Deprecated. Use monitor-hafas-cli@2
with record-hafas-data
Record VBB departures.
npm i -g record-vbb-delays
Or just use npx:
record-vbb-delays --interval 10 --stations 900000100003,900000100001
Usage: record-vbb-delays [command] [options]Options: --db -d Path to LevelDB. Default: vbb-delays.ldb --stations -s Stations to monitor. Default: all --stations-file JSON file with stations to monitor. --interval -i In seconds. Default: 30 --quiet -q Don't show progress reports. Default: falseExamples: record-vbb-delays --db my-custom.leveldb -s 900000100003,900000100001 record-vbb-delays --stations-file stations-to-monitor.json -q record-vbb-delays export-sql --db my-custom.leveldb >delays.sql record-vbb-delays export-ndjson --db my-custom.leveldb >delays.ndjson cat delays.ndjson | record-vbb-delays last-dep-per-stopover >last-dep-delays.ndjson
You can get station IDs using vbb-stations-cli
Pro Tip: Use screen
to handle this long-running process.
If you have a question, found a bug or want to propose a feature, have a look at the issues page.