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1.1.0 • Public • Published

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This plugin enables using Vite 5 as the bundler for Piral instances and pilets.


Use your favorite npm client for the installation:

npm i piral-cli-vite5 --save-dev

Note: If you don't install any bundler for use in piral-cli then piral-cli-vite5 will be automatically installed for you.


There is nothing to do. Standard commands such as piral build or pilet debug will now work with Vite 5 as the bundler.

This plugin comes with batteries included. You don't need to install or specify your Vite version.

What's Inside

Right now it includes:

  • vite-plugin-codegen
  • vite-plugin-environment

Additionally, most known referenced assets are handled as files.

As such it should be prepared to include assets (images, videos, ...), stylesheets (CSS and SASS), and work with TypeScript.

Public Folder

By default the source folder (e.g., /src) is set as root. Therefore, the src/public folder (if available) will be used for the public assets. If you want to change this you can use a custom Vite config as explained below, e.g.:

import { resolve } from 'path';

export default {
  publicDir: resolve(__dirname, 'public'),

Referencing Scripts

Vite uses all scripts with type=module to be entry points in the index.html file. However, as you might just have scaffolded a solution or are more used to simply have <script src="./index.tsx"> in your HTML file we patch the index.html to match exactly that. Nevertheless, this creates a problem if you want to, for instance, reference some scripts that should not be part of the bundling (or would only exist later).

One thing to do here is to put some attribute to the script, i.e., transform

<script src="./do-not-pick-up.js"></script>


<!-- version below if order and immediate are relevant -->
<script blocking src="./do-not-bundle.js"></script>
<!-- version below if order is relevant, but immediate is not relevant -->
<script defer src="./do-not-bundle.js"></script>
<!-- version below if order and immediate are irrelevant -->
<script async src="./do-not-bundle.js"></script>


If you want to customize the given config (e.g., to add more plugins) then create a file vite.config.js (or anything else accepted by Vite, e.g., vite.config.ts) in your root directory.

In the most trivial version the file looks as follows:

import { defineConfig } from 'vite';

export default defineConfig({
  // Your config additions here

If you want to add some plugin you could do:

import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import legacy from "@vitejs/plugin-legacy";

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      targets: ['defaults', 'not IE 11'],

The configuration works with all formats that Vite supports.


Piral is released using the MIT license. For more information see the license file.

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  • florianrappl