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React Simple Odometer

A lightweight and flexible odmoter library that allows user to build simple functional odometer. This react library is built using react.js, scss and adheres to latest ECMAScript specs. This library is intended to be used along with react.js.

Supports IE10+, all major browsers and mobile devices. You can view live demo here. If you have any issues, please follow this link.


Originally, this was a pure vanilla js module which I had developed and used in many projects for my clients. I tried to look for similar package in npm library for my react project but I couldn't find it so I simply created it myself. I have added options to have more control over odomter such as number to display, custom class name for control on styling, animation speed, styles and gaps.


You can install this package using below command:

npm install react-simple-odometer


npm install --save-dev react-simple-odometer

Note: You are to use this library along with react.js, since it is a pure react component under the hood.


Import the Odometer component library in your desired react component using following code:

import {Odometer} from 'react-simple-odometer'

Then, simply use it with below code.

<Odometer num = '9384756' classN="odo1" animationSpeed={3} animationTimingStyles = 'cubic-bezier(0.45, 0, 0.55, 1)' gap={20} />

Props || Options

Below are the options to odometer component as per requirement:

num {type: integar || string}: number to display *Required

classN {type: string}: custom class passed to odometer for styling

fontSize {type: integar}: font size for numbers in odometer *Important Note: font size is applied to digitWrapper element. If you are custom styling numbers then please apply to digitWrapper element

animationSpeed {type: integar}: sets the speed of animation, in seconds Default" 4 || 4s

animationTimingStyles {type:string} : sets easing of animation. You can have pass any easing value such as linear, ease out, ease in, or any cubic beizer values. Default: cubic-bezier(0.45, 0, 0.55, 1)

reverse {type: boolean}: sets the animation to reverse Default: false

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Bivek Jang Gurung

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