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This is a PostCSS plugin that converts pixel units to viewport units (vw, vh, vmin, vmax). The code has been migrated from the original project evrone/postcss-px-to-viewport, as it is no longer maintained. This migrated code is compatible with the latest version of PostCSS.


To use this plugin, you'll need to have PostCSS set up in your project. If you haven't already, you can install PostCSS by running:

npm install postcss --save

Next, install the postcss-px-conversion plugin:

npm install postcss-px-conversion --save


To use this plugin in your PostCSS configuration, add it to your PostCSS plugins list, along with the desired configuration options.

Here's an example configuration in your postcss.config.js:

// postcss.config.js

module.exports = {
  plugins: {
    "postcss-px-conversion": {
      unitType: "px", // The unit to convert from (default is 'px')
      viewportWidth: 375,
      enablePerFileConfig: true, // Enable per-file configuration
      viewportWidthComment: "viewport-width", // Comment to specify viewport width
      // Other configuration options...

Used in nuxt3


export default defineNuxtConfig({
  postcss: {
    plugins: {
      "postcss-px-conversion": {
        unitType: "px", // The unit to convert from (default is 'px')
        viewportWidth: 375,
        unitPrecision: 10,
        viewportUnit: "vw",
        minPixelValue: 1,
        includeFiles: [/\/pages\//],
        excludeFiles: [/node_modules/, /pages\/active\/index\.vue/]

directory structure

- package.json
- pages
 - index
    - index.vue
 - active

The index page will be automatically converted, while the active page will not

Configuration Options

You can configure this plugin using various options:

  • unitType: The unit to convert from (default is 'px').
  • viewportWidth: The width of the viewport.
  • unitPrecision: The number of decimal places for vw units.
  • allowedProperties: List of CSS properties to convert to vw.
  • excludedProperties: List of CSS properties to exclude from conversion.
  • viewportUnit: The expected viewport unit (vw, vh, vmin, vmax).
  • fontViewportUnit: The expected font viewport unit.
  • selectorBlacklist: Selectors to ignore (strings or regular expressions).
  • selectorWhitelist: Selectors only included (strings or regular expressions).
  • minPixelValue: Minimum pixel value to replace.
  • allowMediaQuery: Allow px to vw conversion in media queries.
  • replaceRules: Replace rules containing vw instead of adding fallbacks.
  • excludeFiles: Files to ignore (as an array of regular expressions).
  • includeFiles: Only convert matching files (as an array of regular expressions).
  • enableLandscape: Add @media (orientation: landscape) for landscape mode.
  • landscapeUnit: The expected unit for landscape mode.
  • landscapeViewportWidth: Viewport width for landscape orientation.
  • enablePerFileConfig: Enable per-file configuration (default is true).
  • viewportWidthComment: Comment to specify viewport width (default is "viewport-width").

Please adjust these options according to your project's requirements.

Per-File Configuration

This plugin now supports per-file configuration, allowing you to specify different viewport widths for each CSS or SCSS file. To use this feature, simply add a special comment at the beginning of the file:

/* viewport-width: 1920 */

The plugin will read this comment and use the specified width for unit conversion. This is particularly useful for creating different CSS files for different devices (e.g., PC, tablet, mobile) within the same project.


Here's an example configuration that converts pixel values to vw units, with a default viewport width of 750 pixels and per-file configuration enabled:

// postcss.config.mjs
export default {
  plugins: {
    "postcss-px-conversion": {
      unitType: "px",
      viewportWidth: 375,
      unitPrecision: 5,
      allowedProperties: ["*"],
      excludedProperties: [],
      viewportUnit: "vw",
      fontViewportUnit: "vw",
      selectorBlacklist: [],
      selectorWhitelist: [],
      minPixelValue: 1,
      allowMediaQuery: false,
      replaceRules: true,
      excludeFiles: [],
      includeFiles: [],
      enableLandscape: false,
      landscapeUnit: "vw",
      landscapeViewportWidth: 568,
      enablePerFileConfig: true,
      viewportWidthComment: "viewport-width",

With this configuration, any pixel values in your CSS will be automatically converted to viewport units during PostCSS processing. Additionally, you can specify a different viewport width for each file using a comment.

For example, in a CSS file for desktop devices:

/* viewport-width: 1920 */
.header {
  width: 1600px; /* Will be converted to 83.33333vw */

And in a CSS file for mobile devices:

/* viewport-width: 375 */
.header {
  width: 350px; /* Will be converted to 93.33333vw */

This allows you to generate CSS for multiple devices in a single build while maintaining flexibility and maintainability in your code.


Original code migrated from evrone/postcss-px-to-viewport.

If you have any questions or issues, please report them on GitHub Issues.

Happy coding!


MIT License © 2023-PRESENT Kirk Lin




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  • kirklin