ThreadsJS Rollup integration
ThreadsJS integration for Rollup. If you're using Webpack, you may want to check out threads-webpack-plugin (Basically does the same thing as this plugin but for Webpack).
- Fully tested
- Very flexible
- Written in modern TypeScript
- Thoroughly commented
How does it work?
This plugin simply takes any ThreadJS workers and executes a second Rollup bundler upon them (Without you having to manually invoke Rollup again or have multiple config files). This also allows embedding 3rd party dependencies inside workers with ease (Since dependencies are not natively shared between the host program and its workers).
Isn't this plugin inefficient?
Yes - running an entirely separate bundler on some of your source code is unavoidably a bit inefficient. If you're using named imports and have tree- shaking enabled, the duplicated code is minimal.
import {BlobWorker, spawn, Thread} from 'threads';
import WorkerText from './worker';
//Create a blob worker
const worker = await spawn(BlobWorker.fromText(WorkerText));
//Echo some text
console.log(await worker('Hello World!')); //Worker received: Hello World!
//Destroy the worker
await Thread.terminate(worker);
import {expose} from 'threads';
//Expose the worker
expose((input: string) =>
return `Worker received: ${input}`;
//Export (TypeScript only; replaced by bundled worker code)
export default '';
Rollup Config
import threads from 'rollup-plugin-threads';
export default {
//Point at the host program entry
input: 'src/index.js',
plugins: [
//Other host Rollup plugins here
//Exclude worker files
exclude: ['**/exclude-me/worker.js'],
//Include worker files
include: ['**/worker.js'],
//Enable verbose logging (Simply prints what the child-bundler is bundling)
verbose: true,
//Other thread Rollup options here (eg: plugins)