- Fetch token by sending card details to
for iOS and Android.
Package is using auto-linking
Package is using autolinking with Cocoapods
pod install
LOGIN_ID : "login_id of authorize.net in which the card will be added."
CLIENT_KEY : "client_key of authorize.net in which the card will be added."
CARD_NO : "card no"
EXPIRATION_MONTH : "expiration month of the card."
EXPIRATION_YEAR : "expiration year of the card."
CVV_NO : "cvc no of the card."
DATA_DESCRIPTOR = "card data descriptor"
DATA_VALUE = "card data value"
note: these values will be used to add card on server using Accept.js from authorize.net
import { NativeModules } from 'react-native';
const { RNAuthorizeNet } = NativeModules;
// note: object properties must be exactly like they are shown here
const isProduction = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'; // true | false
const cardValues = {
CARD_NO: '4111111111111111',
CVV_NO: '000',
* Authorizes a credit card transaction using Authorize.Net AcceptJS Native Module
* @param {Object} cardValues - An object containing card info and auth.net credentials.
* @param {boolean} isProduction - A flag indicating whether the production environment should be used.
* @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves with the payment token or rejects with an error
RNAuthorizeNet.getTokenWithRequestForCard(cardValues, isProduction)
.then(response => {
.catch((error: any) => {
if (Platform.OS === 'ios') {
const { code, message } = error;
const alertMsg: string = `${message}\n\nError Code: ${code}`;
Alert.alert('Error', alertMsg, [{ text: 'OK' }], {
cancelable: false,
} else if (Platform.OS === 'android') {
const { userInfo } = error;
const { ERROR_TEXT, ERROR_CODE } = userInfo;
const alertMsg: string = `${ERROR_TEXT}\n\nError Code: ${ERROR_CODE}`;
Alert.alert('Error', alertMsg, [{ text: 'OK' }], {
cancelable: false,
Note: The error handling is different on each platform
The above implementation worked for me on both platforms. I hope this example code saves someone the countless hours it took me to promisify Peter's original code and get error handling working as expected.
Please note, the Android module includes some code that requires minSdkVersion 21, but Expo allows us to configure this in app.json
via expo-build-properties
"expo": {
"plugins": [
"android": {
"minSdkVersion": 26
"ios": {}