This is a simple gradient color picker integrated with react. The reason I decide to develop it since there's no usable gradient color picker on npm so far (2015/12/30). Please join me to make it better and more useful. Please checkout the example at here.
Please checkout the code at here.
- Linting - npm run lint - Runs ESLint.
- Testing - npm test and npm run tdd - Runs Karma/Mocha/Chai/Phantom. Code coverage report is generated through istanbul/isparta to
. - Developing - npm start - Runs the development server at localhost:8080 and use Hot Module Replacement. You can override the default host and port through env (
npm install --save react-gradient-color-picker
stops {array} default:
offset: 00 color: '#f00' opacity: 10 offset: 05 color: '#fff' opacity: 10 offset: 10 color: '#0f0' opacity: 10
The color stops of the color map.
onChange {func}
Callback called on every value change. The return value is a d3 linear color scale. Input value range is between 0 to 1. It only triggers when the stop color changes or end of dragging the handlers.
width {number}
The width of the component.
return an array of color stops
return a D3 color scale function.
Highlighting Demo
{ var style = width: '300px' ; var stops = offset: 00 color: '#f00' opacity: 10 offset: 05 color: '#fff' opacity: 10 offset: 10 color: '#0f0' opacity: 10 ; var { // colorStops: an array of color stops // colorMap: a d3 linear scale function // how to get the mapped color: // var mappedColor = colorMap(0.8); } return <div style=style> <ReactGradientColorPicker onChange=onChangeCallback stops=stops/> </div> ;}
react-gradient-color-picker is available under MIT. See LICENSE for more details.