
1.2.0 • Public • Published

Pseudo Test

If you need to confirm that your XML or JSON API is behaving as expected, this module is for you.

Test API routes using plain English

# Verify that API saves accounts as expected 
POST 200 WITH BODY {"firstName":'JP'"lastName":'Berd'}
TEST {"id":"10000","firstName":"JP","lastName":"Berd"} EQUALS RESPONSE.body 

...and say goodbye to this

//wth!!!, I have a deadline. Who can write this much code just to test?????
var url = '';
it('should correctly update an existing account', function(done){
  var body = {
    firstName: 'JP',
    lastName: 'Berd'
    .expect('Content-Type', /json/)
    .expect(200) //Status code
    .end(function(err,res) {
      if (err) {
        throw err;
      // Should.js fluent syntax applied'_id');

Additional Commands

Intentionally kept small. The point is to test your code and not learn a verbose language in the process

Command Description
SET HEADER ["key":"value"] Used to set custom http headers.
SET VAR(IABLE) [var] = [value] Set a local variable for use later
    SET HEADER "authkey":"1234"
    SET VAR hostvar =
    #Alternate form, more english like
    Set variable hostvar =
Command Description
GET|POST|PUT|DELETE [HTTP.code] URL Execute HTTP Request and break if HTTP response code does not match user specified HTTP.code
RESPONSE.body Last successful HTTP response.body.
    #Retrieve list of users and test overwrite first user with new info
    GET 200 ${hostvar}/users
    PUT 200 ${hostvar}/user/${RESPONSE.body[0].id} WITH BODY {"id":"1","name":"Brent"}
Command Description
TEST [condition] If test condition fails, break
TEST [obj] EQUALS [obj] Test that two objects/arrays are equal. This is includes checking for expected type AND value for each member AND attribute
TEST [obj] IS LIKE [obj] Test two objects against each other. Only verify that attribute name and type of value match
    TEST RESPONSE.body[0].name == "Brent"
    #Strict test.  Response body must exactly match the expected result
    TEST RESPONSE.body[1] EQUALS {id: 1,name: "Leanne Graham",username: "Lgraham"}
    #lazy test. Response body must have same keys and types of values only
    TEST RESPONSE.body[1] IS LIKE {id: 9999,name: "blah blah",username: "foo"}
Command Description
Include [path to module] Include a module and set local variable to module name. NOTE: slashes (/) and (-) are converted to (_) underscores
Calll [function] Execute a function from included module
DEBUG [any valid expression] Echo string to console
LOOP [list] AS [var] [test to execute] ENDLOOP Iterate over list and execute all test(s) against each member of the list. Break if failure.
    Include models/account

    #Test Account balance
    SET VAR balance = models_account.creditAccount('checking',1000.00)
    SET VAR balance = models_account.debitAccount('checking',500.00)
    TEST balance == 500.00

    GET 200
    DEBUG "Number of users is ${RESPONSE.body[0]length}"
    #Perform a couple of tests against each user returned in json array
    LOOP RESPONSE.body AS user
        TEST != null
        TEST typeof == "number"

Latest Updates

Version Change
1.2.0 Include command added
1.2.0 Call command added
1.1.5 SETVAR command removed. Use SET VAR instead
1.1.4 Commands are now case insensitive.
1.1.4 LOOP command added
1.1.4 SET VAR(iable) command added

How Can I get Started?

1.) Install from npm

npm install --save pseudo-test

2.) Edit package.json and add the following snippet to the scripts section

  "scripts": {
    "ptest": "./node_modules/.bin/ptest"

3) Save Test Case to [your project directory]/tests/myexample.test

Any files with *.test extension will be run
# My First Test Case <myexample.test> 
# I'm testing that I receive a 200 from the user service 
 GET 200
# Pro-tip: HTTP response is saved to global RESPONSE.body Object 
# Access global object to test some conditions 
    TEST RESPONSE.body.username == "Bret" && typeof == "number"
# Or Compare a test object to the entire RESPONSE.body for exact match 
    SETVAR mytestobject = {id:1,name:"Leanne Graham",username:"Bret",email:"",address:{street:"Kulas Light",suite:"Apt. 556",city:"Gwenborough",zipcode:"92998-3874",geo:{lat:"-37.3159",lng:"81.1496"}},phone:"1-770-736-8031 x56442",website:"",company:{name:"Romaguera-Crona",catchPhrase:"Multi-layered client-server neural-net",bs:"harness real-time e-markets"}}
    TEST mytestobject EQUALS RESPONSE.body
#Pro-tip: Use TEST [someobj] IS LIKE RESPONSE.body to compare only key names and value types 
    # TEST mytestobject IS LIKE RESPONSE.body 

4) Run the Test(s)

npm run ptest

5) View The Output...Did it pass?

Running test for file /Users/gregadmin/projects/cn-anything/tests/myexample.test
Calling URL
Expecting a user specified response statusCode [200]
content-type is application/json; charset=utf-8
Evaluating RESPONSE.body.username == "Bret" && typeof == "number"
fuzzy match is false
Comparing objects [object Object]==> to [object Object]==> with key [address] testForFieldTypeOnly flag is false
Comparing objects Gwenborough==> to Gwenborough==> with key [city] testForFieldTypeOnly flag is false
Comparing objects [object Object]==> to [object Object]==> with key [geo] testForFieldTypeOnly flag is false
Comparing objects -37.3159==> to -37.3159==> with key [lat] testForFieldTypeOnly flag is false
Comparing objects 81.1496==> to 81.1496==> with key [lng] testForFieldTypeOnly flag is false
Comparing objects Kulas Light==> to Kulas Light==> with key [street] testForFieldTypeOnly flag is false
Comparing objects Apt. 556==> to Apt. 556==> with key [suite] testForFieldTypeOnly flag is false
Comparing objects 92998-3874==> to 92998-3874==> with key [zipcode] testForFieldTypeOnly flag is false
Comparing objects [object Object]==> to [object Object]==> with key [company] testForFieldTypeOnly flag is false
Comparing objects harness real-time e-markets==> to harness real-time e-markets==> with key [bs] testForFieldTypeOnly flag is false
Comparing objects Multi-layered client-server neural-net==> to Multi-layered client-server neural-net==> with key [catchPhrase] testForFieldTypeOnly flag is false
Comparing objects Romaguera-Crona==> to Romaguera-Crona==> with key [name] testForFieldTypeOnly flag is false
Comparing objects> to> with key [email] testForFieldTypeOnly flag is false
Comparing objects 1==> to 1==> with key [id] testForFieldTypeOnly flag is false
Comparing objects Leanne Graham==> to Leanne Graham==> with key [name] testForFieldTypeOnly flag is false
Comparing objects 1-770-736-8031 x56442==> to 1-770-736-8031 x56442==> with key [phone] testForFieldTypeOnly flag is false
Comparing objects Bret==> to Bret==> with key [username] testForFieldTypeOnly flag is false
Comparing objects> to> with key [website] testForFieldTypeOnly flag is false
Overall Status : ALL TESTS PASSED

Known Limitations

-- Multi-line commands are not supported.

-- Use ${varname} syntax if your variables will be enclosed in quotes

Ex. DEBUG "First Person is ${RESPONSE.body[0].name}"

Pro-tip: Underscore.js functions are available in all tests

# Call underscore.js library _.sortBy and _.difference to make my life easier
# Test that my REST API /sort route works correctly
SET VAR sortedArray = _.sortBy([3,4,6,1,2,5],function(num){return num})
GET 200 http://myservice/sort WITH BODY [3,4,6,1,2,5]
TEST _.difference(sortedArray,RESPONSE.body) == []

Advanced Usage Example(s)

  # Compare a JSON string to the response body  
  # Note: Nested objects are also supported. 
  GET 200
  TEST {name: "cn-go-api","version":"3.1.48"} EQUALS RESPONSE.body
  npm run ptest
Running TEST {name: "cn-go-api","version":"3.1.48"} EQUALS RESPONSE.body
Error processing the following action on line 32 of /projectx/tests/versioncheck.test
TEST {name: "cn-go-api","version":"3.1.48"} EQUALS RESPONSE.body
Error: Value of attribute [version==>3.1.48] does not match value of second object [version ==>3.1.47]
  # Set less strict checking.  I only care that the each object's 
  # keys match and the values are the correct type. 
  # Actual value for each key does not matter 
  TEST {name: "cn-go-api","version":"3.1.48"} IS LIKE RESPONSE.body
  npm run ptest
  Running TEST {name: "cn-go-api","version":"3.1.48"} IS LIKE RESPONSE.body


Setup your project to reject commits to git repo if your latest code changes cause a test to fail

# copy this file to [your project directory]/.git/hooks/pre-commit 
# make it executable by typing chmod +x pre-commit 
killall node
echo 'Starting local server at http://localhost and PORT' $PORT
node app.js &
sleep 2
node node_modules/pseudo-test/app.js
killall node
Attempting a commit automatically runs tests and rejects commit it tests fail
  git commit -m "I made a quick change and I'm sure it works"
  Running TEST {duration: "200","version":"3.1.47"} EQUALS ${RESPONSE.body}
  Error processing the following action on line 32 of ~/myapi/tests/oldbusinessrules.test
  TEST {duration: "200","version":"3.1.47"} EQUALS RESPONSE.body
  Error: Encountered attribute in this object which is not the same attribute type in comparison object
  duration is [number] in first object while duration attribute in second object is of type [string]

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npm i pseudo-test

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