A PostCSS plugin for modify CSS selector flexible.
Plugin support two ways to modify selectors. In raw mode, you can return a new string from original selector string. In ast mode, you can modify the AST to get a generated selector string.
raw mode
In this mode, type should be fixed to string
. Argument raw
is the raw selector string, and the selector will use the returned new string.
module.exports = // in 👇// .a, .b, .c { color: red }; // out 👇// .a, .ant-b, .c { color: red };
AST mode
Based on postcss-selector-parser, type
could be each
, walk
, walkAttributes
, walkClasses
, walkCombinators
, walkComments
, walkIds
, walkNesting
, walkPseudos
, walkTags
. Modify node on the ast, and new string will be generated after modification.
module.exports = // in 👇 // .ant-a,// .ant-b,// .c,// .ant-d {// color: red// }; // out 👇 // .a,// .b,// .c,// .d {// color: red// };