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1.0.15 • Public • Published


Input masked component for React allowing to use variable length sections in mask definitions. Ability to enter text sections of variable length allows to impement masked input of e-mail addresses, post addresses and other structured text of variable length.

Live Demo


npm install react-flexinput-mask

Quick start

import  React  from  'react';
import {FlexInputMask} from 'react-flexinput-mask/index';

function App() {
return (
<FlexInputMask placeHolder={[


Name Type Default Description
placeHolder IPlaceHolderItem[] The placeHolder property is an array of sections. Each section contains properties that determine the appearance of the section and the rules for entering symbols.
style? object custom css style that applies to PlaceHolderItem(section) element


Name Event Handler Type                              Description        
onSectionGotFocus? (instance: FlexInputMask)=>void fires when any section of placeHolder gets a focus
onChange? (instance: FlexInputMask, newValue:string)=>boolean) =>void fires when user changes section content. newValue - not commited changes, if onChange handler returns false the changes would be rejected (previous value will be restored)
onSectionLostFocus? (instance:FlexInputMask) =>void fires when any section of placeHolder losts a focus.


getFormattedValue(includeDelimiters:boolean = true):string

Returns value of FlexInputMask component. Depending on parameter includeDelimiters returned string would contain delimiters or not.


PlaceHolderItem used to define input section rules


Name Type Description
text string Text of section that will be displayed as placeholder
isPersistant? boolean There are 2 types of sections: editable and readonly. If isPersistant == false or omitted then section is editable
isVariableLength boolean Allows to enter strings of variable length if true
delimitertext? string Delimiter symbol. Delimiter symbol will be displayed after section value, After entering delimiter symbol into input section the focus will be moved to the next input section
regex? string Regular expresion used to filter symbols. If symbol is not allowed its input will be blocked
customCssClass? string ClassName attribute of the FlexInputMask component. See example of usage in "Style" partition of Live Demo[]


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    • orudnev