generator library.
yarn add readme-md # Or alternatively: `npm install readme-md`
NOTE: This library exports both CJS and ESM modules.
import readme from 'readme-md';
const pkg = {
name: 'my-awesome-package',
description: 'An awesome package.',
type: 'module',
license: 'MIT',
scripts: {
test: 'jest'
readme({ pkg });
// > my-awesome-package
// > ==================
// > An awesome package.
// >
// > Install
// > -------
// > ```sh
// > npm install my-awesome-package
// > ```
// >
// > Usage
// > -----
// > ```js
// > import myAwesomePackage from 'my-awesome-package';
// > ```
// >
// > Testing
// > -------
// > ```sh
// > npm test
// > ```
// >
// > License
// > -------
// > The MIT License. See the license file for details.
import readme from 'readme-md';
const pkg = {
name: 'my-awesome-package',
description: 'An awesome package.',
type: 'module',
license: 'MIT',
scripts: {
test: 'jest'
engines: {
yarn: '1.x'
const additionalSections = [
position: 'before:Install',
title: 'Greetings',
body: 'Hello world!'
const badges = [
alt: 'Build Status',
image: 'https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/jbenner-radham/node-readme-md/ci.yaml?branch=main&logo=github&style=flat',
link: 'https://github.com/jbenner-radham/node-readme-md/actions/workflows/ci.yaml'
const licenseLink = 'LICENSE';
readme({ pkg, additionalSections, badges, licenseLink });
// > my-awesome-package
// > ==================
// > [![Build Status](https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/jbenner-radham/node-readme-md/ci.yaml?branch=main&logo=github&style=flat)](https://github.com/jbenner-radham/node-readme-md/actions/workflows/ci.yaml)
// >
// > An awesome package.
// >
// > Greetings
// > ---------
// > Hello world!
// >
// > Install
// > -------
// > ```sh
// > yarn add my-awesome-package # Or alternatively: `npm install my-awesome-package`
// > ```
// >
// > Usage
// > -----
// > ```js
// > import myAwesomePackage from 'my-awesome-package';
// > ```
// >
// > Testing
// > -------
// > ```sh
// > yarn test # Or alternatively: `npm test`
// > ```
// >
// > License
// > -------
// > The MIT License. See the [license file](LICENSE) for details.
import readme, { type ReadmeConfig } from 'readme-md';
const config: ReadmeConfig = {
pkg: {
name: 'my-awesome-package',
description: 'An awesome package.',
type: 'module',
license: 'MIT',
scripts: {
test: 'jest'
engines: {
yarn: '1.x'
additionalSections: [
position: 'before:Install',
title: 'Greetings',
body: 'Hello world!'
badges: [
alt: 'Build Status',
image: 'https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/jbenner-radham/node-readme-md/ci.yaml?branch=main&logo=github&style=flat',
link: 'https://github.com/jbenner-radham/node-readme-md/actions/workflows/ci.yaml'
licenseLink: 'LICENSE'
// > my-awesome-package
// > ==================
// > [![Build Status](https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/jbenner-radham/node-readme-md/ci.yaml?branch=main&logo=github&style=flat)](https://github.com/jbenner-radham/node-readme-md/actions/workflows/ci.yaml)
// >
// > An awesome package.
// >
// > Greetings
// > ---------
// > Hello world!
// >
// > Install
// > -------
// > ```sh
// > yarn add my-awesome-package # Or alternatively: `npm install my-awesome-package`
// > ```
// >
// > Usage
// > -----
// > ```js
// > import myAwesomePackage from 'my-awesome-package';
// > ```
// >
// > Testing
// > -------
// > ```sh
// > yarn test # Or alternatively: `npm test`
// > ```
// >
// > License
// > -------
// > The MIT License. See the [license file](LICENSE) for details.
import type { PackageJson } from 'type-fest';
* Generates a readme document based upon the provided config.
export default function readme(config?: ReadmeConfig): string;
export interface ReadmeConfig {
* Additional sections to add to the readme.
additionalSections?: Section[];
* Badges to add to the readme.
badges?: Badge[];
* Add a hero image to the readme, below the description.
heroImage?: HeroImage;
* While the license is derived from the `pkg.license` option this specifies
* a link target to the license itself. If defined as `true` it will default
* to setting the link target to "LICENSE". Please note that if
* `pkg.license` is not defined this setting will have no effect.
licenseLink?: boolean | string;
* The contents of a `package.json` to parse to generate the readme.
pkg?: PackageJson;
* Whether the package should be shown as being installed as a dev
* dependency in the "Install" section of the readme. Defaults to `false`.
preferDev?: boolean;
* The package manager used in the "Install" and "Testing" sections defaults
* to npm. However, this can be changed by specifying a package manager
* (pnpm, Yarn) in `pkg.engines`. If desired set this to `true` to override
* any package manager specified and utilize npm. Defaults to `false`.
preferNpm?: boolean;
* Whether the example code in the "Usage" section should be terminated by
* semicolons. Defaults to `true`.
preferSemicolons?: boolean;
* The type of quotes used in the "Usage" section. Defaults to single
* quotes.
quoteType?: 'double' | 'single';
* Override any of the default generated sections.
sectionOverrides?: SectionOverrides;
export interface Section {
* The position of the section in the readme. If not specified the section
* will be appended onto the end of the readme. If a number is specified it
* can be either positive or negative.
position?: number | PositionDirective;
* The title of the section.
title: string;
* The section body. If not specified it will default to the placeholder
* text.
body?: string;
export interface HeroImage {
* The image alt tag.
alt: string;
* The image URL or path.
src: string;
* A `PositionDirective` is a string which begins with either "before:" or
* "after:" and the section title to search for.
* @example
* { position: 'after:Install' }
* @example
* { position: 'before:License' }
export type PositionDirective = string;
export interface Badge {
* The image alt tag.
alt: string;
* The image URL.
image: string;
* The link target of the image.
link: string;
export interface SectionOverrides {
* Override for the "Install" section body text.
install?: string;
* Override for the "Usage" section body text.
usage?: string;
* Override for the "Testing" section body text.
testing?: string;
* Override for the "License" section body text.
license?: string;
yarn test # Or alternatively: `npm test`
The MIT License. See the license file for details.