React Native Network Graph
Component for displaying connections between entities, in the form of a network graph.
The prop-types library was used for checking the component's PropTypes as recommended by Facebook here. The other library(react-native-svg) was used for drawing the entities.
npm install react-native-network-graph
Then run
rnpm link
And then in your component:
{ ; thisstate = selectedCircleIndex:0 //this can also be stored in redux store. ; } { //or an action can be dispatched as well. this } { let connections = "1":24 //node at index 1 is connected to nodes at index 2 and 4 respectively. "2":67 //node at index 2 is connected to nodes at index 6 and 7 respectively. ; let circleTitles = 'C1''C2' 'C3' 'C4' 'C5''C6' 'C7' 'C8' 'C9'; return <View => <NetworkGraph = // . = = = = = ="black" = = =/> </View> ; }
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Name | PropType | Required | Default Value | Description |
selectedCircleIndex | Number | Yes | None | index of the selected circle which is drawn in the center |
circleTitles | Array | Yes | None | titles of all the circles. |
onCircleClick | Function | Yes | None | function that is invoked on clicking the circle |
connections | Object | Yes | None | See the example usage for the data structure of the connections Object. |
containerHeight | Number | No | 500 | height of content container inside which the graph is drawn |
containerWidth | Number | No | 500 | height of content container inside which the graph is drawn |
centralCircleRadius | Number | No | 60 | radius of the selected circle that is to be drawn in the center |
otherCirclesRadius | Number | No | 35 | radius of all the unselected circles. |
distanceFromCenter | Number | No | 200 | distance of other circles from the central one. If this exceeds containerHeight and containerWidth, the graph will be cropped to fit inside the content container view. |
selectedCircleLinesColor | String | No | #f59f02 | color of the lines emitting from the selected circle |
otherCircleLinesColor | String | No | black | color of the lines emitting from unselected circles |
centralCircleStrokeColor | String | No | #24a195 | border color of the selected circle |
centralCircleFillColor | String | No | #18B0A2 | background color of the selected circle |
centralCircleTextColor | String | No | white | color of the text rendered inside the selected circle |
otherCircleTextColor | String | No | white | color of the text rendered inside the unselected circles |
otherCircleFillColor | String | No | black | background color of the unselected circles |