Play with docker javascript SDK
This is the client side JS of PWD that allows to run terminals and attach them to your site
Using the SDK
Here's a minimal example of the SDK usage:
<title>PWD SDK Demo</title>
<div id="myTerm" style="width 500px; height: 500px;"></div>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./dist/styled.css" />
<script src="./dist/pwd.js"></script>
pwd = new PWD();
pwd.newSession([{ selector: "#myTerm" }]);
If you are running Play with Docker locally (which saves resources on our production machines) create the new session with an additional option:
pwd.newSession([{selector: '#myTerm'}], {baseUrl: 'http://localhost'});
You can easily test your page with the SDK by running the following from the root directory of this project on Linux or Mac:
docker run --name sdktest -v $PWD:/usr/share/nginx/html:ro -d -it -p 8080:80 nginx
and then browse to localhost:8080.
Using it with Vanilla JS
<title>PWD SDK</title>
<div id="myTerm" style="width: 500px; height: 500px;"></div>
<script src="{version}/dist/pwd.min.js"></script>
pwd = new PWD();
pwd.newSession([{ selector: "#myTerm" }]);
Using it with React
import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import PWD from "pwd-sdk";
import ReactPWD, { usePWD } from "pwd-sdk/react";
import "pwd-sdk/dist/styles.css";
export default () => {
const pwd = usePWD(new PWD());
return (
<ReactPWD pwd={pwd} name="1" />
<ReactPWD pwd={pwd} name="2" />
Building the SDK
Requires an installation of yarn
Clone this repo and run yarn install && yarn run build