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0.1.0 • Public • Published


Smooth, infinite, cross platform layered carousel component with autoplay.


  1. Features
  2. Install
  3. Usage
    1. Basic usage
    2. Realistic usage
    3. Autoplay
    4. Autoplay with progress
  4. API
    1. useCarousel
    2. Carousel
    3. Slide
    4. StaggeredElement
    5. Progress


  • 💎 Smooth, performant transitions where slides blend together
  • ♾️ Infinite steps both left and right
  • ☁️ Practically style free except basic functionality
  • ⏱️ Stagger elements on a slide to create fly in/out layers
  • ⏯️ Autoplay feature with stop/play/pause and auto-pause on Carousel hover
  • 🐒 Jank-free on monkey clicking


$ npm install react-fluid-karusell --save


$ yarn add react-fluid-karusell


You can find some code snippets down below or go to this CodeSandbox to play around with it.

Basic usage

import { Carousel, useCarousel } from "react-fluid-karusell";

const Component = () => {
  const { carouselProps } = useCarousel({ autoplay: true });

  return (
    <Carousel {...carouselProps} style={{ height: "50vh" }}>
      <Carousel.Slide>First slide content</Carousel.Slide>
      <Carousel.Slide>Second slide content</Carousel.Slide>

Every slide has position: absolute so you have to set a height for the root Carousel element somehow (style and className is forwarded to the underlying DOM element).

Realistic usage

import { Carousel, useCarousel } from "react-fluid-karusell";

import "./my-carousel.css";

const Component = () => {
  const { carouselProps, previous, next } = useCarousel();

  return (
    <Carousel {...carouselProps} className="root">
      <button onClick={() => previous?.()}>⬅️</button>
        <div className="slide slide--1">
          <Carousel.StaggeredElement tag="h4" order={1}>
          <Carousel.StaggeredElement tag="p" className="text" order={2}>
            I'm late!
        <div className="slide slide--2">
          <img src=".." className="cover" />
            tag="a" // have to be styled as display: block (or any transformable element)
            Fly-in link
      <button onClick={() => next?.()}>⬅️</button>

All components exported will forward all usual DOM attributes and React props to the underlying element. The exception here is ref on the root Carousel component. If you need it you can get that from the props.carouselRef returned from the useCarousel hook.


import { Carousel, useCarousel } from "react-fluid-karusell";

import "./my-carousel.css";

const Component = () => {
  const {
  } = useCarousel({
    // see defaults in API docs below
    autoplay: true,
    autoplaySpeed: 3000,
    pauseOnHover: false,

  return (
    <Carousel {...carouselProps} className="root">
      <button onClick={() => previous?.()}>⬅️</button>
        <div className="slide slide--1">
          <h2>Big title</h2>
      <Carousel.Slide name="second">
        <div className="slide slide--2">
          <h2>Second slide title</h2>
      <button onClick={() => next?.()}>⬅️</button>
      <div className="controls">
        <button disabled={playState === "stopped"} onClick={() => stop?.()}>
        <button disabled={playState === "playing"} onClick={() => play?.()}>
        <button disabled={playState === "paused"} onClick={() => pause?.()}>

Autoplay with progress

import { Carousel, useCarousel } from "react-fluid-karusell";

import "./my-carousel.css";

const Component = () => {
  const { carouselProps } = useCarousel({ autoplay: true });

  return (
    <Carousel {...carouselProps} className="root">
        <div className="slide slide--1">
          <h2>Big title</h2>
      <Carousel.Slide name="second">
        <div className="slide slide--2">
          <h2>Second slide title</h2>
      <div className="progress-solo">
        <Carousel.Progress for="second" />
      <Carousel.Progress className="progress-global" />

Carousel.Progress is basically a div that will animate from scaleX(0) to scaleX(1). How you display that is up to you. If the for prop is not provided it will animate on every slide.



Available options to pass to the useCarousel hook. See examples in above code snippets.

  // Start at this index. (0)
  defaultActive?: number;

  // Enable autoplay. (false)
  autoplay?: boolean;

  // Display progress bar(s) if provided. (true)
  autoplayProgress?: boolean;

  // Time in ms of every slide in autoplay mode. (5000)
  autoplaySpeed?: number;

  // Pause autoplay when hovering carousel. (true)
  pauseOnHover?: boolean;

  // slide duration time in ms when transitioning. (1000)
  baseDuration?: number;

  // Delay for the current transition, most useful when using staggered elements.
  // Default is (order ? order * (duration / 2) : 0) where every staggered elments order delay is increased by half of the baseDuration.
  // Main slide is passed as undefined for order.
  transitionDelay?: (order: undefined | number, duration: number) => number;

  // Duration for the current transition.
  // Default is (order ? duration + duration * (order / 5) : duration) - basically the animation gets slower and slower for every staggered element.
  // Main slide is passed as undefined for order.
  transitionDuration?: (order: undefined | number, duration: number) => number;

  // CSS timing function (easing). Comma separated where the first is opacity and second is for translateX.
  // Default is (order? "linear, cubic-bezier(.17,.67,.24,1)" : "ease-in-out").
  // Main slide is passes as undefined for order.
  transitionEasing?: (order: undefined | number, duration: number) => string;

  // Start value in px for translateX compared to final value.
  translateOffset?: number; // 100

useCarousel returns the following methods and state:

  // Currently active slide index.
  activeIndex: number;

  // Currently active slide name, if provided to Carousel.Slide.
  activeName: string;

  // This is the props object which is to be spread onto the Carousel component, see code examples.
  carouselProps: {
    carouselRef: React.MutableRefObject<HTMLDivElement | null>;

  // Current autoplay state (stopped | playing | paused).
  playState: PlayState;

  // Manually transition to a specific slide, identified either by Carousel.Slide index or slide name if provided.
  // Passing `true` to the second parameter will make the change immediately without any transition animation.
  move: (target?: string | number, instant?: boolean) => void;

  // Move to the next slide.
  next: () => void;

  // Move to the previous slide.
  previous: () => void;

  // Start/Unpause autoplay.
  play: () => void;

  // Stop the autoplay, hide and reset progress elements.
  stop: () => void;

  // Pause autoplay and freeze progress elements.
  pause: () => void;


Carousel component

Just spread carouselProps returned from useCarousel to this component, like this:

const { carouselProps } = useCarousel();

<Carousel {...carouselProps} className="my-carousel-class-with-set-height">
  {/* content */}

It will accept all normal div element props. In fact, there's nothing special at all to this component. It needs to have a defined height somehow though.

Slide component

Main component to wrap your slide in.

type SlideProps = {
  name?: string; // used as an identifier if you have a Progress element for this specific slide

It will accept all normal div element props. Don't overwrite position though since it's set to absolute along with a few other CSS properties. Most likely you'd want to leave this component as is and have your own wrapping element inside of it. For ex:

  <div className="my-slide-class" style={{ width: "100%", height: "100%" }}>
    {/* content */}

StaggeredElement component

A staggered element is a transformable element that will appear in sequence after one another based on the order of it.

type StaggeredElementProps = {
  tag?: keyof React.ReactHTML; // "div", "h3", "p" etc...
  order?: number; // order of when to appear, starting with 1

You can see an example of using staggered elements in this CodeSandbox.

Progress component

This is an element that will animate from scaleX(0) to scale(1) for a specific slide if for is set or for all slides otherwise.

export type ProgressProps = {
  for?: string;

It will accept all other normal div element props. for corresponds to a slides name prop.


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