
2.6.0 • Public • Published

Plurality Social Connect Widget

This repo contains the functionality to load the plurality identity oracle as a popup widget.

To run

npm install && npm run start

To use it in a react project

Here is a basic demo how it can be used in any react project

import PluralitySocialConnect from 'plurality-social-connect';

const App = () => {
    const childRef = useRef(null);
    // Handle the data returned from the widget
    const handleDataReturned = (data) => {
        const receivedData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data))
        console.log("dapp receives:", receivedData);
        // Handle the received data in the external webpage
        // ... (perform actions with the received data)

    return (
                options={{ apps: 'facebook,twitter' }}
                // all customization params are optional
                // customization={{ height: '200px', width: '500px', initialBackgroundColor: '#E8A123', initialTextColor: '#FFFFFF', flipBackgroundColor: '#12AE83', flipTextColor: '#FFFFFF'}}

Calling web3 functions through the social connect

Since the Metamask gets connected to the social connect, all web3 calls also need to be done through the social connect. You can use the following functions to call the blockchain layer:

Get All Connected Accounts

Returns all accounts that have been connected through the social connect

Returns: [0x123…, 0x456…]

Get Current Connected Account

Get current account connected to the social connect

Returns: 0x123…

Get Signature

Gets the message signed using the connected account and returns the signature

PluralitySocialConnect.getMessageSignature(message: string) 
PluralitySocialConnect.getMessageSignature("Example `personal_sign` message.")

Verify Message Signature

Verify if the signature matches the message using the current connected account and returns boolean true or false

PluralitySocialConnect.verifyMessageSignature(message: string, signature: string) 
Example: PluralitySocialConnect.verifyMessageSignature("Example `personal_sign` message.", "0xa1379711716d214c84c146bbaa9d03d77895526b8620bcae67a76f824be6fd3a43795645a31f758eaed39ee6aa5490a979233711d4e9d6a2e30fa09a5e9c808a1b")

Get Balance

Returns balance of the current account in wei. You need to convert it to required denomination yourself


Send Transaction

Send a certain amount (in ethers) to a certain address. Returns the transaction object

PluralitySocialConnect.sendTransaction(sendToAddress: string, value: string) 
Example:  PluralitySocialConnect.sendTransaction("0xe613B4cd69Fe20E8bd0F0D79a264210886bA1AA2","0.01")

Get Block Number

Returns the latest block number


Get Transaction Count

Returns the transaction count of the given address

PluralitySocialConnect.getTransactionCount(address: string) 
Example: PluralitySocialConnect.getTransactionCount("0xe613B4cd69Fe20E8bd0F0D79a264210886bA1AA2")

Read from contract

Returns the response of executing the given get method of the contract with the given parameters

PluralitySocialConnect.readFromContract(contractAddress: string, abi: string, methodName: string, methodParams: string[]) 
   const abi = '[{"inputs":[],"name":"retrieve","outputs":[{"internalType":"uint256","name":"","type":"uint256"}],"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"},{"inputs":[{"internalType":"uint256","name":"num","type":"uint256"}],"name":"store","outputs":[],"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"function"}]';
PluralitySocialConnect.readFromContract("0x8E26aa0b6c7A396C92237C6a87cCD6271F67f937",abi,"retrieve", [])

Write to contract

Returns the transaction response of executing the given write method of the contract with the given parameters

PluralitySocialConnect.writeToContract(contractAddress: string, abi: string, methodName: string, methodParam: string[]) 
   const abi = '[{"inputs":[],"name":"retrieve","outputs":[{"internalType":"uint256","name":"","type":"uint256"}],"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"},{"inputs":[{"internalType":"uint256","name":"num","type":"uint256"}],"name":"store","outputs":[],"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"function"}]';
PluralitySocialConnect.writeToContract("0x8E26aa0b6c7A396C92237C6a87cCD6271F67f937",abi, "store", "5")

To publish new version on npm registry

  • Update the version in package.json file
  • Run npm run webpack and verify the ./lib/SocialConnect.js file if it is updated
  • Run npm version and verify if the version is updated correctly locally
  • Run npm publish to publish it to public npm registry

Customizable attributes

  • height: Specify the height of the button
  • width: Specify the width of the button
  • initialBackgroundColor: Specify the intial background color of the button
  • initialTextColor: Specify the intial text color of the button
  • flipBackgroundColor: Specify the flipped background color of the button
  • flipTextColor: Specify the flipped text color of the button


  • The package is released on NPM registry via a build pipeline on merge to main


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    • mujtabaidrees94