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0.0.2 • Public • Published


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A Result wraps the outcome of an operation that can either succeed or fail. This package also provides convenient methods and functions for chaining, mapping, flat-mapping, reducing, converting Results. Please, read on, it's really cool.


Have you ever been ask to fix a bug or add a feature to someone else's code? And as you're testing, some exceptions is thrown, but you don't know exactly where. So you look at the stack trace and work through the code. You add a try/catch. Good to go. Oops, and now there is another exceptions. The point is, there could be a hundred exceptions thrown. And just inspecting the code gives you very little insight into the list of possible exceptions. An exception could be thrown in a dependent library. Or in some function, called by a function, called by a function, called by a function that you call. Yeah. The code becomes hard to reason about.

Do your fellow developers (and yourself) a favor. Catch exceptions early on, and convert them to a Result. A Result clearly states that a function may fail. Every function that can fail, whether it caught an exception and returned a failure Result, or it called a function that itself returned a Result says "I can fail. Deal with it!". Now possible failure points become clear. And as a great side benefit of being forced to deal with possible failures on the spot, your code becomes safer and easier to understand! What's not to like!


When you write a function that returns the result of an operation that can either succeed or fail, you must decide how to deal with the error condition. You have several options.

  1. The function can throw an Error.
  2. The function can return a null or an undefined.
  3. The function could return an invalid value. For example, if the function is to return a number, then it could return a NaN.
  4. The function could return a tuple [success, failure]. When the operation succeeds, the success is defined and the failure is undefined. When the operation fails, the success is undefined and the failure is defined.

These options have drawbacks. The major drawback is that there is no way to tell the caller of the function that it must deal with the possibility that the function could result in an error. And except for the first option, none of these options provide the caller of the function with a reason why the operation failed.

Let's start with the first option, throwing an Error. When throwing an Error, the code calling the function needs to know that it must catch the Error in case it wants to handle error conditions. This is standard, but care must be taken that errors are caught at some point and handled gracefully. Suppose that you create and awesome library which calls a function, from another library, that throws an error. And suppose, your library decides to pass that error on instead of dealing with it. Then, unless you clearly document that you are allowing the error to bubble up, the caller of your library has no way of know that there may be an error condition.

The second option is to return a null or an undefined. And this is fraught with problems. If the return type is of some object, then you can get errors when attempting to access properties the (undefined) object. Now the caller of your function has to be extremely careful to check whether the return object or value is null or undefined. Even if you define your function as function hmmm(yo: string): string | null | undefined so that the caller is aware that the function could return a null or undefined, this doesn't explicitly tell the called that those are only returned on an error.

The third option provides a nice way to represent a failure. But, this only works when there is a clearly invalid value. Numbers can be represented as invalid with NaN. What about a string or a boolean? Of course there are clearly cases where the result can clearly have invalid values. But these are context dependent.

The fourth options solves many of the issues mentioned above. A success is represented as ["yay", undefined] and a failure is represented as [undefined, 'boo hoo']. Then, for each call to the function, the caller must check result[0] === undefined for success, or result[1] === undefined for failure. And now we have a bunch of if-statements in our code, one to check the result of each call.

The Result provides a clean way of telegraphing that a function may fail, reporting why it failed. Result also allows these results to be chained without the need for if-statements or try-catch blocks. Let's look at an example.

import {failureResult, successResult} from "./Result";

 * Attempts to divide the dividend by the divisor
 * @param dividend The number on top
 * @param divisor The number on the bottom
 * @return The result of the division which wraps the value or a failure
function divide(dividend: number, divisor: number): Result<number, string> {
    if (divisor === 0) {
        return failureResult("Can't divide by zero!")
    return successResult(dividend / divisor)

// divide 100 by 10, then divide the result of that by 5, and then multiply 
// that result by 5
divide(100, 10)
    .andThen(quotient => divide(quotient / 5))
    .map(quotient => Math.PI * quotient)
    // prints 2π = 6.283185307179586 (definitely better than one π)
    .onSuccess(value => console.log(`2π = ${value}`))
    .onFailure(reason => console.log(reason))

// now let's attempt to divide by 0
divide(100, 0)
    .andThen(quotient => divide(quotient, 5))
    .map(quotient => Math.PI * quotient)
    .onSuccess(value => console.log(`2π = ${value}`))
    // prints "Can't divide by zero!"
    .onFailure(reason => console.log(reason))

Right off the bat, the function signature tells the caller that it must deal with the fact that the result could be a success or a failure. Also, the success value will be of type number, and the failure will be a string. The function body does the usual. It performs a check to ensure that the arguments are valid, and if they aren't, it returns a failure result using the failureResult(...) convenience function. If the arguments are valid, then returns a successful result that holds the value of the division operation using the sucessResult(...) convenience function.

Next we attempt to divide 100 by 10, which result in 10, and then divide that by 5, which results in 2, and multiply that by π. Notice that there are no if-statements to check whether the result succeeded. Rather, we chain the results. The first call divide(100, 10) returns a success Result that wraps the value 10. Calling andThen(callback) on the result causes the specified callback function to be called if, and only if, the Result on which we are calling andThen(callback) is a success. In other words, the first division succeeded, so the callback, quotient => divide(quotient, 5) will be called. The andThen(...) function is a flat-map. And we use in it this case because the divide(...) function returns a Result. In our example, the second division succeeds and so the callback handed to the map(...) function is called, which multiplies the resultant value by π. We use a map because the callback does not return a Result. The callback handed to the onSuccess(...) function is called because the result of the map is a success, printing "2π = 6.283185307179586" to the console. The callback in the last function in the chain is not called because, in this case, because it would only be called if the previous result was a failure.

What happens when the divisor is 0? In that case, the second, third, and forth callbacks are skipped the callback in the onFailure(...) function is called because the divide(...) function returns a failure result.

This code is clear and concise. Let's see what happens when rewrite the previous example without the Result.

 * Attempts to divide the dividend by the divisor
 * @param dividend The number on top
 * @param divisor The number on the bottom
 * @return The result of the division which wraps the value or a failure
function divide(dividend: number, divisor: number): number {
    if (divisor === 0) {
        return NaN
    return dividend / divisor

const div1 = divide(100, 10)
if (isNaN(div1)) {
    throw new Error("Got a NaN")
const div2 = divide(div1, 5)
if (isNaN(div2)) {
    throw new Error("Got a NaN")
const result1 = div2 * Math.PI
console.log(`2π = ${result1}`)

const div1b = divide(100, 0)
if (isNaN(div1b)) {
    throw new Error("Got a NaN")

// never gets here
const div2b = divide(div1b, 5)
if (isNaN(div2)) {
    throw new Error("Got a NaN")
const result2 = div2b * Math.PI
console.log(`2π = ${result2}`)

Yeah! A bunch of if-statements. The code is much less concise and harder to understand.

what else?

Result provides a declarative way to chain together a series of operations, any of which could fail or succeed. The series of operations are laid out clearly, without the fog of all the error handling code that would otherwise be needed.

Result provides a consistent and explicit way of dealing with the fact that some operations could fail. Each function that returns a Result says that its operation may fail and that the caller must deal with it (or continue to chain results). The Result must be unwrapped in order to get at the underlying value or failure.

It also provides a consistent and explicit way of dealing with the fact that some operation could fail. And requires that the result of the operation be managed at the point of the call. Each function that returns a Result telegraphs that it may fail and that the caller of the function must deal with that possibility. In this way, the risk of a surprise failure is removed, and the code becomes much easier to reason about.

When using Result consistently in your code, it becomes difficult not to deal with errors.

usage patterns

Safety from unexpected errors a primary reason to use Result. Result provides safety by forcing the caller to deal with the fact that the function may fail, thereby making it easier to reason about the code.


When calling library functions that throw errors, over which you have no control, wrap that call in a try/catch returning a success result when it doesn't fail, and a failure result from the catch when it does fail. For example, when retrieving a set of pigs from some in-memory state, the call may result in an error (e.g. an invalid farm ID), as shown in the following code.

import {failureResult, successResult} from "./Result";

type Pig = {
    name: string
    weight: number
    spots: number

 * Attempts to retrieve a farm's pigs.
 * @param farmId The farm's ID which must have the format `<region_id>:<county_id>:farm_log_number>`
 * @return a {@link Result} holding the farm's pigs, or a failure
function pigsInFarm(farmId: string): Result<Array<Pig>, string> {
    try {
        // either returns the pigs for the farm, or throws an error
        const pigs = pigsFor(farmId)
        // no error thrown, so return the list of the farm's pigs wrapped in a Result
        return successResult(pigs)
    } catch (error) {
        // error was thrown, so return a failure result with the error message
        return failureResult(error.message)

When library functions represent error results as undefined or NaN or null, then convert those to a Result. The following example show how to wrap a NaN and can be applied to functions returning undefined and or null.

There are legitimate reason why a NaN might not represent an error. And in those cases, it wouldn't make sense to convert to a Result.

import {failureResult, successResult, Result} from "./Result";

 * Calculates a complex pig-spot metric for a set of pigs.
 * @param pigs A list of {@link Pig}s
 * @return A result holding the pig-spot metric or a failure
function complexSpotMetricFor(pigs: Array<Pig>): Result<number, string> {
    // attempts to calculate the pig-spot metric through some complex model. if the model
    // fails, then returns a NaN.
    const metric = complexSpotModelFor(pigs)
    if (isNaN(metric)) {
        // model failed, so return a failure explain
        return failureResult(
            `Could not calculate spot metric for pigs [${ =>"; ")}]`
    // success! return the very important pig-spot metric
    return successResult(metric)


At the end of a chain of Result operations you'll probably want to do something with the value. I can think of two cases:

  1. unwrap the result and use it outside a Result, or
  2. call a function that accepts the value and ends the Result chain

As an example of the first case, we have the following code.

 * Determines whether the spot metric can be calculated for the pigs
 * @param pigs A list of {@link Pig}s
function canCalcPositiveSpotMetricFor(pigs: Array<Pig>): boolean {
    // the function 'complexSpotMetricFor(...)' returns a result that is
    // either a success of or failure. when it returns a failure, the
    // result's 'getOrDefault(...)' returns a false. when the 
    // 'complexSpotMetricFor(...)' function returns a success value that
    // is positive, then returns true
    return complexSpotMetricFor(pigs)
        .map(metric => metric > 0)

The previous code example attempts to calculate the spot-metric for a population of pigs. When the spot-metric is positive, then the canCalcPositiveSpotMetricFor(...) returns true. When the calculation fails, then it falls through the Result's map(...) and returns a false.

The Result has four unwrapping functions:

  1. getOrUndefined() -- which returns a success value, or if the result is a failure, it returns undefined. It's there for completeness, but not the best approach.
  2. getOrDefault(value: S) -- which returns the success value, or if the result is a failure, it returns the specified value. You've seen this one before.
  3. getOrThrow() -- which returns the success value, or if the result is a failure, it throws an error. Again, there for completeness, but not the best approach.
  4. failureOfUndefined() -- which returns the failure, of if the result is a success, then returns undefined. Yeah. Ok.


In some cases, instead of returning a value, you may want to call a function when the result is a success or failure. For example, suppose we want to test the cognitive abilities of our pigs and record their score. Now some pigs can be unruly and refuse to take the test, and we need to record that as well, so they can be retested at a later time.

function pigIqTest(pigs: Array<Pig>): void {
    pigs.forEach(pig => administerIqTest(pig)
        .onSuccess(score => recordIqFor(pig, score))
        .onFailure(reason => recordUncooperativePig(pig, reason))

In the above example, the callback passed to the onSuccess(...) function is called only when the Result is a success (i.e. the pig cooperated and took the test). When the pig was uncooperative, the Result was a failure, and callback passed to the onFailure(...) function is called, recording that the pig needed to be retested.


One awesome feature of the Result is that you can chain results in a concise manner making the steps easy to comprehend. In the previous example, we recorded the IQ for each pig that took the test, presumably to some datastore. Suppose that this is a large operation and the recordIqForPig(...) function from the previous example published a message to a queue on a highly-available message broker. Another service pulled the message from the queue, inserted the pig's score, and issued a certificate to the pig. That code may look something like this.

type Message = {
    deliveryTag: string
    messageBody: object

type PigScore = {
    // the unique name of the pig
    pig: string
    score: number

function handlePigScoreMessage(message: Message): void {
        // bad message, acknowledge and drop it
        .onFailure(reason => ackMessage(message.deliveryTag))
        // conversion succeeded, we have a valid message format
        .andThen(pigScore => repo.insertWithRetry(pigScore.pig, pigScore.score)
            // when written successfully, then attempt to issue the certificate
            .andThen(transaction => issueCertificate(pigScore.pig, pigScore.score)
                // commit or rollback the database transaction
                .onSuccess(() => repo.commit(transaction))
                .onFailure(() => repo.rollback(transaction))
            // succeeded writing to database and issuing a certificate, 
            // acknowledge the message
            .onSuccess(() => ackMessage(message.deliveryTag))
            // failed to record score or issue certificate, reject the message
            // so that it can be handled again
            .onFailure(() => rejectMessage(message.deliveryTag))

When a message is taken from the queue, the consumer calls the handlePigScoreMessage(...) function handing it the message. The handlePigScoreMessage(...) first attempts to convert the message to a PigScore. The conversion can fail if the message is invalid, and in that case, we acknowledge the message to get it off the queue and drop it. When the conversion succeeds, then we attempt to write it to the database using a transaction that includes issuing the certificate. The insertWithRetry(...) function attempts to write the pig' score. When it succeeds, the callback function specified in the chained andThen(...) is called, which attempts to issue the certificate. A failure to issue the certificate cause the database transaction to be rolled back. Successfully issuing the certificate caused the database transaction to be committed. In the event that issuing the certificate fails, the transaction is rolled back, and the outer onFailure(...) calls the function to reject the message so that it can be reprocessed. When the database write and the certificate issuance succeed, then the outer onSuccess(...) calls the function to acknowledge the message.

Clearly this was a complicated example. Yet the code is easy to understand. And importantly, it is safe.

Generally chaining and nesting provide a declarative way laying out the code's logic. Let's look chaining in more detail.


Recall that a result can be either a success or a failure. In the above diagram, the result's map(callback: value => otherValue) function will call the specified (callback) convertValue(...) function only when the result is a success, and it will return the value returned by convertValue(...). When the result is a failure, then the result's map(callback: value => otherValue) function does not call convertValue(...), but rather merely returns the failure. Because the map(...) function returns the result, but with an updated value, if the result was originally a success, then the possiblyFails(...) callback passed to the andThen(callback: value => Result) function will be called. The andThen(...) is a flat map function. The callback to the andThen(...) function returns a Result and this Result itself, so we have a Result<Result<SP, F>> and the andThen(...) flattens that to a Result<SP, F>.

This idea is represented graphically in the diagram. If the result is a failure, the first map passes the failure to the andThen, which passes the failure to the next andThen which passes the failure to the onSuccess which passes the failure to the onFailure which logs the error to the console.

arrays of results

Pigs are unruly. And we need to run each pig through an automated spot counter so that we can record the number of spots each pig has. The automated spot counter attempts to verify the identity of the pig, based on a facial scan, then attempts to count all the spots on the pig. After the pigs' spots are counted, we want to record the successful spot-counts, and also the unsuccessful ones.

import {forEachElement, resultFromAny} from "./Result";

type PigSpots = {
    pig: Pig
    spots: number

function verifyPig(pig: Pig): Result<Pig, string> {
    // some complex AI to determine whether the pig matches 
    // the records, if the verification fails, the returns a
    // failure result, otherwise, returns the Pig as a success

function countSpotsFor(pig: Pig): Result<number, string> {
    // somemore complex AI to count the spots on the pig
    // if the count fails, returns a failure result. Otherwise
    // returns the number of spots on the pig

 * Given an array of pigs, attempts to count the spots on each verified pig
 * and returns all the spot-counts that succeeded.
 * @param pigs The pigs
 * @return An array holding the successful spot counts, or a failure if the
 * equipment failed.
function countSpotsOn(pigs: Array<Pig>): Result<Array<PigSpot>, string> {
    const counts: Array<Result<PigSpot, string>> = pigs
        .map(pig => verifyPig(pig).andThen(verifiedPig => countSpotsFor(verifiedPig)))
    // flatten the Array<Result<PigSpot, string>> to an Result<Array<PigSpot>, string>, throwing
    // out any of the failures
    return resultFromAny(counts)

// grab all the pigs for the farm
const pigsToCount: Array<Pig> = await retrievePigsFor("0110-314-2723434223384")
// attempt to count the spots
countSpotsFor(await retrievePigsFor(farm))
    // if successful, then record the pig spots for each successful spot-count
    .onSuccess(pigSpots => pigSpots.forEach(pigSpot => persist(pigSpot)))
    // figure out which pigs could not be counted and then record the failures
    .map(pigSpots => setFrom(pigsToCount)
        .compliment( => pigSpot.pig))
    .onSuccess(failedPigs => failedPigs.forEach(failure => recordFailure(failure)))
    // couldn't count pigs so report the equipment failure
    .onFailure(reason => reportEquipmentFailure(reason))

Aside from the resultFromAny(...), there is also the resultFromAll(...) function that returns a success Result only when all the results passed to it are themselves successes.

results and promises

There a number of use cases where Result and Promise are used together. Consider, for example, making a REST call ( say with fetch or axios) to retrieve a user's information. The REST call returns a promise, and that promise holds the result of the REST call once it is resolved. When the user exists, then the promise yields the account. But what if the user doesn't exist, and the REST call results in a "not-found" status code (404). Instead of throwing an error we can return an empty user, because a successful result means there was no error, but also no user. In case there is an error, we can return a failure Result with a message describing the error.

import {failureResult, successResult} from "./Result";

function userInfo(userId: number): Promise<Result<User, string>> {
    return axios.get('/user?id=314159')
        .then(response => {
            if (response === 200) {
                return successResult(
            if (status === 404) {
                return successResutl(emptyUser())
            return failureResult(`Failed to retrieve user; http_status: ${response.status}; reason: ${response.statusCode}`)
        .catch(reason => failureResult(reason))

Of course, when a user with the specified ID doesn't exist, you could also return a failure. It really depends on the context.

Suppose that after you retrieve the user information, you want to grab the account ID of the user, and then look up the account information.

import {successResult} from "./Result";

function accountInfoFor(userId: number): Promise<Result<Account, string>> {
    return userInfo(userId)
        .then(userResult => userResult
            .map(user => axios.get(`/account/id=${user.accountId}`)
                .then(response => {
                    if (response === 200) {
                        return successResult(
                    return failureResult(
                        `Failed to retrieve account for user; user_id: ${userId}; ` +
                        `account_id: ${user.accountId}; http_status: ${response.status}; ` +
                        `reason: ${response.statusCode}`
                .catch(reason => failureResult(reason))

The code above grabs the user, which returns a Promise<Result<User, string>>. When the promise resolves, then the Result from that Promise is handed to the Promise.then() function. And if that result is a success, it will call the callback of the function. That function in turn will attempt to retrieve the account information, which results in a Promise<Result<Account, string>>. So what comes out of the is a Result<Promise<Result<Account, string>>>. Eee-ch! 🥵 And now what??? Well, that's where the Result.liftPromise function comes to the rescue. Calling the liftPromise function takes the Result<Promise<Result<Account, string>>> and spits out a Promise<Result<Account, string>>>. Effectively lifting the Promise to the outermost position, and flattening the Results.

The Result.liftPromise function takes the Result<Promise<Result<Account, string>>>, lifts the Promise out so that it becomes Promise<Result<Result<Account, string>, string>> and then flattens the results to yield Promise<Result<Account, string>>>.

🥶 Yeah...maybe there is a better way to combine Result and Promise. Please help me figure that out!


factory functions


function successResult<S, F extends ToString>(success: S): Result<S, F> {

A factory function for a successful Result<S, F>. Use this function to wrap a value of type S in a Result. When using this function, the Result.error will be set to undefined.


  • success The value of the successful operation.


A Result<S, F> that holds the value of the successful operation.


function failureResult<S, F extends ToString>(failure: F): Result<S, F> {

A factory function for a failure Result<S, F>. Use this function to wrap a failure of type F in a Result. When using this function, the Result.success will be set to undefined.


  • failure The error reported from the operation.

Returns A Result<S, F> that holds the failure of type F.


function resultFromAll<S, F extends ToString>(results: Array<Result<S, F>>): Result<Array<S>, string> {

A convenience function for collapsing (flatMap) an array of Result<S, F>s into a single Result<Array<S>, F> that holds an array of values. All results in the specified array of results must be successful in order for the returned result to be a success.


  • results An array of results


A Result<Array<S>, F> holding an array of successful values, or a failure if any of the results in the array are failures.


function resultFromAny<S, F extends ToString>(results: Array<Result<S, F>>): Result<Array<S>, string> {

A convenience function for collapsing (flatMap) an array of Result<S, F>s into a single Result<Array<S>, F> that holds an array of successful values. Any failure results will be discarded. If all the results are failures, then returns a successful result holding an empty array.


  • results An array of results


A Result<Array<S>, F> holding an array of successful values. Any failures will be discarded.


function forEachResult<SI, FI extends ToString, SO, FO extends ToString>(
    resultList: Array<Result<SI, FI>>,
    handler: (result: Result<SI, FI>) => Result<SO, FO>
): Result<Array<SO>, Array<FO>> {

For each result in the resultList this function applies the handler function, and then reduces each of those results into a single result. The single result is a "success" if and only if all the results spewed from the handler are a "success" as well. Conversely, if any of those results are a "failure", the single result is also a failure.

The single result holds an array of all the success values when it is a success. When it is a failure, then holds a list of all the failures.


  • resultList An array holding the Result<SI, FI> objects to flatten.
  • handler The handler that accepts a Result<SI, FI> and returns a new Result<SO, FO>. Notice that the result's types may differ between the specified results and those returned by the handler.


  • SI The type of the success elements in the input array
  • FI The type of the failure elements in the input array
  • SO The success type for the operation in the handler that leads to a successful result
  • FO The failure type for the operation in the handler that leads to a failed result


A single Result<Array<SO>, Array<FO>> which is either a success or failure. When the result is a success, then the Result<Array<SO>, Array<FO>> holds an array of success values of type SO. When the result is a failure, then the Result<Array<SO>, Array<FO>> holds an array of the failures of type FO.


function forEachElement<V, S, F extends ToString>(
    elems: Array<V>,
    handler: (elem: V) => Result<S, F>
): Result<Array<S>, Array<F>> {

This function applies the specified handler to the specified array of elements of type V. The handler accepts each element and returns a Result<S, F>. The resulting array of Result<S, F> objects are flattened into a single Result<Array<S>, Array<F>>.

As an example, given an array of numbers to which we apply an operation that can fail (i.e. returning a Result<S, F>) We want the overall result to be a success only if all the operations are a success. And when any of the operations are a failure, then we want the overall result is a failure.

const result = forEachElement(
    [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
    elem => elem === 3 ?
        failureResult<number, string>("three sucks") :
        successResult<number, string>(2 * elem)
expect(result.error).toEqual(["we don't accept 3"])


  • elems The elements on which to perform an operation that can fail (i.e. one that returns a Result<S, F>).
  • handler The operation that accepts an element and returns a Result<S, F>


A Result<Array<S>, Array<F>> wrapping the array of success values, or failure values.


function forEachPromise<V, S, F>(
    elems: Array<V>,
    handler: (elem: V) => Promise<Result<S, F>>
): Promise<Result<Array<S>, Array<F>>> {

This function accepts an array of values of type V, and for each value calls a handler function, that returns a Promise<Result<S, F>> for that value. Then flattens the array of Promise<Result<S, F>> into a single Promise<Result<Array<S>, Array<F>>>, which it returns. All results must be a success for the promised result to be a success. If any results are a failure, then the promised result is also a failure.

In the following example our handler function simulates a call that returns a promise to a result for each doubled, element in the specified list.

const results = await forEachPromise(
    [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
    elem => new Promise<Result<number, string>>((resolve, reject) => {
        setTimeout(() => {
            resolve(successResult(elem * 2))
        }, 300)

expect(results.getOrThrow()).toEqual([2, 4, 6, 8, 10])

In this next example, we again simulate a call to a function that returns a promise to a result. In this case, we only accept event numbers. Any odd numbers (not that there is anything wrong with being odd) are rejected. The overall result is a failure, and there is a failure message for each of those failures.

const results = await forEachPromise(
    [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
    elem => new Promise<Result<number, string>>((resolve, reject) => {
        setTimeout(() => {
            if (elem % 2 === 0) {
                resolve(successResult(elem / 2))
            } else {
                reject("number must be even")
        }, 300)

expect(results.error).toEqual(["number must be even", "number must be even", "number must be even"])


  • elems The elements to which to apply the specified handler function
  • handler The function that returns a Promise<Result<S, F>> for a specified value


A Promise<Result<Array<S>, Array<F>>> holding an array of successes, or an array of failures. All the results must be a success in order for the returned result to be a success.


function reduceToResult<V, S, F extends ToString>(
    values: Array<V>,
    reducer: (reducedValue: S, value: V) => Result<S, F>,
    initialValue: S
): Result<S, Array<F>> {}

This function accepts an array of values of type V and applies the specified reducer function to each value. The reducer function accepts a value of type V and a reduced-value of type S and returns a Result<S, F>. When all the Result<S, F> objects are a success, then returns the reduced-value wrapped in a new Result<S, Array<F>>. When any of the Result<S, F> are a failure, returns a failure that holds an array of all the failures.


  • values The values to reduce
  • reducer The reducer function @param initialValue The initial value of the reduced value


  • V The type of the elements in the input array
  • S The success type for the operation in the handler that leads to a successful result
  • F The failure type for the operation in the handler that leads to a failed result


A Result<S, Array<F>> that holds the reduced value. Or in the event of one or more failures, returns a Result<S, Array<F>> that holds a list of failures.


  • succeeded (boolean) is true when the result is a success, and false when the result is a failure.
  • failed (boolean) is true when the result failed, and false when the result succeeded.



equals: (result: Result<S, F>) => boolean

Determines the equality of this result and the specified one. The results are considered equal if:

  1. They are both a success and their values are equal
  2. They are both a failure and their errors are equal


  • result The result to compare to this one


true if the results are equal. false the results are not equal


nonEqual: (result: Result<S, F>) => boolean

Determines the equality of this result and the specified one. The results are considered equal if:

  1. They are both a success and their values are equal
  2. They are both a failure and their errors are equal


  • result The result to compare to this one


true if the results are not equal. false the results are equal


map: <SP>(mapper: (value: S) => SP) => Result<SP, F>

Applies the specified mapper function to the success value of this result, and returns a new {@link Result} that wraps the result of the mapper. When this result is a failure, then it does not apply the mapper, but rather merely returns this result.


  • mapper: (value: S) => SP The mapper function that accepts the success value of type S and returns a new value of type SP.


When this result is a success, then returns a Result<SP, F> that wraps the result of the mapper function. When this result is a failure, the returns this result.


andThen: <SP>(next: (value: S) => Result<SP, F>) => Result<SP, F>

Applies the specified next function to the success value of this result, and returns the result of the next function. When this result is a failure, then it does not apply the next function, but rather merely returns the failure result.


  • next: (value: S) => Result<SP, F> The function to apply to this result's success value


When this result is a success, then returns the Result<SP, F> of the next function. When this result is a failure, then returns this Result<SP, F> (with the undefined success result type changed to SP).


filter: (filter: (value: S) => boolean, failureProvider?: () => F) => Result<S, F>

Applies the filter to the success value of this result and returns the result if it matches the filter predicate, or a failure if it doesn't match the predicate. When this result is a failure, then returns that failure.


  • filter: (value: S) => boolean The filter predicate
  • failureProvider?: () => F Optional function that provides the failure when the success result does not match the predicate


When this result is a success, then returns the success if and only if it matches the predicate. If it does not match the predicate, the returns a failure. When this result is a failure, then returns the failure.


mapFailure: <FP>(mapper: (failure: F) => FP) => Result<S, FP>

When this result is a failure, then applies the specified mapper function to the failure. When the result is a success, then simply returns a copy of this result. This function is useful when you want to update the failure information at the end of a result chain.


  • mapper: (failure: F) => FP A mapper that accepts the failure and returns a new failure


When the result is a failure, maps the failure to a new failure and returns it


asFailureOf: <SP>(fallback: F) => Result<SP, F>

Changes the type of the result when the result is a failure. This is helpful when checking a result for failure, and then need to return a result whose success type is different.


  • fallback: F A fallback failure in case the failure in the result is undefined


A new failure result with the new success type


liftPromise: <SP>() => Promise<Result<SP, F>>

Convenience method to make it a bit easier to work with chained promises and results.

Attempts to lift the Promise out of the result and re-wrap the result as a promise. In other words, attempts to convert a Result<Promise<S>, F> into a Promise<Result<SP>, F where the type SPequals to the type S of the resolved promise.

Additionally, when lifting a Promise for a Result out of a Result, this function we also flatten the resulting Result of a Result. In other words, it will convert Result<Promise<Result<S, F>, F> into a Promise<Result<SP, F>>.


A promise to a result whose success type is that same as the type of the promise's resolved value


onSuccess: (handler: (value: S) => void) => Result<S, F>

When this result is a success, calls the handler function on this result's value, and returns this result. When this result is a failure, then does not call the handler, but rather just returns this result. Note that this method does not modify this result.


  • handler: (value: S) => void The callback that accepts the success value, but doesn't return anything.


This result (Result<S, F>).

See alsoonFailure, always


onFailure: (handler: (error: F) => void) => Result<S, F>

When this result is a failure, calls the handler function on this result's error, and returns this result. When this result is a success, then does not call the handler, but rather just returns this result. Note that this method does not modify this result.


  • handler: (error: F) => void The callback that accepts the error, but doesn't return anything.


This result.

See also onSuccess, always


always: (handler: () => void) => Result<S, F>

Calls the handler regardless whether the result is a success or failure.


  • handler: () => void The callback to perform


This result (Result<S, F>)

See also onSuccess, onFailure


getOrUndefined: () => S | undefined


When this result is a success, then returns the value. Otherwise returns undefined.

See also getOrDefault, getOrThrow, failureOrUndefined


getOrDefault: (value: S) => S


When this result is a success, then returns the value. Otherwise, returns the specified default value.

See also getOrUndefined, getOrThrow, failureOrUndefined


getOrThrow: () => S


When this result is a success, then returns the value. Otherwise, throws an error that contains the error in this result.

See also getOrUndefined, getOrDefault, failureOrUndefined


failureOrUndefined: () => F | undefined


When this result is a failure, then returns the error. Otherwise, returns undefined.

See also getOrUndefined, getOrDefault, getOrThrow


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