MQTT plugin for Pimatic
Status of implementation
This version supports the following
- General sensor (numeric and text data from payload)
- Switch
- PresenceSensor
- ContactSensor
- Dimmer
- Buttons
- Shutter
- Input
Do you like this plugin? Then please consider a donation to support the development.
Getting Started
This section is still work in progress.
Plugin Configuration
While run MQTT broker on localhost and on a standard port, without autentification, you can load the plugin by editing your config.json
to include the following
in the plugins
"plugin": "mqtt",
"active": true,
"brokers": [
"brokerId": "default"
Configuration with two Brokers
"plugin": "mqtt",
"active": true,
"brokers": [
"brokerId": "default"
"host": "localhost"
"brokerId": "eclipse",
"host": "iot.eclipse.org"
The configuration for a broker is an object comprising the following properties.
Property | Default | Type | Description |
brokerId | "default" | String | Id of the broker |
host | "" | String | Broker hostname or IP |
port | 1883 | Integer | Broker port |
keepalive | 180 | Integer | Keepalive in seconds |
clientId | pimatic* | String | *pimatic + random number or your own clientId |
protocolId | "MQTT" | String | With broker that supports only MQTT 3.1 (not 3.1.1 compliant), you should pass "MQIsdp" |
protocolVer | 4 | Integer | With broker that supports only MQTT 3.1 (not 3.1.1 compliant), you should pass 3 |
cleanSession | true | Boolean | Set to false to receive QoS 1 and 2 messages while offline |
reconnect | 5000 | Integer | Reconnect period in milliseconds |
timeout | 30000 | Integer | Connect timeout in milliseconds |
queueQoSZero | true | Boolean | If connection is broken, queue outgoing QoS zero messages |
username | - | String | The login name |
password | - | String | The Password |
certPath | - | String | Path to the certificate of the client in PEM format, required for TLS connection |
keyPath | - | String | Path to the key of the client in PEM format, required for TLS connection |
rejectUnauthorized | true | Boolean | Whether to reject self signed certificates |
ca | - | String | Path to the trusted CA list |
Device Configuration
Devices must be added manually to the device section of your pimatic config.
Generic sensor
is based on the Sensor device class. Handles numeric and text data from the payload.
"name": "Soil Hygrometer analog reading",
"id": "wemosd1r2-2",
"class": "MqttSensor",
"attributes": [
"name": "soil-hygrometer",
"topic": "wemosd1r2/moisture/humidity",
"type": "number",
"acronym": "rH"
"name": "ESP01 with battery",
"id": "esp01",
"class": "MqttSensor",
"attributes": [
"name": "temperature",
"topic": "myhome/firstfloor/office/esp01/dht11/temperature",
"type": "number",
"unit": "°C",
"acronym": "DHT-11-Temperature"
"name": "humidity",
"topic": "myhome/firstfloor/office/esp01/dht11/humidity",
"type": "number",
"unit": "%",
"acronym": "DHT-11-Humidity"
"name": "Mosquitto",
"id": "mosquitto",
"class": "MqttSensor",
"attributes": [
"name": "connected-clients",
"topic": "$SYS/broker/clients/connected",
"type": "number",
"acronym": "Clients",
"discrete": true
"name": "ram-usage",
"topic": "$SYS/broker/heap/current",
"type": "number",
"unit": "B",
"acronym": "RAM usage"
"xAttributeOptions": [
"name": "connected-clients",
"displaySparkline": false
"name": "ram-usage",
"displaySparkline": false
Supports lookup table to translate received message to another value.
"name": "Sensor with lookup",
"id": "sensor-with-lookup",
"class": "MqttSensor",
"attributes": [
"name": "state",
"topic": "some/topic",
"type": "string",
"unit": "",
"acronym": "",
"messageMap": {
"0": "Not ready",
"1": "Ready",
"2": "Completed"
Accepts flat JSON message
Sample mqtt message: {"rel_pressue": "30.5015", "wind_ave": "0.00", "rain": "0", "rainin": "0", "hum_in": "64", "temp_in_f": "66.4", "dailyrainin": "0", "wind_dir": "225", "temp_in_c": "19.1", "hum_out": "81", "dailyrain": "0", "wind_gust": "0.00", "idx": "2015-10-22 21:41:03", "temp_out_f": "49.6", "temp_out_c": "9.8"}
"class": "MqttSensor",
"id": "weatherstation",
"name": "Weather Station",
"attributes": [
"name": "temp_in_c",
"topic": "weatherstation",
"type": "number",
"unit": "c",
"acronym": "Inside Temperature"
"name": "temp_out_c",
"topic": "weatherstation",
"type": "number",
"unit": "c",
"acronym": "Outside Temperature"
Accepts JSON message with hierarchy
Sample mqtt message: {"kodi_details": {"title": "", "fanart": "", "label": "The.Victorias.Secret.Fashion.Show.2015.720p.HDTV.x264.mkv", "type": "unknown", "streamdetails": {"video": [{"stereomode": "", "width": 1280, "codec": "h264", "aspect": 1.7777780294418335, "duration": 2537, "height": 720}], "audio": [{"channels": 6, "codec": "ac3", "language": ""}], "subtitle": [{"language": ""}]}}, "val": ""}
"name": "Kodi media info",
"id": "kodi-media-info",
"class": "MqttSensor",
"attributes": [
"name": "kodi_details.label",
"topic": "kodi/status/title",
"type": "string",
"acronym": "label"
"name": "kodi_details.streamdetails.video.0.codec",
"topic": "kodi/status/title",
"type": "string",
"acronym": "codec"
It has the following configuration properties:
Property | Default | Type | Description |
brokerId | "default" | String | Id of the broker |
topic | - | String | Topic for device state |
qos | 0 | Number | The QoS level of the topic and stateTopic (if exist) |
type | "number" | String | The type of the variable(string or number) |
unit | - | String | Attribute unit |
acronym | - | String | Acronym to show as value label in the frontend |
discrete | false | Boolean | Should be set to true if the value does not change continuously over time. |
division | - | Number | Constants that will divide the value obtained |
multiplier | - | Number | Constant that will multiply the value obtained |
messageMap | - | Object | Even Pimatic 9, you must manually configure this. We're working on it. |
Switch Device
is based on the PowerSwitch device class.
"name": "MQTT Switch",
"id": "switch",
"class": "MqttSwitch",
"topic": "wemosd1r2/gpio/2/set",
"stateTopic": "wemosd1r2/gpio/2/state"
"onMessage": "1",
"offMessage": "0"
It has the following configuration properties:
Property | Default | Type | Description |
brokerId | "default" | String | Id of the broker |
topic | - | String | Topic for device state |
onMessage | "1" | String | Message to switch on |
offMessage | "0" | String | Message to switch off |
stateTopic | - | String | Topic that communicates state, if exists |
stateValueKey | - | String | The key or path to the state value, given that the payload contains a JSON object |
qos | 0 | Number | The QoS level of the topic and stateTopic (if exist) |
retain | false | Boolean | If the published message should have the retain flag on or not. |
Device exhibits the following attributes:
Property | Unit | Type | Acronym | Description |
state | - | Boolean | - | Switch State, true is on, false is off |
The following predicates and actions are supported:
- {device} is turned on|off
- switch {device} on|off
- toggle {device}
Presence Sensor
is a digital input device based on the PresenceSensor
device class.
"name": "MQTT PIR Sensor",
"id": "mqtt-pir-sensor",
"class": "MqttPresenceSensor",
"topic": "wemosd1r2/pir/presence",
"onMessage": "1",
"offMessage": "0"
It has the following configuration properties:
Property | Default | Type | Description |
brokerId | "default" | String | Id of the broker |
topic | - | String | Topic for device state |
stateValueKey | - | String | The key or path to the state value, given that the payload contains a JSON object |
onMessage | "1" | String | Message that invokes positive status |
offMessage | "0" | String | Message that invokes negative status |
qos | 0 | Number | The QoS level of the topic and stateTopic (if exist) |
The presence sensor exhibits the following attributes:
Property | Unit | Type | Acronym | Description |
presence | - | Boolean | - | Presence State, true is present, false is absent |
The following predicates are supported:
- {device} is present|absent
Contact Sensor
is a digital input device based on the ContactSensor
device class.
"name": "MQTT Contact",
"id": "mqtt-contact",
"class": "MqttContactSensor",
"topic": "wemosd1r2/contact/state",
"onMessage": "1",
"offMessage": "0"
It has the following configuration properties:
Property | Default | Type | Description |
brokerId | "default" | String | Id of the broker |
topic | - | String | Topic for device state |
stateValueKey | - | String | The key or path to the state value, given that the payload contains a JSON object |
onMessage | "1" | String | Message that invokes positive status |
offMessage | "0" | String | Message that invokes negative status |
qos | 0 | Number | The QoS level of the topic and stateTopic (if exist) |
The presence sensor exhibits the following attributes:
Property | Unit | Type | Acronym | Description |
contact | - | Boolean | - | Contact State, true is opened, false is closed |
The following predicates are supported:
- {device} is opened|closed
Dimmer Device
is based on the Dimmer device class.
"name": "MQTT Dimmer",
"id": "mqtt-dimmer",
"class": "MqttDimmer",
"topic": "wemosd1r2/pcapwm/5/brightness",
"stateTopic": "wemosd1r2/pcapwm/5/state",
"resolution": 4096
"topic": "dimmer/cmd",
"resolution": 1024,
"id": "dimmer",
"name": "Dimmer",
"class": "MqttDimmer",
"message": "pwm,15,value,2000"
It has the following configuration properties:
Property | Default | Type | Description |
brokerId | "default" | String | Id of the broker |
topic | - | String | Topic for control dimmer brightness. |
resolution | 256 | Integer | Resolution of this dimmer. For percent set 101. |
message | "value" | String | Format for outgoing message. |
stateTopic | - | String | Topic that communicates state, if exists |
stateValueKey | - | String | The key or path to the state value, given that the payload contains a JSON object |
qos | 0 | Number | The QoS level of the topic and stateTopic (if exist) |
retain | false | Boolean | If the published message should have the retain flag on or not. |
The Dimmer Action Provider:
- dim [the] device to value%
Buttons Device
is based on the ButtonsDevice device class.
"name": "Buttons",
"id": "buttons-demo",
"class": "MqttButtons",
"buttons": [
"id": "button1",
"text": "Press me",
"topic": "some/topic",
"message": "1"
It has the following configuration properties for each button:
Property | Default | Type | Description |
brokerId | "default" | String | Id of the broker |
id | - | String | Button id |
text | - | String | Button text |
topic | - | String | Topic for device state |
message | - | String | Publish message when pressed |
stateTopic | - | String | Topic that communicates state, if exists |
stateValueKey | - | String | The key or path to the state value, given that the payload contains a JSON object |
qos | 0 | Number | The QoS level of the topic and stateTopic (if exist) |
confirm | false | Boolean | Ask the user to confirm the button press |
The Button Action Provider
- press [the] device
You can publish mqtt messages in rules with the action:
publish mqtt message "<string with variables>" on topic "<string with variables>" [on broker ListOfBrokers] [qos: 0|1|2] [retain: true|false]
"rules": [
"id": "my-rule",
"rule": "when every 3 seconds then publish mqtt message \"msg\" on topic \"topic\" on broker default qos: 1 retain: true",
"active": true,
"logging": false,
"name": "Publish mqtt"
You can trigger rules by mqtt messages with the predicate:
mqtt received "<message>" on topic "<topic>" [via broker ListOfBrokers] [qos: 0|1|2]
"rules": [
"id": "my-rule-2",
"name": "Receive mqtt",
"rule": "when mqtt received \"1\" on topic \"topic\" via broker default qos: 0 then log \"Yeah!\"",
"active": true,
"logging": true
To Do
'x' marks done To Do items
- Add RGB device
- Reflecting external condition for dimmer
- Reflecting external condition for buttons
- QoS and retain flag
- Processing JSON-encoded object
- Make payload configurable for all device
- Buttons Device
- Configurable PWM range for Dimmer
- Configurable CIE1931 correction for Dimmer
- Support for more then one Broker
- Sending all variables from Pimatic to Broker/s
- Control Pimatic over MQTT :)
- Integration with ActionProvider
- TLS support
- Add shutter device
- Add text and numeric input device
- JSON filtering for state values
sweet pi for his work on best automatization software Pimatic and all guys from the pimatic community.
Andre Miller for for his module pimatic-mqtt-simple from which it comes also part of the code.
Marcus Wittig for his nice module pimatic-johnny-five which was a big inspiration.