
0.1.1 • Public • Published

#TCP Driver This is the driver implementation of the TCP driver for the Rainfall library. Besides the createDriver method, you won't need to call any other method. It uses an UDP driver for broadcast communication.

##Usage You'll use this driver to pass it to the Rainfall library or the Leaf library. If you want to listen for broadcast messages you must set udplisten in the parameters to true. ###Examples

Creates a driver on port 4567 and uses default broadcast port (2357)

var Tcp = require('rainfall-tcp');
Tcp.createDriver({rport: 4567}, (err, inst) => {
  //inst is the created driver, pass it to Rainfall or leaf

Creates a driver on port 4567 and setting broadcast port to 4567

var Tcp = require('rainfall-tcp');
Tcp.createDriver({rport: 4567, broadcast_port: 4567}, (err, inst) => {
  //inst is the created driver, pass it to Rainfall or leaf

Creates a driver on arbitrary port, uses default broadcast port (2357) and will listen to broadcast messages

var Tcp = require('rainfall-tcp');
Tcp.createDriver({rport: 4568, udplisten: true}, (err, inst) => {
  //inst is the created driver, pass it to Rainfall or leaf

##Documentation For documentation on how to use this driver, refer to this

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  • fabio.muramatsu
  • henrod
  • ricardobg