
0.0.10 • Public • Published

This is a pre-release: you can help us make it better.

Current version 0.0.10

  • can retrieve controller without scope()

Current version 0.0.9

  • extracted ui to its own project primo-explore-dom-ui
  • added
  • add Helper.loadScript()
  • Primo.version now displays library version and Primo version & hot fix
  • Possibility to drill down on a service in the UI
  • Better check if reloadWithDebugInfo() was ran
  • explorer UI pops up automatically when Primo UI is loaded with angular.reloadWithDebugInfo()
  • some general refactoring
  • fixed an issue that would prevent explore.ui.toggle() from running twice

version 0.0.8

  • refactoring of ui
  • better component ctrl discovery
  • ui component property display
  • unhandle promise

version 0.0.7

  • user fines
  • better ctrl discovery
  • removed angularLoad reference

version 0.0.5

  • refactored: user, view, records, facets, ui
  • added
  • added view.interfaceLanguage
  • user, view, records, facets returns a promise
  • removed

Watch my EPUG-UKI AGM 2017 presentation to get an idea of what it is and what it can do.

Why do we need a Domain Object Model?

A domain object model according to Tim Howard is a logical container of domain information. You might assume that a model is present in every component and that is kind of true. When you examine a component you get a long list of context(component) specific information and there is no obvious way to access the most common(session, user, record, facet) information from within this component. And if you use an newUI service Ex Libris does not garentee that this service will still be present in the next newUI release.

I'm not saying that we need an SDK but we definitely need something that will withstand the test of time and maybe even is AngularJS agnostic. Currently the newUI is written using AngularJS 1 but plans are in place to upgrade to a future AngularJS and when this happens everybody who has written custom newUI code has to rewrite it for that AngularJS version.

TODO:write more documentation


This package will extend the newUI through a "Template Package" or "Central Package".

  1. Install and configure primo-explore-devenv
  2. Download a "Template Package" or "Central Package" from the Primo Back Office
  3. Extract the downloaded package to primo-explore-devenv/primo-explore/custom
  4. Rename the "Template Package" directory to reflect your view code for example to YOUR_VIEW_CODE
  5. Create a package.json file inside your package directory
* ```cd YOUR_VIEW_CODE```
* ```npm init -y```
  1. Install and store a reference to this package
* ```npm install primo-explore-dom --save-dev```
  1. Test.
* ```gulp run --view YOUR_VIEW_CODE --proxy```
* Open your web browser and go to http://localhost:8003/primo-explore/search?vid=YOUR_VIEW_CODE

PS: YOUR_VIEW_CODE must be replaced with the code you use for your view.

install PRIMO Domain Object Model

If you haven't installed primo-explore-devenv but do want to explore you can load primo-explore-dom from your web browser console.

//enable debug information. Wait for the screen to reload.
//When screen is reloaded
//Get a pointer to AngularJs and angularLoad
var appInjector = angular.injector(['ng','angularLoad']);
//Get a reference to angularLoad
var angularLoad = appInjector.get('angularLoad');
//Load the script;
    console.log('script loaded');    

Quick links


If you are using this library to understand the newUI always load debug info first.


For now it is not possible to access the $scope and $ctrl without the debug info. The library will throw an error if this is the case and try an alternative method but this does not work for component access. (± will mark methods that absolutely need $scope access)

Check if the library is loaded with debug info enabled


This is an artifact. Should not be used!


Get the library version



Primo.user returns a promise

Get user ID

  Primo.user.then(user => console.log(;

Get user name

  Primo.user.then(user => console.log(;

Get user email

  Primo.user.then(user => console.log(;  

Is user logged in

  Primo.user.then(user => console.log(user.isLoggedIn()));  

is user on campus

  Primo.user.then(user => console.log(user.isOnCampus()));  

Print number of fines for user

  Primo.user.then(user => console.log(user.fines.length));

Print total of all fines

  Primo.user.then(user => console.log( => parseFloat(f.finesum)).reduce((p,c)=> p+c)))

Print number of loans for user

  Primo.user.then(user => console.log(


Primo.view returns a promise


  Primo.view.then(view => console.log(view.code));  

Get institution code

  Primo.view.then(view => console.log(view.institution.code));

Get institution name

  Primo.view.then(view => console.log(;  

Get interface language

  Primo.view.then(view => console.log(view.interfaceLanguage));


Get IP address of your Primo view

  Primo.view.then(view => console.log(view.ip.address));


Primo.records returns a promise This is a pointer to the new UI result set

Getting access to all records

  Primo.records.then(records => console.log(records));

Mapping all recordid's into a list

  Primo.records.then(records => console.log( => m.pnx.control.recordid[0])));

This is just a glimpse of what can be done.


Primo.facets returns a promise This is a pointer to the new UI facet set

Getting access to all facets

  Primo.facets.then(facets => console.log(facets));

Examining a facet

Getting the facet name

  Primo.facets.then(facets => console.log(facets[0].name));

Getting facet count

  Primo.facets.then(facets => console.log(facets[0].count));  

Getting facet values

  Primo.facets.then(facets => console.log(facets[0].values));  

This is just a glimpse of what can be done.


Getting available components

The components list changes over time. Some components are only available in certain situations


Getting the 'prm-icon' component

  var prmIcons = Primo.explore.components.get('prm-icon');

Examining the prmIcon component

Get component name


Get DOM element


Find out css path to component


Get $scope for component (±)


Get $ctrl form component (±)


Make component blink on screen



Same as Primo.isDebugEnabled()


Same as Primo.isPrimoAvailable()


Get all rendered components


Same as document.querySelectorAll but return an Array instead of a NodeList


PrimoExplore injector


Reference to AngularJS $http


Reference to angular-load. Returns a promise


Reference to PrimoExplore rootScope


Reference to userSessionManagerService


Reference to json web token data


Returns a promise to userDetails


Returns a promise to userFines


Returns a promise to userLoans


Make a component blink

  Primo.explore.helper.blink(component, numberOfBlinks = 4)


Activate the UI


PRIMO Domain Object Model UI


Display the user name after the logo

  app.component('prmLogoAfter', {
    bindings: {
      parentCtrl : '<'
    template: '<div>{{$ctrl.user}}</div>',
    controller: function(){
      let ctrl = this;
      ctrl.user = '';
      Primo.user.then(u => ctrl.user =;

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npm i primo-explore-dom

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  • mehmetc