Create UI doc by React, Gatsby and Mdx.
So many great tool to help developer to build their own Doc, like Storybook, Gitbook, Docz, why I build again?
Because I want to write Docs and Pages by Mdx. Docz is one of the most popular tool but it too slow to rebuild page. So I take some time to make this tool to build Docs by Mdx.
yarn add react-ui-doc
File Strurcture
|-- components/
| |-- layout.js
|-- images/
| |-- logo.png
|-- pages/
| |-- index.mdx
| |-- docs/
| | |-- index.mdx
|-- etc.
Add Gatsby config
Create gatsby-config.js
file and edit it like this:
module.exports = {
plugins: [
resolve: "react-ui-doc",
options: {
name: 'react-ui-doc', // Project name
slug: 'react-ui-doc', // Project slug
github: '',
siteUrl: '',
author: 'You',
menu: [
'Getting Started',
], // Menu ordering
nav: [
{ title: 'Docs', url: '/docs/' },
], // Side pages navigation
docPath: `${__dirname}/src/pages/docs`, // store doc files
pagePath: `${__dirname}/src/pages`, // store side pages
imagePath: `${__dirname}/src/images`, // store side images, required `logo.png`
analytics: {
trackingId: `UA-111111111-1`,
head: false,
theme: {
defaultMode: 'light',
colors: {
light: {
body: '#FFF'
dark: {
body: '#000'
} // theme config
// custom layout config, required
resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-layout',
options: {
component: require.resolve(`./src/components/layout`),
Create costom Layout
Create src/components/layout.js
|-- components/
| |-- layout.js
And provide the dependency to Docs, see for more detail.
import React from 'react';
import { LiveConfig } from 'react-ui-doc/components';
import styled, * as sc from 'styled-components';
import * as UICore from '@deer-ui/core';
import * as EnhanceUI from '@deer-ui/enhance-ui';
import * as UIUtils from '@deer-ui/core/utils';
import * as BaseFunc from '@mini-code/base-func';
import './style.css';
export default function Layout({ children }) {
return (
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
react: React,
'@deer-ui/core': UICore,
'@deer-ui/enhance-ui': EnhanceUI,
'@deer-ui/core/utils': UIUtils,
'@mini-code/base-func': BaseFunc,
'styled-components': Object.assign(styled, sc),
Create page
So that we can create page by .mdx
Create src/pages/index.mdx
|-- pages/
| |-- index.mdx
title: homepage
import HomePage from '../components/home-page';
# HomePage
<HomePage />
More detail see Alert