A simple hook for clustering markers for react-native-maps
Completely inspired by react-native-maps-super-cluster, most of credit goes back to their maintainers and contributors.
yarn add react-native-maps-use-cluster
Here is the quick how-to example:
import React, { useRef, useState } from "react";import { Dimensions } from "react-native";import { useCluster } from "react-native-maps-use-cluster"; const App = () => { const mapViewRef = useRef<MapView>(); const [region, setRegion] = useState<Region | undefined>(); const { clusters, getCoordinates } = useCluster< { marker: IMarker } & IUseClusterItem >({ items: => ({ coordinate: marker, marker })), region, width: Dimensions.get("window").width, height: Dimensions.get("window").height }); const onClusterPress = cluster => { if (mapViewRef.current) { const coordinates = getCoordinates(; if (coordinates && coordinates.length) { mapViewRef.current.fitToCoordinates(coordinates, { edgePadding: { top: 10, bottom: 10, right: 10, left: 10 }, animated: true }); } } }; const markers = => { if (! { return null; } if ( === 0) { const { marker } =; return <Marker coordinate={marker} key={} />; } else { return ( <Marker key={} coordinate={{ latitude: cluster.geometry.coordinates[1], longitude: cluster.geometry.coordinates[0] }} onPress={() => { onClusterPress(cluster); }} style={{ zIndex: 99 }} > <View style={{ backgroundColor: "red", height: 20, width: 20, borderRadius: 20, alignItems: "center" }} > <Text style={{ color: "white" }}> {} </Text> </View> </Marker> ); } }); return ( <MapView provider={"google"} ref={ref => (mapViewRef.current = ref || undefined)} style={} onRegionChangeComplete={setRegion} > {markers} </MapView> );};
For complete demo, see examples/expo