
1.0.7 • Public • Published


The script for lazy people 😴

Tom the cat going to sleep

What is PJS?

PJS or Project Setup is a script for setting up a project using templates build in YAML. I wrote this script because I was tired of typing the same commands over and over again and I wanted to be able to quickly set up a project without waiting for the templates created by frameworks's developers to be ready.

So, I choose use YAML as a format for storing the templates because it is easy to read and easy to write.

How to write a template/setups?

All the templates are stored in a YAML file in ~/.config/pjs/setups.yaml, and the file is automatically loaded when you run pjs.

Structure of the file

- name: <name of the setup> # Optional but recommended
  alias: <alias> # Required
  type: <type of the setup> # Required, you can see the list of types in types.json
    - description: <description of the step> # Required
      command: <command> # Required
    - description: <description of the step> # Required
      command: <command> # Required


If you want see how to write your setups, you can check examples in examples folder

Note: All examples must be placed in the setups file: ~/.config/pjs/setups.yaml

Open folder

How to install PJS?

You can install PJS by typing the following command:

npm install pjss

if you want to use it in a global way.

npm install -g pjss

How to use PJS?

You can use PJS by typing the following command:

pjs <alias> <project name>

Available arguments

Argument Description
<alias> The alias of the template you want to use, configured in ~/.config/pjs/setups.yaml
<project name> The name of the project you want to create.
Option Description
--alias, -a The same as <alias>
--projectName, -p The same as <project name>
--listSetups, -l Show all available setups by type, if no type is specified or type is invalid, show all setups

The script will be create a project in current directory, so, if you run the script in ~/, the project will be created in ~/<project name>.


This project is licensed under the MIT license.



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  • guigalavernaa