Functions to combine q promises, capturing lots of useful, real world patterns used across Beamly's node.js services.
npm install q-combinators --save
All API methods below accept Q promises or any Promise/A+ implementation (e.g. bluebird or Native Promises). For backwards comptability q-combinators will use the 'Q' library internally and return Q promises by default. However if your project uses another promise implementation you can pass it to setPromiseImpl() to change this behaviour.
// use native promisesqCombinators; // use bluebird promisesqCombinators;
Resolves an object of promises with an object of the resultant values if all promises resolve. If any promise rejects, it rejects with the same reason
// happy pathqCombinatorsobjectall x: y: z: ; // sad pathqCombinatorsobjectall x: Q y: z: ;
Resolves an object of promises with all results, using the same format as Q.allSettled
Resolves an object of promises with only the fulfilled values. If none of the promises fulfill, it fulfills with an empty object.
Resolves an object of promises with only the rejected values. If none of the promises are rejected, it fulfills with an empty object.
Resolves an object of promises when the 'demanded' keys contain successful promises.
If a demanded promise fails, the returned promise will also fail.
// happy pathqCombinatorsobject; // sad path;
Resolves an array of promises with only the fulfilled values. If none of the promises are fulfilled, it fulfills with an empty array.
Resolves an array of promises with only the rejected values. If none of the promises are rejected, it fulfills with an empty array.
Sequentially executes an array of promise-returning functions. The equivalent of a lot of .then
var { return a + 1 };var { return }; qCombinators ;
Composes promise-producing functions into a single promise-producing function. Composes conventionally, from right to left.
In case of failure, returns the first failing promise in order of execution.
var { return };var { return }; var doubleThenAddTwo = qCombinators; ;
Sequentially executes an array of functions which return promises, until the first promise is resolved. If all promises are rejected it itself is rejected with an array of all the failure reasons.
// happy pathqCombinators; // sad pathqCombinators;
Same as .fallback, but takes an array of promises, allowing fetching results in parallel, then accepting them in preferential order.
// happy pathqCombinators; // sad pathqCombinators;
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This project is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license.