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React Routing Tabs

An accessible tabs library that integrates seamlessly with React Router


Creating tabs for your router is easy. Making them meet WAI-ARIA accessibility standards is not.

Lots of tab libraries give you accessible tabs. Connecting them to your router, though, means jumping through lots of hoops.

React Routing Tabs gives you accessible tabs that connect to your router with minimal effort.

Getting Started


Currently, react-routing-tabs works only with react-router-dom v6+. Other routers are planned for the future.

React v18+ is required.


npm npm install react-routing-tabs

yarn yarn add react-routing-tabs


react-routing-tabs can be used one of three ways. You can also download and run the repo's Storybook for detailed examples.

Basic Usage

Manually-configured Tab components.

      <Tab name="Tab 1" route="tab-1" />

      <Tab name="Tab 2" route="tab-2" />

    <TabPanelWindow />

With a Config

Lets you control the tabs through an external config object. When used this way, the TabList will auto-generate tabs for you!

const config = [
    name: "Tab 1",
    route: "tab-1",
    name: "Tab 2",
    route: "tab-2",


  <RoutingTabs config={ config }>
    <TabList />

    <TabPanelWindow />

With Data

Ideal for using tabs with minimal configuration with data from an external source, such as a REST API. When used in this way, the TabList can auto-generate tabs for you!

// Example data
 const data = [
    id: 1,
    name: "Tab 1",
    description: "First tab",
    price: 1.23,
    quantity: 42,
    id: 2,
    name: "Tab 2",
    description: "Second tab",
    price: 3.14,
    quantity: 97,


  <RoutingTabs data={ data } tabLabelKey="name">
    <TabList />

    <TabPanelWindow />


Wherever your tabpanel is displayed for each route, wrap it in a TabPanel component. When rendered, this will wrap your content with all needed attributes to complete accessibility for your tabs.

// Example route from a react-router-dom config
  path: "tab-1",
  element: (
      <ContentComponent />


react-routing-tabs come with a very basic set of styles. Each component accepts a className prop to pass through any additional needed styles. Classes for each component can also be overridden using the CSS framework of your choice (see API below).



Component which wraps and defines the tab structure for the section. Under the hood, this creates a context provider that allows the routing tabs to keep track of the selection and routes.

All other components must be descendents of RoutingTabs.


useHashRouting?: boolean (defaults to false)

  • Tells the router if it should route the links with hashes

config?: see below

   name: string; // Name to be displayed in the tab
   route?: string; // Route the tab will link to
  • Optional configuration object to define the tab names and routes
  • Without a defined route, the route will derive from the name

data?: keyof T

  • Optional data array to be passed to each tab panel

tabLabelKey: string

  • If names / routes come directly from data, this prop defines the key holding that info.
  • Requires 'data'


A hook which allows access to the data exposed by the RoutingTabs context. Accessible by any descendent of RoutingTabs

Exposed variables

config: RoutingTabsConfig[] | undefined;

  • The config object passed into the initial RoutingTabs component

data: T[] | undefined;

  • The data object passed into the initial RoutingTabs component

selectedTabId: string;

  • The id of the currently selected tab

tabLabelKey: keyof T | undefined;

  • The tabLabelKey passed into the initial RoutingTabs component

tabRoutes: string[];

  • All routes derived from the application's tabs, in tab order


Element which acts as a container for the tabs. Renders as a ul tag and accepts an optional ref from the user.


(extends ComponentPropsWithRef<"ul">)

orientation?: "horizontal" | "vertical" (defaults to horizontal)

  • Which direction do the tabs read? Corresponds to the aria-orientation attribute.
  • Default styling matches this attribute

selectionMethod?: "automatic" | "manual" (defaults to automatic)

  • Will the tab open its corresponding panel when the user arrows to it, or
  • will the user be required to hit 'space' or 'enter'?

showChildrenAfterTabs?: boolean (defaults to false)

  • If using auto-generated tabs from a config or data, any other children show before the tabs by default.
  • Should the children show after the tabs instead?


Component for an individual tab within the tab list Renders as a li tag and accepts an optional ref from the user Inside the li tag, an a will render to provide the routing for the tab Accepts an optional ref from the user Clicking a tab routes to the correct location and, with a properly configured TabpanelWindow and Tabpanel, displays the appropriate Tabpanel.


(extends ComponentPropsWithRef<"a">)

children?: ReactNode

  • Use children for custom content

disabled?: boolean

  • Is this tab disabled, preventing user interaction?

isNav?: boolean

  • Is this part of a true nav component?

name: string

  • Display text for the tab

route?: string

  • Destination route for the tab. If not provided, the tab will use a slug from the name


The area where the Tabpanels are displayed. This is a glorifed Outlet for react-router-dom.


children?: ReactNode

  • Use children to render custom content after the Outlet


Wrapper element for any tabpanel content to provide accessibility features. Accepts an optional ref from the user


(extends extends ComponentProps<"div">)

children: ReactNode . - The tabpanel content to be rendered


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  • dlars99