
0.3.2 • Public • Published


  • Never again worry about scrolling and focusing form fields

  • Display icons and inline error messages with ease

  • Use any form state management tool you want

Screen capture

What it does

It implements the most common pattern of mobile form user interaction by convension over configuration. You'll never have to worry again about scrolling and focusing form fields.

  • It uses inline form fields with icons and labels
  • It displays different icons for valid and invalid field values
  • It displays validation message inside the field
  • When a field receives focus, it displays a keyboard (*)
  • If it is not the last field in the form, the keyboard return key is set to Next (**)
  • If it is the last field in the form, the keyboard return key is set to Done and hides keaboard on return (**)
  • When a field receives focus, the form scrolls to the top of the field to avoid it being hidden behind the keyboard
  • When all fields lose focus, the form scrolls back to the top of the form

(*) Unless an external keyboard is connected to the device

(**) On Android the return key button is always displayed as Done for now, since React Native does not support changing it yet. But the behaviour works correctly ;)

What it does NOT do

  • It does not implement form validation. We recommend using validate-model for that. But you can use anything you want.
  • It does not implement form state management. We recommend using Redux Form for that. But you can use anything you want.
  • It does not implement a submit button and enabled/disabled/loading behaviour for you. We recommend using apsl-react-native-button for that. But you can use anything you want.


  • React Native 0.25+
  • iOS
  • Android (see installation below)


This package is inspired by FaridSafi/react-native-gifted-form, and my intention is to merge with it in the future.

The reason for creating a new package is that I want the form components to be presentational only, and not to store state at all. This way we can easily integrate with Redux Form, any other form management tool, or even implement our own form management.


npm install react-native-stateless-form --save


You should add android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustNothing" attribute to the <activity> tag with android:name=".MainActivity" in your AndroidManifest.xml. Otherwise, it will have duplicate scroll behaviour.


The dirtiest example using React state

import React, { Component } from 'react-native'
import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/MaterialIcons'
import { StatelessForm, InlineTextInput } from 'react-native-stateless-form'
class Form extends Component {
  constructor(props, context) {
    super(props, context)
    this.state = {
      name: null,
      email: null,
      password: null,
  render() {
    const { name, email, password } = this.state
    const nameValid = (name && name.length > 0 ? true : false)
    const emailValid = /^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}$/i.test(email)
    const passwordValid = (password && password.length >= 8 ? true : false)
    return (
      <StatelessForm style={{
        flex: 1,
        marginTop: 20,
        backgroundColor: 'lightgray',
          placeholder='Tell us your name'
          style={{ borderColor: 'gray' }}
          labelStyle={{ color: 'dimgray' }}
          inputStyle={{ color: 'slategray' }}
          messageStyle={{ color: 'red' }}
          icon={ <Icon name={'account-circle'} size={18} color={'steelblue'} /> }
          validIcon={ <Icon name='check' size={18} color='green' /> }
          invalidIcon={ <Icon name='clear' size={18} color='red' /> }
          message={name && !nameValid ? 'Please fill your name' : null}
          onChangeText={(text) => { this.setState({name: text}) }}
          style={{ borderColor: 'gray' }}
          labelStyle={{ color: 'dimgray' }}
          inputStyle={{ color: 'slategray' }}
          messageStyle={{ color: 'red' }}
          icon={ <Icon name={'mail-outline'} size={18} color={'steelblue'} /> }
          validIcon={ <Icon name='check' size={18} color='green' /> }
          invalidIcon={ <Icon name='clear' size={18} color='red' /> }
          message={email && !emailValid ? 'Please enter a valid email address' : null}
          onChangeText={(text) => { this.setState({email: text}) }}
          placeholder='Create a password'
          style={{ borderColor: 'gray' }}
          labelStyle={{ color: 'dimgray' }}
          inputStyle={{ color: 'slategray' }}
          messageStyle={{ color: 'red' }}
          icon={ <Icon name={'vpn-key'} size={18} color={'steelblue'} /> }
          validIcon={ <Icon name='check' size={18} color='green' /> }
          invalidIcon={ <Icon name='clear' size={18} color='red' /> }
          message={password && !passwordValid ? 'Password too short' : null}
          onChangeText={(text) => { this.setState({password: text}) }}
import { AppRegistry } from 'react-native'
AppRegistry.registerComponent('Form', () => Form)

Create your own component to keep it DRY

import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react-native'
import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/MaterialIcons'
import { StatelessForm, InlineTextInput } from 'react-native-stateless-form'
class FormInput extends Component {
  // You MUST implement focus and blur methods for your component to work
  focus() {
  blur() {
  render() {
    const { iconName } = this.props
    return (
        ref='input' // This is necessary for focus() and blur() implementation to work
        style={{ borderColor: 'gray' }}
        labelStyle={{ color: 'dimgray' }}
        inputStyle={{ color: 'slategray' }}
        messageStyle={{ color: 'red' }}
        icon={ <Icon name={iconName} size={18} color={'steelblue'} /> }
        validIcon={ <Icon name='check' size={18} color='green' /> }
        invalidIcon={ <Icon name='clear' size={18} color='red' /> }
        { ...this.props }
// You MUST add these two props to propTypes in order to have auto-focus and auto-scroll working
FormInput.propTypes = {
  value: PropTypes.string,
  valid: PropTypes.bool,
class Form extends Component {
  constructor(props, context) {
    super(props, context)
    this.state = {
      name: null,
      email: null,
      password: null,
  render() {
    const { name, email, password } = this.state
    const nameValid = (name && name.length > 0 ? true : false)
    const emailValid = /^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}$/i.test(email)
    const passwordValid = (password && password.length >= 8 ? true : false)
    return (
      <StatelessForm style={{flex: 1, marginTop: 20, backgroundColor: 'lightgray'}}>
          placeholder='Tell us your name'
          message={name && !nameValid ? 'Please fill your name' : null}
          onChangeText={(text) => { this.setState({name: text}) }}
          message={email && !emailValid ? 'Please enter a valid email address' : null}
          onChangeText={(text) => { this.setState({email: text}) }}
          placeholder='Create a password'
          message={password && !passwordValid ? 'Password too short' : null}
          onChangeText={(text) => { this.setState({password: text}) }}
import { AppRegistry } from 'react-native'
AppRegistry.registerComponent('Form', () => Form)

Usage with validate-model

import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react-native'
import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/MaterialIcons'
import { StatelessForm, InlineTextInput } from 'react-native-stateless-form'
import { validate } from 'validate-model'
const UserValidators = {
  name: {
    title: 'Name',
    validate: [{
      validator: 'isLength',
      arguments: [1, 255],
  email: {
    title: 'Email',
    validate: [{
      validator: 'isLength',
      arguments: [1, 255],
      validator: 'isEmail',
      message: '{TITLE} must be valid',
  password: {
    title: 'Password',
    validate: [{
      validator: 'isLength',
      arguments: [8, 255],
      message: '{TITLE} is too short',
class FormInput extends Component {
  focus() {
  blur() {
  render() {
    const { iconName, name, value } = this.props
    const { valid, messages } = validate(UserValidators[name], value)
    const message = (messages && messages.lenght > 0 ? messages[0] : null)
    return (
        style={{ borderColor: 'gray' }}
        labelStyle={{ color: 'dimgray' }}
        inputStyle={{ color: 'slategray' }}
        messageStyle={{ color: 'red' }}
        icon={ <Icon name={iconName} size={18} color={'steelblue'} /> }
        validIcon={ <Icon name='check' size={18} color='green' /> }
        invalidIcon={ <Icon name='clear' size={18} color='red' /> }
        { ...this.props }
FormInput.propTypes = {
  value: PropTypes.string,
  valid: PropTypes.bool,
class Form extends Component {
  constructor(props, context) {
    super(props, context)
    this.state = {
      name: null,
      email: null,
      password: null,
  render() {
    const { name, email, password } = this.state
    return (
      <StatelessForm style={{flex: 1, marginTop: 20, backgroundColor: 'lightgray'}}>
          placeholder='Tell us your name'
          onChangeText={(text) => { this.setState({name: text}) }}
          onChangeText={(text) => { this.setState({email: text}) }}
          placeholder='Create a password'
          onChangeText={(text) => { this.setState({password: text}) }}
import { AppRegistry } from 'react-native'
AppRegistry.registerComponent('Form', () => Form)

Usage with Redux Form

import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react-native'
import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/MaterialIcons'
import { StatelessForm, InlineTextInput } from 'react-native-stateless-form'
import { validateAll } from 'validate-model'
import { Provider } from 'react-redux'
import { createStore, combineReducers, applyMiddleware } from 'redux'
import { reduxForm, reducer as formReducer } from 'redux-form'
import createLogger from 'redux-logger'
const UserValidators = {
  name: {
    title: 'Name',
    validate: [{
      validator: 'isLength',
      arguments: [1, 255],
  email: {
    title: 'Email',
    validate: [{
      validator: 'isLength',
      arguments: [1, 255],
      validator: 'isEmail',
      message: '{TITLE} must be valid',
  password: {
    title: 'Password',
    validate: [{
      validator: 'isLength',
      arguments: [8, 255],
      message: '{TITLE} is too short',
const validate = values => {
  const validation = validateAll(UserValidators, values)
  if (!validation.valid) return validation.messages
  return {}
class FormInput extends Component {
  focus() {
  blur() {
  render() {
    const { iconName, name, value, error } = this.props
    const message = ( error && error.length > 0 ? error[0] : null)
    return (
        style={{ borderColor: 'gray' }}
        labelStyle={{ color: 'dimgray' }}
        inputStyle={{ color: 'slategray' }}
        messageStyle={{ color: 'red' }}
        icon={ <Icon name={iconName} size={18} color={'steelblue'} /> }
        validIcon={ <Icon name='check' size={18} color='green' /> }
        invalidIcon={ <Icon name='clear' size={18} color='red' /> }
        { ...this.props }
FormInput.propTypes = {
  value: PropTypes.string,
  valid: PropTypes.bool,
class Form extends Component {
  render() {
    const { fields: { name, email, password } } = this.props
    return (
      <StatelessForm style={{flex: 1, marginTop: 20, backgroundColor: 'lightgray'}}>
          placeholder='Tell us your name'
          { }
          { }
          placeholder='Create a password'
          { ...password }
Form = reduxForm({
  form: 'user',
  fields: ['name', 'email', 'password'],
const reducers = {
  form: formReducer
const reducer = combineReducers(reducers)
const createStoreWithMiddleware = applyMiddleware(createLogger())(createStore)
function configureStore(initialState) {
  return createStoreWithMiddleware(reducer, initialState)
const store = configureStore()
const Root = () => (
  <Provider store={store}>
    <Form />
import { AppRegistry } from 'react-native'
AppRegistry.registerComponent('Form', () => Root)


A wrapper that will manage auto-focusing and auto-scrolling for its children components

Property Type Default Description
style style {} Style for the form wrapper

+ Any other ScrollView prop you wish to pass.



Property Type Default Description
label string 'Use label prop' Label for the text input
value string null Value for the text input
valid boolean false Whether the value is valid or not
message string null Validation message to be shown
style style {} Style changes to the main ScrollView
iconStyle style {} Style changes to the icon View
labelStyle style {} Style changes to the label Text
inputStyle style {} Style changes to the TextInput
messageStyle style {} Style changes to the validation message Text
icon element null Any react component to be used as icon
validIcon element null Any react component to be used as icon when valid. Requires icon prop
invalidIcon element null Any react component to be used as icon when invalid. Requires icon prop

+ Any other TextInput prop you wish to pass.

Other components

My intention is to implement most of FaridSafi/react-native-gifted-form's components. But I'll do each one only when I need it in a real project, so it might take some time.

PR's are very much welcome!

Creating new components

Any react component can be rendered inside Stateless Form as a component. But there is a special case below:

Focusable input components

If you want your component to receive focus when previous component finished editing, you must implement the following pattern:

  • Your component should implement the focus() method.
  • Your component should implement the blur() method.
  • Your component should implement onSubmitEditing or equivalent and call this.props.onNextInputFocus(this.props.nextInput, this) so StatelessForm can focus the next input or blur the current input.
  • Your component must have valid and value on its propTypes. This is how StatelessForm will recognize it as a focusable and/or scrollable input component. It is important that only focusable or scrollable components have these props on propTypes.

Scrollable input components

If you want your component to receive scroll when showing keyboard, you must implement the following pattern:

  • Your component should implement onFocus and call this.props.onFocus(scrollTo) on focus. scrollTo must be your component's y position.
  • You can get your y position using onLayout prop. Check InlineTextInput for references on how to implement it.
  • Your component should implement onBlur and call this.props.onBlur on blur.
  • Your component also must have valid and value on its propTypes.


Please create issues and send pull requests!



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