
0.1.2 • Public • Published


This Node JS Module handles connections to a MySQL database and provides some utility functions for queuing requests


npm install rsl_database --save


var database = require('rsl_database');

database.setConnection({ host:"localhost", //database host, default "localhost" user:"username", //database username, default "root" password:"password", //database password, default "" database:"database name", //database name, default "test" supportBigNumbers:true, //does the database support Big Numbers, default true max_attempts:3 //max number of connection attempts before Error propogation, default 3 });

database.connect(function(err){ if(err){ console.log(err.message); } else{ console.log("established connection to database"); } });

//database.query(query[,fillins]) //using fillins automatically checks the variables for possibly dangerous values such as HTML or JavaScript that has not been encoded for safe display

database.query("SELECT 1 + 1 As Sum") //returns [{Sum:2}];

database.query("SELECT * From users WHERE username = ?",["andrew"]) //returns array of user rows with username equal to andrew

database.query("SELECT * From users WHERE username = ? AND age = ?",["andrew","21"]) //returns array of user rows with username equal to andrew and age is 21

var queue = [];

//database.enqueueQuery(query[,fillins]) //this function returns a queueable object to mitigate callbacks

//queue.push(database.enqueueQuery(query[,fillins])); //pass the same values you would to directly query the database

queue.push(database.enqueueQuery("SELECT 1 + 1 As Sum"));

queue.push(database.enqueueQuery("SELECT 2 + 2 As Sum"));

queue.push(database.enqueueQuery("SELECT 4 + 4 As Sum"));

//once the queue is filled with the desired queries, we need to query the whole queue //database.queryQueue(queue,callback(err,results));

database.queryQueue(queue,function(err,results){ /* results = [ [ {Sum:2} ],[ {Sum:4} ],[ {Sum:8} ] ] */ }); //results is an array of arrays, each query in the queue pushed its rows array onto the end of the results array in order //the queryQueue function will callback with an Error if there was an error ANYWEHRE in the queue


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Release History

  • 0.1.0 Initial release


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