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1.0.1 • Public • Published

React Native Animated Image Slider

Welcome to our React Native Animated Image Slider! This library is inspired by the beautiful and intuitive design of Apple's Memories app, bringing a touch of elegance to your React Native applications.

Our Animated Image Slider is not just a simple carousel of images. It's a dynamic, interactive, and visually appealing component that enhances the user experience. With smooth transitions and subtle animations, users can easily navigate through their favorite photos or any other content.

Table of Content:

How it looks


npm i rn-animated-image-slider --save


yarn add rn-animated-image-slider


Take a look into example folder

To execute the example using Expo run the following command:

yarn run run:example

How to use it

Step 1: Import the ImageSlider component:

import { ImageSlider } from "rn-animated-image-slider";

Second step: define the slides

const slides = [
    source: {uri: 'https://picsum.photos/id/16/1000/800'},
    source: {uri: 'https://picsum.photos/id/17/1000/800'},
    source: {uri: 'https://picsum.photos/id/18/1000/800'},

or pass local image

const actions = [
    source: require('@/assets/image1.png'),
    source: require('@/assets/image2.png'),
    source: require('@/assets/image3.png'),

Third step: use it

<View style={styles.container}>
  <Text style={styles.example}>Animated Slider example</Text>
          title={'Slider title'}
          date={new Date().toLocaleDateString("en-US", { day: 'numeric', month: 'short', year: 'numeric' })}
          onGalleryPress={() => console.log('gallery Pressed')}
          onControllersVisibleChange={isVisible =>
                  console.log(`isController visible ${isVisible}`)
          onMutePress={() => console.log('on mute press')}
          onPausePress={() => console.log('on pause press')}


containerStyle: ViewStyle

  • Default: undefind

    Optional styling for the container of the image slider.

slides: Array<{ source: ImageSourcePropType }>

  • Required

    An array of objects representing the images to be displayed in the slider. Each object should contain a source property which is of type ImageSourcePropType.

onGalleryPress: () => void

  • Default: undefined

    Callback function to be executed when the gallery button is pressed.

onMutePress: (isMute: boolean) => void

  • Default: undefined

    Callback function to be executed when the mute button is pressed. The function receives a boolean indicating whether the slider is currently muted.

onPausePress: (isPaused: boolean) => void

  • Default: undefined

    Callback function to be executed when the pause button is pressed. The function receives a boolean indicating whether the slider is currently paused.

onControllersVisibleChange: (isControllersVisible: boolean) => void

  • Default: undefined

    Callback function to be executed when the visibility of the controllers changes.

    • @param isControllersVisible: boolean indicating whether the controllers are currently visible

title: string

  • Required:

    The title to be displayed above the image slider.

titleStyle: TextStyle

  • Default: undefined

    Optional styling for the title.

date: string

  • Default: undefined

    The date to be displayed below the image slider.

dateStyle: TextStyle

  • Default: undefined

    Optional styling for the date.

controllerComponent: () => JSX.Element

  • Default: undefined

    Optional custom component to be used as the controller.

slideContainerStyle: ViewStyle

  • Default: undefined

    Optional styling for the container of each slide.

controllerContainerStyle: ViewStyle

  • Default: #undefined

    Optional styling for the container of the controller.

controllersStyle: ViewStyle

  • Default: undefined

    Optional styling for the controllers.

sliderWidth: number

  • Default: Dimensions.get('window').width

    Optional width for the slider.

sliderHeight: number

  • Default: Dimensions.get('window').height

    Optional height for the slider.

rotateDegree: number

  • Default: Math.PI

    Optional rotateDegree is a constant that represents the degree of rotation for the slides. It is set to Math.PI radians, which is approximately 3.14159 degrees.

slideDuration: number

  • Default: 6000

    Optional duration for each slide transition in ms.

sizeIcon: number

  • Default: 33

    Optional size for the icons.


  • [x] first implementation
  • [x] example
  • [x] migrate to TypeScript
  • [ ] Enable swipe functionality for sliding..


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  • alaa_dribati