
    aws_session_token = TOKEN_GOES_HERE
    aws_access_key_id = KEY_GOES_HERE
    aws_secret_access_key = KEY_GOES_HERE
    aws_session_token = TOKEN_GOES_HERE

    You will be signed out from previous account if you log into another account from AWS SSO page

    Session time out is currently set to 8 hours for both console and CLI

Configuring AWS credentials with sso

  1. Configure SSO.

    Run aws configure sso.

    NOTE: ensure you set below values in ~/.aws/config.

     sso_start_url =
     sso_region = us-east-1
     sso_account_id = 592280881349
     sso_role_name = Developer
     region = us-east-1
     output = json
  2. Ensure ~/.aws/credentials file is deleted.

  3. Globally install jq Run brew install jq -g

  4. Script to rehydrate your AWS session

  • macOS

    1. Add this script to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc.

          function awscreds() {
            aws sts get-caller-identity --profile $1 || aws sso login --profile $1
            FILE=~/.aws/cli/cache/$(ls -t ~/.aws/cli/cache | head -n 1)
            export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="$(jq -r '.Credentials.AccessKeyId' $FILE)" AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="$(jq -r '.Credentials.SecretAccessKey' $FILE)" AWS_SESSION_TOKEN="$(jq -r '.Credentials.SessionToken' $FILE)"
    2. Anytime you want to rehydrate your AWS session in your terminal Run awscreds <profile> eg: awscreds default

  • Windows

    1. Make sure you have Python 3 installed, if not, install it here
    2. Download this file
    3. Run this command. If you not set a profile name, it will take the default one:

      python {your profile name}


To setup and run the project locally

These steps will run the project locally

  1. Configure your environment by adding an NPM_TOKEN environment variable:
    • If you're on a Mac
      • You can get the NPM_TOKEN from 1Password under 'Shared NPM Token' or you can generate one - (preferred). Set this token in your ~/.zshrc and add below to your .npmrc file.
      • Run echo "export NPM_TOKEN=${TOKEN_FROM_1PASS}" >> ~/.zshrc && source ~/.zshrc
    • If you're on Windows 10
      • Navigate to Control Panel\System and Security\System and select Advanced system settings
      • In the Advanced tab, click the Environment Variables... Button
      • Add new System variable Variable name: NPM_TOKEN Variable value: <TOKEN_FROM_1PASS>
      • Click OK and restart any vsCode and/or CMD instances
    • If on another system, set the NPM_TOKEN environment variable appropriately.
  2. Copy the contents of .env.example into a new file called .env
  3. Fill in the Okta env values
  4. Ensure that you have an Okta ID. Then update src/database/ops/users.csv with a new row for yourself (UUID, Okta ID, email address, first name, last name).
  5. Run yarn db:start-local to run a local PG database in Docker that mimics AWS Aurora
  6. Run yarn start:dev to expose local port 3000 to listen for invoked lambda functions and get nodemon-enabled hot reloading as you edit your code

Database scripts available

API/DB commands

  • yarn db:start-local will start the DB container
  • yarn db:stop-local will shut down the DB container

DB commands

  • yarn db:migrate Will run all migrations
  • yarn db:seed-run Will seed database tables
  • yarn db:refresh Will drop all tables in schema 'public'

If you need to access the database command line

Local DB access

  • Run yarn docker:exec
  • Run psql -U postgres -d placeholderdb
  • This will allow you to write inline SQL queries if needed
  • Alternatively, you can use a simple connection string like this (substitute the appropriate credentials): PAGER="less -S" PGPASSWORD=medly123 psql -h -p 1002 -U postgres pharm-os -x

Running tests

Run yarn test ( Without the server already running )

Killing your process in development

Run yarn stop:dev

Viewing API Docs

Run yarn spec:start Will open Open API docs on


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