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newest Redux versions natively use React context with hooks

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1.1.0 • Public • Published


This is a small library meant to serve as an alternative to React Redux for people who want to cut down on the number of HOCs they're using. It uses the new React Context API (React 16.3+ only) to supply Redux state values via context, letting you reference them inside your other components using a Consumer render prop instead of needing to wrap the entire component in a HOC.

Keep in mind that right now, this doesn't offer any of the advanced features of React Redux, and doesn't even offer many of the basic ones (like mapping state and dispatch props). This initial version is meant to be a proof of concept rather than immediately covering all bases.



  store: Redux.Store<S>,
  defaultState?: M,
  mapper: (storeState: S) => M = storeState => storeState
): {
  Provider: React.Component<{}>,
  Consumer: React.Consumer<M>

Returns a Provider and Consumer usable as noted below.

If defaultState is given, that will be the default value for any use of Consumer outside of a tree with Provider (for example, for testing components in isolation). If it isn't, the default value for Consumer will be the first loaded state from store (which should usually be your initial state if you're setting up everything synchronously, but might not be if you have async loading going on).

If mapper is given, it will be used to map the store state accordingly before updating the Provider's value. If the new and old values are the same (using strict equality), no update will happen. For best performance, have a mapper that returns a value reliably comparable with === (e.g. primitives or the same object, but not identical but different objects).

Example of use

import { createReduxContext } from 'react-redux-provider-consumer'
import store from '../store' // or wherever your store is exported

const { Provider, Consumer } = createReduxContext(
  state => state.userId

export const UserId = () => (
    Your user ID is: <Consumer>{userId => userId}</Consumer>

export const App = () => (
      <p>Welcome to the app!</p>
        <UserId />

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  • icopp