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0.1.4 • Public • Published


PostCSS plugin that creates fluidly interpolated length values. You can read about the fluid typography in the great articles at Smashing Magazine and CSS Tricks. This approach can be used not only for font sizes, but also for any CSS dimensional properties. But the fluid method requires complex calculations, and this plugin helps to avoid them.

fluid(…) CSS function

This plugin introduces a new fluid() function that allows you to simply enumerate breakpoints and values, like this:

font-size: fluid(16px / 400px, 20px / 800px);

This means: I want to have a font size of 16px for screen widths up to 400px, 20px for widths 800px and wider, and a linear transition in between. So at 600px wide, the font size would be 18px.

This line will be transformed to the:

font-size: 20px;
font-size: clamp(16px, 16px + (100vw - 400px) / 100, 20px);

The first line is a fallback for older browsers, and the second line does all the fluid magic.

You can define more breakpoints, for example:

font-size: fluid(16px / 400px, 20px / 600px, 24px / 1200px);

You can use any static (not v*) length units for breakpoint values/sizes, but all units must be the same for all pairs.

The full syntax of the fluid function is:

fluid( x1 / y1, x2 / y2... [, by 100vw] [, fallback x3] )

The optional parameters are:

  • by 100vw is the dynamic size (in v* units) that should be mapped to the breakpoint sizes. It is 100wv by default.
  • fallback x3 is the fallback value. By default, the maximum of the breakpoint values is used, but it can be overridden in the plugin options.

Plugin usage

Use this plugin in the same way as the other PostCSS plugins:


The optional options object has the following optional fields:

  • byValue the default by parameter, defaults to "100vw" if not set;
  • fallbackBy the default fallback method, can be "max-value", "min-value" and "none" (omit fallback), defaults to "max-value" if not set;
  • useMinMax use min() and max() functions instead of clamp() (for old Safari), defaults to false if not set.


There are some limitations, some of them (marked 🤔) will probably be fixed in the future, and some (🙅) probably not.

  • 🤔 All units must be the same in all breakpoints;
  • 🤔 You can not use CSS variables in breakpoints;
  • 🙅 You can not use calculations inside the function;
  • 🙅 You can not use the fluid() function inside of other calculation, the fluid() call must be solo in the CSS rule.

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  • davidmz