
0.1.1 • Public • Published



React components for Data Visualization logos.


Adapted from the Browser Logos and Simple Icons projects.

Summary: All logos and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Everything else (the react-viz-logos project) is available under the MIT license.

Licenses, Copyrights, and Trademarks

The react-viz-logos project provides data on the license under which each logo is available. Please consider this when using a logo. Licenses can be accessed from the react-viz-logos website.

Please note that adding licenses to the react-viz-logos project is an ongoing effort. Hence, the absence of license data for a particular logo does not imply that the logo is not released under a license.

As licenses are subject to change, regularly check if the licenses of the logos you use have changed. If you find that the license data provided is outdated, please submit an issue to the react-viz-logos GitHub repository.

Finally, the react-viz-logos project is released under the MIT license. This does not imply that all logos within the project are licensed this way as well. Please see individual licenses where available and seek the correct permissions to use the logos relevant to your project(s).

Brand Guidelines/Visual Identities

The react-viz-logos project provides data on the brand guidelines/visual identity for each logo (if any). Please read these guidelines and ensure that you use each logo in accordance with them. They can be accessed from the react-viz-logos website.

Please note that adding brand guidelines/visual identities to the react-viz-logos project is an ongoing effort. Hence, the absence of guidelines for a particular logo does not imply that the logo has no associated brand-related documents. Please check the logo source for more details and how to use them.

As brand guidelines/visual identities are subject to change, regularly check if the guidelines of the logos you use have changed. If you find that the guidelines provided are outdated, please submit an issue to the react-viz-logos GitHub repository.


If you find any logo or information that needs updating, please submit an issue to the react-viz-logos GitHub repository. In the issue, explain the reasons for the update, please.


If one of the logos should be removed from the react-viz-logos project, please submit an issue to the react-viz-logos GitHub repository. In the issue, explain the reasons for the removal, please.



  • Altair (altair-logo.svg). raw: altair.svg.
  • Vega-Lite (VL_Color.svg). raw: vega-lite.svg.

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  • joaopalmeiro