
5.0.1 • Public • Published


🚧 This plugin is currently a work in progress 🚧

Build Status

Due to this being a work in progress, it is necessary to either write your application in ES5 without import/export, or to use Babel to transform your code prior to Webpack being called. This is because it is currently necessary to import parts of the app into the Webpack build.

A Webpack plugin to create html static file sites from React apps using ReactDOM.hydrate, which can be hosted statically. They can also make use of Apollo for GraphQL and Helmet for SEO/social.



npm install --save-dev react-static-site-hydrater

Webpack configuration

The plugin will generate HTML5 files for the routes you specify. Just add the plugin to your webpack configuration as follows, along with the routes you want to generate. It works in conjunction with html-webpack-plugin:

const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');
const ReactStaticSiteHydrater = require('react-static-site-hydrater').default;

const App = require('./src/app');

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    new HtmlWebpackPlugin(),
    new ReactStaticSiteHydrater({
      routes: ['/', '/about', '/contact-us'],
      componentPath: App,

NB. See the examples folder for working sample applications.

This will generate the static site within the output folder (here dist):


It will also produce a new or update an existing Firebase hosting config (./firebase.json) with rewrites to the static site for the routes specified above:

  "hosting": {
    "public": "dist",
    "ignore": ["firebase.json", "**/.*", "**/node_modules/**"],
    // Add the "rewrites" attribute within "hosting"
    "rewrites": [
        // Serves index.html for requests to files or directories that do not exist
        "source": "**",
        "destination": "/__index.html"
        // Serves __about.html for requests to /about
        "source": "/about",
        "destination": "/__about.html"
        // Serves __contact-us.html for requests to /contact-us
        "source": "/contact-us",
        "destination": "/__contact-us.html"
        // Excludes specified pathways from rewrites
        "source": "!/@(js|css)/**",
        "destination": "/__index.html"


Name Type Default Description
routes {Array<String>} [] The routes to build (e.g. ['/', '/about', '/contact-us'])
componentPath {String} The full path to the application's main component with the routing/Switch, but not the Router
plugins {Array<String or PluginDescriptor>} List of plugins to use to create the static content (e.g. ['react-router', 'helmet', ['apollo', { client: new ApolloClient() }]])

Remaining features to be implemented

This Webpack plugin is not yet feature complete. It requires the following to be implemented:

  • Generation of the ./firebase.json file


Clone the repo and install dependencies

git clone
cd react-static-site-hydrater
npm install


Tests are run using Jest.

npm test


Travis CI is the integration tool used to publish the package. It will publish new versions to npm, which can be created and tagged in Git using the npm version tool:

npm version {patch/minor/major} -m ":bookmark: Update release version to %s"
git push
git push --tags

Dependencies (5)

Dev Dependencies (6)

Package Sidebar


npm i react-static-site-hydrater

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Unpacked Size

70.2 kB

Total Files


Last publish


  • jondarrer