New Relic event reporting for react native.
also check out
will send all console.log, warn and errors to New Relic.reportUncaughtExceptions
will send uncaught Javascript exceptions to New Relic.
More to come!
Install react-native-newrelic
npm install react-native-newrelic --save
1. Install New RelicAgent in your project as a pod
In the Podfile for your project, add the following line:
pod 'NewRelicAgent'
Make sure Xcode is closed and run: pod install
2. Add the project to Xcode
In the project navigator:
- Right click Libraries
- Add Files to [your project's name]
- Go to node_modules/react-native-newrelic
- Add the .xcodeproj file In the project navigator, select your project.
- Add the libRNNewRelic.a to your project's Build Phases ➜ Link Binary With Libraries
- Click .xcodeproj file you added before in the project navigator and go the Build Settings tab. Make sure 'All' is toggled on (instead of 'Basic').
3. In your AppDelegate.m
Add the following:
And add the following line to the top of your didFinishLaunchingWithOptions function:
4. Add a prefix header to your iOS project
Add a PrefixHeader.pch
file as explained here
Your file should look like this:
Android (gradle only)
1. Add NewRelic agent to your Android project
This link describes how to add the original NewRelic agent to your project. This guide only requires a part of the original steps (some of the steps are already integrated in react-native-newrelic
import Newrelic and override the following method:
in your root android dir:
com.newrelic.application_token= yourApplicationToken
Get your application token from
module to your Android project
2. Add the In settings.gradle
include ':react-native-newrelic'project(':react-native-newrelic').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-newrelic/android')
In your project level build.gradle
dependencies {
classpath ""
In your app level build.gradle
apply plugin: 'newrelic'dependencies {...compile project(":react-native-newrelic")compile fileTree(dir: "node_modules/react-native-newrelic/android/libs", include: ["*.jar"])...}
Add new RNNewRelicPackage()
to your list of packages in getPackages()
@Overridepublic List<ReactPackage> {return Arrays.<ReactPackage>;}
Add the following to your app root (e.g. app.ios.js
Credits to @DanielZlotin for the initial version