A high-level form field handling and validation module for busboy.
- node.js -- v0.10.0+
- connect-busboy (only useful when using this module with Express)
- busboy (only needed if not using with Express)
npm install reformed
- Parse and validate a form with Express and connect-busboy:
var express = app = busboy = form = ; // ... // you should probably do better email validation than this in production { return vallength > 0 && vallength < 255 && val > -1;} // add a callback parameter for async validation { // db is some SQL database connection ... db;} // ... app; app;
- Parse and validate a form manually (without Express):
var http = Busboy = Form = Form; // ... // you should probably do better email validation than this in production { return vallength > 0 && vallength < 255 && val > -1;} // add a callback parameter for async validation { // db is some SQL database connection ... db;} // ... var signupFormCfg = firstName: rules: test: /^.{0,50}$/ error: 'First name must be 50 characters or less' lastName: rules: test: /^.{0,50}$/ error: 'Last name must be 50 characters or less' emailAddress: required: true rules: test: isValidEmail error: 'Invalid email address' avatar: filename: '' // use temporary file maxSize: size: 1 * 1024 * 1024 // 1MB error: 'Avatar file size too large (must be 1MB or less)' username: required: true rules: test: /^\w{6,20}$/ error: 'Username length must be between 6 and 20 alphanumeric characters' test: usernameUnused error: 'Username already in use' password: required: true rules: test: /^.{6,}$/ error: 'Password must be at least 6 characters' ; http;
returns connect/express middleware.
returns the Form class.
Form methods
(constructor)(< object >fieldDefs[, < object >options]) - Creates and returns a new Form instance.
contains the form field definitions to be used for filtering and/or validation.fieldDefs
is keyed on the field name and the value is an object that can contain any of the following properties:-
dataType - < function > - A function that takes in a non-file field value (string) or a buffered file field value (Buffer) and returns some other value. The default is to leave the value as-is.
required - < boolean > - Indicates whether the field is required to be present in order for validation to pass. The default is
. -
multiple - < boolean > - Allow multiple instances of the same field. If
, this will set the field data value to an array of values. Iffalse
, the first value is kept and subsequent values are ignored. The default isfalse
. -
strictNotMultiple - < boolean > - Set to
to raise an error when multiple values are detected andmultiple: true
is not set. Otherwise silently ignore additional values. -
encoding - < string > - For buffered files, this is the Buffer encoding to use to convert the Buffer to a string. If
is present, that takes precedence over this setting. The default behavior is to leave the value as a Buffer. -
filename - < mixed > - Set to a string to be used as the path to save this file to. Otherwise set to
to save the file to a temporary file. Streamed files will have a value of{ filename: filepath, size: filesize }
, wherefilepath
is the path to the saved file andfilesize
is the file's total size. -
buffered - < boolean > - For files, set to
to buffer the entire contents of the file instead of writing to disk. Buffered files will have a value of{ data: filebuf, size: filesize }
, wherefilebuf
is a Buffer (unlessdataType
is used to convert the value) containing the data andfilesize
indicating the total number of bytes in the file. -
stream - < function > - For files, set to a callback that accepts (and consumes) the Readable stream for this file. Streamed files will have a value of
{ size: filesize }
, wherefilesize
indicates the total number of bytes streamed. RegExp-based rules are ignored in this case. Note: Remember that if a form upload results in failure (due to validation rules or otherwise), the place where you streamed the file to will still be there (if that matters for your application), so you may want to delete it in case of form upload failure. -
maxSize - < mixed > - Set to a number to restrict the max file size and use the default error message. Set to an object with
as the max file size anderror
as a custom string error message. If a max file size is set, it only takes effect if it is smaller than any configured busboy (global) max file size limit. The default is no limit (aside from any configured busboy limit). -
rules - < array > - A list of rules to apply for validation for this field. The default is to apply no rules. Each rule has the following fields:
test - < mixed > - Set to a regular expression or a function. Notes:
If a regular expression test is used for any file fields, the contents of the files are first converted to binary strings before testing the regular expression.
Functions are called synchronously if the function has (2)
(key, val)
parameters for non-file fields or (3)(key, filename, filesize)
parameters for file fields. These synchronous functions must return a boolean to indicate passage of the test, an Error instance to use instead of the definederror
property will be set -- useful to indicate critical/system errors), or a string as a direct replacement forerror
property will be set). For streamed fields, thefilename
field will be set toundefined
. -
Functions are called asynchronously if the function has (3)
(key, val, callback)
parameters for non-file fields or (4)(key, filename, filesize, callback)
parameters for file fields. The callback has the parameters(err, passedTest)
. Forerr
, an Error instance to use instead of the definederror
property will be set -- useful to indicate critical/system errors), or a string as a direct replacement forerror
property will be set).passedTest
is a truthy value that should indicate if validation passed. For streamed fields, thefilename
field will be set toundefined
. -
All functions are called with
set to the current entire data storage object. This can be handy for example if you need to reference other field values or want to enforce a max number of values for a field withmultiple: true
error - < string > - The (default) error message to use when the test fails.
is an optional object with the following valid properties:- tmpdir - < string > - A path to be used for storing temporary files for file fields that do not have a specific filename set. If this is not provided,
will be used.
parse(< Busboy >bb, < function >callback) - (void) - Starts reading form fields from the Busboy instance
is passed an Error object on error. If a field didn't pass validation, the error object passed to the callback will have akey
property set to the field name that failed validation. In case there were no errors, any/all form data is available